Sacrifice ~ Damian Wayne/Robin

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Readers POV

"You could have been seriously hurt."

"That was reckless. You could have been killed"

"You need to stop worrying about us and more for yourself"

These were words I heard on a daily basis as I got patched and stitched up from head to toes.

I'm Nightingale, one of the bats.

The most selfless at that.

And I was currently being lectured about how I should or shouldn't have done something on patrol while Alfred or Agent A as we called him patched me up.

In all honestly these words came to deaf ears as I continued to put my life on the line for my family.

Truth is I'd taken more bullets and injuries than all these guys combined and half them weren't aimed for me.

For Jason, Dick, Tim, Bruce. For anyone in my family. I'd do anything to keep them from harm.

And especially Damian.

Like most of the bats I wasn't exactly blood related to the Wayne family.

Even so I loved my brothers like a caring sibling. However I saw Damian much differently.

I saw him as the first love of my life.

But, he may be even worse when it comes to reacting to my sacrifices.

Foolish, Idiotic, Stubborn, an Imbecile.

All those names and many more are what I've been called by him.

And it hasn't gone unnoticed by the others but they believe a death wish is waiting for them should that argue with him. A few warnings and a scold her a there is what they say to him and not much more.

But even so... I risk myself for them day and night because I don't want to see them hurt, emotionally, and especially physically.

"There you are Ms. (l/n). Take it easy now lest you want the stitches pulled from taking that bullet for Master Bruce."

Looking at my right shoulder and side I saw the familiar white wrappings with the red stain that have always littered my body from time to time.

Nodding to Alfred I slid off the table to go to my room. Bruce had finished his lecture halfway through my time in the medbay so I was free to go with the promise that I'd be resting in bed for the night.

Walking over to the elevator I had removed what parts of my suit I hadn't pulled off yet and set them in the cave hamper leaving me only in my sports bra and shorts.

It didn't bother me, showing my scars and all. But it got some pitying looks or faces of guilt from my family.

I only told them it was fine and comforted them should they begin getting too emotional.

Stepping out of the grandfather clock I was met with a hug from non other than Dick as he buried his face in my left shoulder avoiding my right that was bandaged.

"(Y/n) why did you do it? You could have been hurt worse than usual tonight."

I let out a breath and started signing to him.

Yes, I'm mute. But not like I don't have the ability to talk but rather I don't enjoy it entirely. I save my voice for what I believe matters.

~Dick you know why~

Dick was the only one I trusted to know the inner meaning of why I do this and thankfully after I long discussion he swore never to tell.

He's also the only one besides Bruce to hear my voice.

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