Deaths Grip part 2~Red Hood/Jason Todd

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Continued on from the first part thank you Batboys_Lover1939 and I'm sorry it's so late! Enjoy please!

The arm he held went limp as I was swallowed in a darkness known as death
Red Hood/Jason's POV
I dropped the guys hand in shock.
He didn't care that I was going to kill him...he just wanted Joker dead.
"The hells the matter with him?"
Most people would beg for mercy.
He didn't care.
I let out a shallow sigh.
Damn though, he did pretty good against me, I'll give him that.
Turning my attention back to the dude my breathing hitched at the lack of movement. he dead?
Taking off a glove I reached into the hood and searched for a pulse.
The hood hid the guy that's for sure.
Who is he anyway?
Taking my hand away I brushed against something around the size of a coin.
Fastening my hand around it I pulled what ever it was off. The sound of a click made it to me ears as I brought it out of his hood and brought it to the light.
A black ribboned chocker, and the coin was...I don't what was.
I pressed a button on it the sound of a males voice met my ears.
Who is this guy?!
Looking at the ribbon I noticed how wide it was.
Last I checked, dudes don't have necks that skinny.
I froze and dropped the thing.
• Voice changer
•Ribbon size
Have I been fighting a woman.
My mind blanked till horror filled me.
They said kill the Joker...
Saying I was scared was an understatement.
There was only one girl I know that would hate the Joker that much after what he did to me.
I began to shake as I turned my attention to the hood.
Everything in my being hoped it wasn't who I thought.
But all of me knew who it was as I reached for the hood.

She's dead...

The face under the hood was pale.
The lack of blood evident in her face.
Even with a domino mask underneath I knew it was her.
I dropped the hood from my hand.
The hands that killed her...
I stepped back in fear.
The Gotham wind brushed by her still body.
(H/l) (H/c) hair flowed it the wind.
(E/c) eyes still open, looking at the cloudy night sky's of Gotham.
Eyes that used to have a spark of life, and adventure.
But now...
Everything was dull
What have I done...
She was still smiling...why was she still smiling?
Happy to meet me in death I guess?
Sound escape my ears, all I could hear was my heartbeat.
And the lack of another.
It's done...there's no going back now.
I pulled my glove back on and pressed the panic button on her belt, turned away from her wetness on my cheeks.
Not for me, but for her.
I glanced at her battered body, the only handiwork I wasn't proud of.
The only death I regretted.
"I'm sorry I never told you."
I turned back to the edge of the roof I stood on.
"How much I loved you..."
I jumped away from the scene.
Away from the cold body on the dented air vent.
Away from the blood I had spilt.
The Gotham lights blurred past me as I ran.
Why her?
Rage bubbled in my veins.
"Your personal escort to hell is comin' Joker. I'll guarantee it."
If not for me...for (Y/n).
::Timeskip, years in the future::
3rd person POV
Jason finally came back to the family.
Tim became the Red Robin.
And Damian Wayne was the new Robin.
And a new tombstone was added to the graveyard.
It took years to accept the lost of a sister to Dick.
Years for Bruce.
Tim and Damian still hadn't a clue.
And Alfred was still healing.
But Jason...
Jason's pain was still fresh...
The wound in his heart never healed and scared over...
It was still fresh like the night it happened...
The image of your body was still seared on his mind.
A flashback came to him as he sat in his bed, cleaning his guns had come to a pause as the memory rolled over him.
Jason watched through the cameras as Bruce had found your body.
The dent in the air vent held a pool of your blood as he held you bridal style.
His suit became bloody as he held you close.
His body shook as he held the body.
Sobs had racked his body as he walked to the bat mobile.
The vehicle charged away through the night.
Following it with the cameras Jason accessed the Batcaves cameras.
The sleek black vehicle raced into the cavern.
Dick Grayson was at the computer.
But upon hearing the arrival of the Batman he spun around instantly.
These eyes held hope, worry, and anxiety.
But when the the roof opened up and a shaking Bruce Wayne appeared.
All other emotion disappeared from Dicks eyes.
The crystal blue eyes that held innocence, happy, and sparks of hope.
It was drowned out by the tears brimming his eyes, and cascading down his cheeks.
He knew it was true...but he didn't want to believe it.
"N-no...Sh-she isn't...oh god no...not after Jason..."
Jason stiffened at the name as a lone tear slid down his cheek.
Still shaking Bruce reached in and pulled out a bloody, bruised, and pale figure.
The hood was off, the hair tangled and matted in clumps of blood.
Her head was back and limp her arm falling from her stomach to hanging in the air as a small drop of blood dropped off her hand to the platform below.
Dick kept mumbling no as Bruce walked to the Medbay.
He set the limp body on the white sheets and held to railing as his body shook.
You looked worse than Jason did when he brought you back to the cave.
The blank (e/c) eyes were closed.
The smile still there.
Dick had hobbled over to where Bruce was.
Everything pointed to you being dead and yet Dick still wanted proof.
And he didn't like the proof he got.
Off camera a metal crash and the shatter of China was heard.
"Oh dear...not again."
Running into the camera view, Alfred Pennyworth, came to the side of the bed.
The screen went black as Jason turned it off.
He couldn't bear to see the rest.
It broke his heart to realise it was his hand that had ended you.
Your blood was on your hands, as well as countless others.
He pulled out a picture in his pocket.
It was you and him when you first stepped into Wayne manner...before all this happened.
Before your life came to an end.
It was his fault.
\\\Flashback end///
He snapped out of this thoughts when a knock came to his door.
He mumbled a 'come in' not even thinking about it and Dick entered.
"Bruce needs us to go on patrol.
Marksman is back."
He nodded and followed Dick to the bat cave where the others were gearing up.
Marksman had become a problem to them not too long ago.
Never left a trace and the only trace or lead they ever got was a wild goose chase that ended up wasting their time.
Though Marksman was never the villains name.
When it means no trace, there was never anything spoken.
He never spoke meaning they could never trace any vocal patterns, their suit was custom, not even the fabric was generic it was custom too.
Weapons they left?
They only left unconscious or dead victims, and criminals.
The funny thing is he had only appeared after Damian came into the household.
But it infuriated them to no end none the less.
They briefing was held and they were, to all 5 of them go to the warehouse where they though the villain to be and find and apprehend him once and for all.
By sending him to Arkam much to Damian and Jason's disappointment.
:::at the warehouse:::
It was quiet as they stalked the warehouse.
Coming through all possible exits and entrances they entered further cutting all escape from happening.
They walked into the main part of the warehouse warily.
It was empty.
But what confused them was the figure in a trench coat, hood cast over Thor features was sitting in the middle of the room in what seemed like meditation.
They left themselves so open.
And yet this was Marksman, the villain they had so much trouble with.
He sat their unmoving, like a statue, head slightly down.
His head shot up suddenly scaring some of the boys.
"Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Timothy Drake, Damian Wayne...and Jason Todd. How nice of you to drop by..."
Came a male tone, from none other than the villain himself.
They stiffened, but came out of the shadows as the villain stood up.
Damian demanded the grip on his katana tightening was they all prepared their weapons.
It confused them as to how this villain could posses this information but was stopped when he threw his head back and let out a loud laugh.
"Oh I know so much more. More than you know about each other!"
He laughed again before looking straight ahead his voice dead serious.
"But how much do you know about me?"
A purple gas shot from little holes in the ground shooting up and attacking our noses before we could grab hold of oxygen masks.
We coughed as the chemicals reacted fast and my body began to slow down as I fought to stay awake.
"Don't fight."
I could practically hear the smirk on his face.
"For all shall be revealed..."
Then it was all black.
Jason POV
I was startled awake as when I heard the sound of a gun.
I felt no pain so I knew I hadn't been shot.
And I heard no scream of pain so either no one else was shot or they didn't show pain.
"You always were a deep sleeper."
I looked forwards to see Marksman standing in front of me as I realised I was restrained to a chair, my hands bound together with metal cuffs and my stuff was gone. I was in a big empty room. With only one light above us.
I growled at him.
"Who are you?"
Under the hood I could see the flash of green under the darkness of the hood.
"You really don't know? I thought you would be smarter than this Jay."
"Don't call me that."
" used to always let me call you that. You preferred it."
"So I knew you?"
I was getting answers finally.
He chuckled a little his shoulders shaking.
"No, you knew who I used to be."
He began to move, trailing around the chair slowly, letting the thud of his boots echo throughout the room.
"Well it seems my memories are all gummed up, want to give me a refresher."
My sass was all I could do to hide any panic, or underlying tone in my voice.
The steps stopped behind me and I felt hands on my shoulders that I tried to shrug off and his warm breath on my ear.
"Hello Jason..."
My breathing stopped and my struggling as well.
The male voice was gone and replaced with a more feminine one.
The tone was the same, a little raspy but I knew this voice from anywhere.
My mouth went dry as I swallowed hard and tried to keep myself from sobbing out right there.
I felt her fiddle with the restraint and they came off.
I rubbed my wrist as she walked in front of me and stood there.
Her hand pulled the hood back but my eyes widened at what I saw.
A scar made it to her right eyebrow and down over her cheek and over both lips.
Her original (h/l) (h/c) hair had a large streak of white that was pulled over her ear with a few strands hanging down from its roots to the front of her forehead.
But what shocked me most.
Were the Lazarists pit green eyes that seemed to glow in the dim lighting.
I was shaking as I stood up.
I didn't care that I was showing weakness.
I needed to know she was real and not some dream from that weird purple gas.
A shaky hand made it to her cheek and cupped it.
She flinched slightly before taking her own and holding my own.
Her fingers were cold against my skin, and I had to suppress a shiver.
"What jay?"
I stopped shaking and just stood.
I stared at her.
She wasn't an illusion.
She was here, she was real.
"Jay just talk. Yell at me say something."
He voice cracked and I could see tears brimming her eyes.
She was crying and all I could do was look at her.
"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have come..."
She moved away and I reacted quickly.
I don't know what got in me but it told me what to do.
And I obeyed.
She was frozen in my arms, her hands on my chest, and our lips locked.
She was shocked before returning it.
Emotions were poured into this.
We both opened our flood gates letting bottled up emotions free.
It felt like it came to an end all too quickly.
But we separated and she buried herself in my chest.
She sobbed as I gently lowered us to the floor.
I had tears in my cheeks, and blurring my vision.
"I'm sorry Jay."
I shook my head and brought her closer.
"It was my fault, I k-killed you...I'm the one to blame..."
I buried my head in her neck as she did the same.
I mumbled into her skin.
"You don't know how many time it cried myself to sleep at the manor. How I realised it was my fault that you died on that rooftop. That I was the reason for it all? God I just wanted to undo everything. To get a second change."
A small laugh came from her.
"Then I want to start this second change out, by saying something."
I pulled away and looked at her.
"I love you, Jason Todd..."
I smiled and pulled her in for another kiss.
"I love you, (Y/n) (L/n)..."
It was sort but passionate.
A door opened in the room and we pulled away to see the dumbfounded faces of the rest of the family.
There wasn't a dry eye within the manor that night.
And Jason and (Y/n) now joked about even deaths grip couldn't seperate them.
So sorry it was late Batboys_Lover1939 but hoped you all enjoyed so please vote and comment if you'd like!!

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