Cats and Birds PART 3!~Jason Todd/Red Hood

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Okay so serinair requested a part 3 so who am I to not grant my 1st requester their part 3?
Anyways let's begin
Jason's POV (bet you didn't expect that did ya?! Also it's 2 months since he proposed)
It was peaceful this morning.
The light in my eyes woke me up and I cracked them open.
I breathed in and out and shifted a little went I felt the arms around me tighten.
Looking down I saw (y/n) curled up into my chest.
I smiled at her.
It still felt like a dream the day I proposed.
Hell I thought I'd wake up someday somehow find out we never met.
But so far so good she's still here.
"Jay stop moving I wanna cuddle more before waking up at this ungodly hour."
Looking at the clock on the nightstand it read 1:03 pm.
"It's the afternoon babe."
"Exactly I have another hour or two to go."
(Legit me when it's a weekend.
"If it ain't 3 I'm not movin.")
I chuckled in response and looked down at her.
She look really innocent for being someone that lives in Gotham and I wouldn't be surprised if she was.
Especially the way she cuddling me like a 6' 1 teddy bear.
(Idk his real height so deal with it)
Actually come to think of it we never went past cuddles and I sound like a kid.
"If you wanted more than kisses I can do that Jay."
Looking down I realized I had spoken aloud.
Before I could open my mouth to talk a flash of movement forced me on my back, (Y/n) sitting on my stomach.
"I'm not the innocent girl you think I am."
3rd person POV
Leaning down you captured his lips in a kiss.
The kiss was passionate and grew more lustful and heated as you ran your tongue across his bottom lip gaining access easily.
His hands that rested at your waist began traveling up your shirt before reaching your braless breasts.
Massaging them you moaned into the kiss before pulling away to breath.
Taking this to his advantage he flipped positions trapping you underneath him as he practically ripped off your shirt.
Smirking as he basically soaked up the sight of you he leaned down and reconnected your lips in a hungry manner.
His hands made their way up to your breasts as they massaged them and pinched your sensitive buds in a loving manner.
It didn't take long for you to run out of air and he pulled away to breath.
Though almost as soon as he pulled away he dipped down to the side of your neck and began attacking it with kisses and nibbles making you shudder and moan lightly as he hunted for your sweet spot.
Before you could speak he nibbled one spot in particular than made you gasp and moan as your core became wet.
Smirking he bit down and sucked on it and pulled at the skin making a purple and black hickey shine out proudly on your neck.
Crying out as he continued to abuse that spot you reached down to his crouch and palmed his growing member making him groan.
Pulling away from your neck he panted as you rubbed him, making him harder by the second.
His hands removed themselves from your chest and to your shorts where he swiftly removed them to reveal (f/c) lace panties.
He looked at your flushed face with a grin.
Wanting to return the favor you sat up with him, as you sat up you brought down his sleeping shorts to reveal black boxer and a large bulge.
Your eyes widened slightly at this but non the less you removed the boxers letting her large member spring free.
You gulped and looked at him with slight worry as he brought you both down.
"W-will it fit?"
Voicing your concern, he leaned down and pecked your lips reassuringly.
"It'll be fine babe, don't worry."
Nodding your head he pulled off your panties and tossed them to wherever the other clothes went in the room.
Bringing your legs over his shoulders leaving your upper back on the bed still, you looked at him questioningly till you eyes widened in realization.
Licking up your entrance, you moaned loudly not expecting the sudden rush of pleasure.
He took not hesitation to suck in your clit as you moaned loudly and squirmed making him hold your thighs tighter as he continued to taste you. (LE CRINGE!!)
His actions were random as he darted his tongue inside of you and sucked your clit the actions were randomized and with out a rhythm making the knot in your stomach tighten and churn uncomfortably.
Adding fingers to the mix you cried out his name as your released.
Licking it up he lowered your body a little but continued to thrust in in out with his fingers. (Cringed so hard I laughed)
"J-Jay please~"
Your body was uncomfortably hot and you wanted him badly.
"Please what babe~?"
Through half lidded eyes you could see the smirk on his face.
Having no choice you spoke up your needs getting to you.
"Jay j-just fuck me already!"
He chuckled at this but removed his fingers none the less.
"Sure thing babe~"
Settling you down on the bed again he pushed in slowly but still made tears prick your eyes at the stretch.
Noticing tears he leaned down and kissed them away and whispered sweet nothings in your ear as he pushed in the rest of the way.
Breathing in and out slowly the pain did go away leaving you to feel immense pleasure from your core at the slightest movement.
"J-Jay, ah~ m-move~"
Smirking he kissed your forehead before pulling out almost all the way and slammed into you suddenly.
Crying out to the sudden pleasure you wrapped your legs around his waist giving him the message to move faster.
Obeying the the silent request he moved at a medium pace as he panted and grunted while you were a moaning mess underneath him.
Stopping only for a second to bring your legs over his shoulders you questioned him till he started thrusting at a deeper angle forcing louder moans from your throat.
Not long in this new position he hit a spot that made stars dance in your vision.
Smirking at your reaction he started thrusting faster hitting your g-spot repeatedly making your release almost automatic.
"J-Jay I'm g-gon-AH!"
Not being able to finish you tightened around him and released letting him speed up his thrusting in your overly sensitive core.
The knot quickly came back making you grip the sheets in your white knuckled fists.
"Jay I'm g-gonna cum!"
"M-me too!"
Speeding up to an inhuman pace you could feel him twitching inside you as he chased his own end.
The knot finally came undone making you nearly scream in pleasure as I triggered his own.
Panting heavily sweat clinging to both your bodies you panted as you looked into each others eyes lovingly before kissing him and sharing an,
"I love you." And "I love you too."
:::Timeskip: 2 months later:::
Shooting up from the bed you raced to the bathroom and puked yet again.
It's happened to many times in the past week to pass as a bad stomach cold or virus and it didn't help that your period has been late almost 2 months slowly towards the 3rd.
"You know I think we should go to the docs office sometime today."
Sitting next to you was your Vigilante husband.
And yes you were married just a month ago.
It was hilarious when you shared the cake and ended up smashing it in his face.
Caused a near massacre at the beach but was hilarious non the less when it happened.
As well as when Cassie or Wonder girl caught the flowers sitting next to a wide eyed and blushing profusely Tim.
Thank god Alfred got pictures.
Any ways back to reality.
Nodding you flushed the toilet and pushed him out as you freshen up with a lot of mouthwash and a good shower.
Walking out again and getting dressed you walked out to see Jason hanging up on the phone.
"Docs ready in an hour."
Smiling you mumbled a 'thank you' into his chest and gave him a peck on the cheek.
:::Timeskip to doctors office due to the author being lazy and her fear of needles. *shivers* demon medicine:::
Staring at the doctor in shock as she held up what you never dreamed of happening to you in your life of crime.
In the paper was a test that you never expected the receive in this manner.
"Congratulations your expecting!"
Looking down at the ground you saw your husband on the floor, on his back, faint.
"Well that went well."
The doctor nodded unable to say anything in case she burst out laughing.
:::Timeskip to mall shopping because of the blisters I get at all those walking malls trailing after my mother with hers and her friends bags (not kidding either):::
After he stopped fainting on you, you had successfully dragged your husband to the mall looking at the mix of pinks and blues as well as the occasionally batfam products you'd laugh at and buy.

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