Those arent normal flowers part 2~Damian Wayne /Robin

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"Come on Damian."
Your POV
I rode faster as his condition seemed to worsen.
He was getting warmer, and sweat seemed to be coming down his face considerably fast.
"Damian you had better stay alive!"
Racing faster I felt worried for him.
She was testing the stuff without a certainty that it wouldn't kill someone and right now I was worried he was going to fall off the bik-LIKE HE IS RIGHT NOW!!!
As his arms slipped off my shoulder my body worked on instinct and grabbed his forearm with my teeth.
But what happened next nearly made me let go.
He moaned.
Pulling him forwards I pinned his arm to my shoulder with my head.
"Please say that was from the pain."
Theories of what that plants side effects could be were still running through my mind.
And some of them weren't exactly PG-13.
Racing faster I came to the tunnel and zipped through.
Skidding to a stop in the basement of the penthouse I hauled him to a wine rack in the wall.
The basement was a wine cellar that was really a batcave set up in disguise.
Grabbing a blue bottle I pulled it out till the arm behind it caught and machinery behind it clicked as the rack slid down to the cave and my bike being put away from the hidden panel on the floor.
Dragging him to the decontamination bath the lights turned on.
Turning it on I stepped inside with him slung over my shoulder as the process continued.
The red light on the ceiling turned green and a door opened from the other side where we hadn't come in from.
Dragging him through the door I got to the elevators hidden panel and punched in the code for my room.
Shooting up were made it there in record time.
But the mumbles in Arabic in my ear made me look at him.
Sweat was on his forehead and he was getting warmer.
But it seemed as if he were dreaming.
"He must be getting worse."
The doors opened and I dragged him faster till I made it to my room.
The lights were off letting the Gotham lights into the windows.
Flinching away from the lights Damian groaned uncomfortably.
Rushing him to my bed I laid him down and went to the wall with the light switch and the window controls and tinted the windows darker till the lights were barely seen.
Looking back he seemed to relax slightly.
Sighing I shed off my costume into a sports bra and shorts.
Opening my night stand drawer I pulled out my phone and called Bruce as I put my uniform in its concealed glass case.

*ring *ring *ri- Who is this?
Bruce it's me, (y/n).
What going on?
Encounter with Ivy. I couldn't get him home tonight so he's staying the night just so you know.
What happend?
*yawn I'll text or call tomorrow but I'll notify you immediately if something comes up. Too tired.
*sigh alright

The line went dead and I hung up as well.
Rubbing my eyes I just realized how much energy I used during the fight.
Mostly to get Damian to safety.
"I hope Damian's going to be fine."
I stiffen as arms wrapped around my waist and someone's hot breath was on my neck.
"Why wouldn't I be~"
Damian's POV
I groaned as I opened my eyes.
The white ceiling of the room I was in weren't enough to distract my thoughts.
What was that dream? And where am I?
Clips and pieces flipped past my mind.
Blushing I tried shaking out the images.
All of them where of (y/n). Mostly underneath me (if you know what I mean)
Sitting up I tried to make sense of where I was.
Bad idea.
I saw her on the phone though I wasn't listening to who was talking on the other end all I could think about was her.
Standing up I walked over to her, her back still turned away from me.
"I hope Damian's going to be fine."
Smirking I wrapped my arms around her waist my face on her neck as the coolness of her skin and body made me want her even more.
"Why wouldn't I be~"
Her stiffened body gave me an advantage as I loosened my grip and allowing me a view of her neck.
I smiled before opening my mouth and licking upwards causing her to make a sound that made my uniform bottoms (idk how to describe his pants so they will be bottoms) seem tight.
A moan.
3rd person POV
You froze and dropped the phone in your hands as you moaned.
You could practically feel the smile on his face.
"What is it (l/n) got your tongue~?"
Turning around in his arms you looked up at him.
His mask was still on but you could tell he had lust in his eyes.
Before you could observe more lips crashed into yours making up squeak.
Though you'd never admit it Damian was the one man in Gotham you could settle with so being here nudged you over the edge as you kissed back.
Smirking into the kiss his hand found your ass and squeezed it hard.
Gasping you opened your mouth allowing him to shoot his tongue in.
Fighting for a little bit he eventually won and began to explore his new found territory, causing you to moan whenever his tongue brushed yours.
Pulling away you gasped for air as he did as well.
As you caught your breath you removed his mask and you his beautiful green eyes filled with want.
Knowing he'd made you do it anyway you jumped up as he caught you and wrapped your legs around his waist.
Your froze as you felt the bulge against your womanhood as well as the groan from him.
Walking over the the bed he laid you down under him keeping away all escape.
Swiftly he removed his top (idk how to describe his top portion of his suit so it's a top for now) as well as your bra.
Staring at your chest you blushed as you moved to cover yourself but failed as he grabbed both wrist in his two hands, keeping them at the sides of your head.
"Don't cover your self, your too beautiful~"
Blushing even more you looked away.
But upon feeling kisses going up your neck you moaned.
As he looked for your sweet spot he pinned both of your hands above your head with one of his as he grabbed your right breast.
Gasping and moaning at the newfound pleasure you failed to notice the bulge getting bigger.
As he played with your breast he found your sweet spot making you moan loudly.
Smirking he abused that spot giving it bites, and sucking on it.
His hand moved away from your breast and towards your womanhood.
Rubbing you through your shorts you moaned louder.
Pulling away from your neck he rubbed harder.
You squirmed and panted at this and moaned loudly as he rubbed your clit through your shorts making your core wet.
Getting closer to your release he pulled away making you whine at the loss of friction.
Opening your eyes you looked at him as he removed his and your remaining clothing throwing it to where ever the rest went.
He chuckled as you flushed a deep red as he kept a pink dust on his cheeks.
Pecking you on the lips before pulling away, you squeaked when he trailed kisses down your stomach to your wet core.
You gasped as he lick and sucked your clit before he continuing on making you moan and squirm as he acted like a starved animal.
"D-Da-Damian!! Ah~ T-too much~! I'm g-gonna-!"
Before you could finish you released moaning loudly as he licked it up.
Sitting up he looked at your flushed and panting body with a smirk.
"You taste delicious (l/n)~"
He crawled over you his eyes filled with want and lust.
"I'm going to enjoy this~"
You went rigid as you felt his member against your entrance.
Not daring to look down you you grabbed his shoulders and never dared break eye contact as he forcefully pushed into you without warning.
Nearly screaming you squeezed your eyes shut and prayed in thankfulness to whatever deity was up there that he didn't continue and let you adjust.
Panting and shaking slightly you peeled your eyes open as he looked down at you with half lidded eyes.
From the look on his face it seemed he was struggling to hold back, and truly he was.
Panting the pain dulled and you nodded making him smile before pulling out and slamming back in.
A small scream and moan came from you as he reappeared this before you leaned up to his ear.
"D-Damian~ ah! H-harder!"
Obeying his thrusts quickened significantly  making your fall back and ark your back up to him as moans, pants, and screams of his name filled the room as you continued to fuck you like an animal in heat.
His head was buried in your neck as he lick and sucked on your neck leaving hickeys.
The sound of moans and pants as well as the occasional name filled the room drowning out the sounds of skin slapping skin and other lewd noises.
Pulling away from your neck he went down your breasts and latched onto one of the buds sucking on it and biting it lightly as a hand traveled down to your clit and rubbed it making you head filled back as you moaned louder.
The knot in your stomach continued to tighten making it hurt and feel uncomfortable.
"D-Damian! I-I'm g-gonna cum~!"
Pulling away from your breast he caught his breath and spoke to you between grunts and pants.
"G-god (L/n) your so d-damn tight! I'm going to cum soon."
Locking eyes with him you could see the lust in his eyes
Pulling his hand away from your clit he swiftly brought your legs over his shoulders giving him a deeper angle making him hit a spot that made stars dance across your vision.
He chuckled at your reaction and hit that spot contstantly making you legs jolt as well as the rest of your body as you clamped down on his member and released.
Your eyes widened in shock as he got faster, the in human pace making you moan and squirm as you became too sensitive.
"God (L/n) you feel so good~ Do that again with me!"
The knot returned as you felt his pace quicken and become less even and sloppier telling you he was getting close to his end.
"D-Dami I-I'm gonna ah~ cum again~"
"As am I (L-L/n)~"
He captured your lips again as he slammed into you a final time filling you with his cum and triggering your end as well.
Moaning into the kiss you pulled away as he pulled out of you.
Taking your legs off his shoulders he hovered over you still panting and smiling.
"It seems you *pant* couldn't stay away from me *pant* Damian."
"Neither *pant* you (L/n)."
Kissing his lips again his hands trailed up your body again.
Pulling away you smirked at him.

"Round 2?"

Finally done wish I had finished this sooner but life got in the way.
Vote and comment if you liked it.

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