The Glow Up ~ Dick Grayson x Insecure Reader

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Insecure. A harsh word but the right one in this situation.

Since you could remember you were as flat and curve-less as a cardboard box.

Which was fine as a bouncy happy 5 year old tot.

But at seventeen shit wasn't cutting it.

All around you, you watched as Girls left middle school happy and bubbly friends.

And then something happens as they go to high school.

They get snarky, and prideful. Selecting their pack and posse by a rule.

And curves came with the package.

Your friend group turned on you as they developed into the prom queen material models magazines wanted.

And here you were, the equivalent to a carpenters level.

A machined straight end.

A goddamn-! *Sigh* You get it...

But at least you had Dick.

Not in that way of course....          (Not yet...)

Somehow through the changes of middle school to high school. Richard Grayson stayed with you despite the sudden changes that teens underwent in going to high school.

He was loyal and always by your side when you needed him.

However he felt a lot farther away now that he'd graduated and you were left to fend for yourself.

See, in making the posses that are the school well knowns...

It means the leaders of the snarky, higher ups has to pick on someone to keep their power and image. Meaning some unfortunate soul ended up at the mercy and wrath of a group all in a show of power.

Amelia Wisely seemed to have you as number one on her shit list.

Funny seeing as you'd in fact helped her through Middle school when she got bullied about her braces.

And here she was, teasing you about your lack of curves or porn star image.

"What even are you? An A? Or trainer?"

Her remark was followed by giggles from her group.
Girls with more make up then brains but somehow managed to calculate how to get an ass and a bust to balance so they didn't fall over from the sheer size.

You didn't understand why she had to taunt you. You never changed like this coming to high school.

Then again you didn't change physically either.

You opted to looking away and opening your book to calm your nerves as you were slowly losing the stone face facade.

Last thing you needed was some tears now of all times, and here of all places.

Here being the courtyard of Gotham High as you waited for your ride.

Amelia continued to tease you and as a finishing move she dropped her trump card on you, which came in the form of her giving you a call card.

"Call them. Maybe they can get you a decent sized rack."

It was a plastic surgeon.

She had the audacity.

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