Engagement Ring (4)

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(Chris and Karrueche & Keri pictured above)

*Ding dong*

Dinah was greeted by Y/N's younger sister, Keri. She hasn't seen her in a while so it's definitely a surprise to see her tonight.

"Hey Dinah!", she said squeezing Dinah into a hug.

Dinah gladly obliged and gave a huge attention smile to Keri. Keri moved to the side letting Dinah in as they walked towards where the others most likely were.

"I missed you so much!! When did you get back?", Dinah asked her.

"Last night I came to surprise the family but I'm officially here for good"

"Yay!", Dinah clapped happily.

Keri had been gone for almost 2 years now. She was a Financial Management Technician in the Army so that's why she wasn't home for that long. She's 22 years old, the youngest in the family and definitely the spoilest. When Dinah walked into the dining room where everyone was seated, she was greeted by Y/N's family members.

"Ayeee Dinah we missed you!", Y/N's mom said handing Dinah a wine glass which Dinah gracefully took.

Dinah chuckled because Y/N's mom was obviously tipsy and when she's tipsy it's the cutest thing ever.

"Hey DMac", Chris said waving to her.

"Hi CB"

"Hey Dinah", Karrueche said giving Dinah a hug and a smile.

Dinah returned the hug and smile and then took the empty seat next to her wife. Y/N gave her wife a quick peck on the lips gaining cute smiles from Y/N's family members.

"You two are still going strong I see", Keri said smiling.

"Yes we are", Y/N blushed.

"You two should really tell Chris to take lessons", Karrueche said nudging Chris.

They all chuckled at Karrueche. Little did she know that Chris was about to go and propose tonight.

"Haha very funny baby but I don't need lessons"

"Whatever you say", Karrueche said mentally rolling her eyes.

Everyone laughed at them and continued on with a different conversation while Dinah began to speak to her wife.

"Where are the boys?", Dinah asked.

"They're upstairs playing in my old room"

For a few hours, the Y/L/N family talked amongst each other especially catching up with Keri to see how her time in the army went. She said it was mostly good but she talked about how she definitely missed her family.

"Excuse me, everyone, I would like to make a toast", Chris said tapping his glass.

Everyone stopped in their tracks and returned their attention to him.

"As you guys know Karrueche and I have been dating for quite some time now and I can honestly say she is the woman of my dreams", he continued.

Chris got up and kneeled on one knee pulling out what looked like a 6 karat ring. Karrueche began to tear up a bit literally shaking in her seat.

"Karrueche Tientrese Tran will you marry me?", Chris asked smiling.

"Yessss", she squealed.

Everyone clapped toasting their wine glasses together congratulating the happy couple. While Dinah was preoccupied with Karrueche and her rock, she decided to walk around the house with her sister, Keri.

"So what are your plans for tonight?", I asked her.

"Probably going out to the club and getting dip shit drunk to when I wake up I won't remember the name of the guy or girl that I slept with"

I laughed at my sister but what can I expect. She's 22 years old with no kids and barely any  responsibilities, I don't blame her.

"Have fun doing that but after you're done I was kind of hoping that you'd come and work at the company with Chris and I", I suggested.

"I don't know Y/N. You know how I feel about family working under the same roof"

"I know but I missed you and we need a Financial Manager so I figured why not hire someone I trust?", I explained.

"Okay let me find myself a place first and I'll consider it"

"Don't worry you're my baby sister I got that covered. There's some keys in your old room and an address to the condo. I promise you you'll love it", I assured her.

"Really?!", she squealed giving me a big hug.

"Of course", I said smiling.

I will always do anything for my family especially my siblings. We've been through so much together in this family and I honestly don't know what I'd do without them.

"So will you take the job?", I asked her.

"Definitely", she said pulling away from the hug.

We headed back inside with Jax and Jaid running towards Keri and I. Jax wrapped one of his arms around his Aunt Keri and used his other hand to play his Nintendo.

"Mama Jax won't let me use his Nintendo", Jaid said complaining to me.

"Jaid where's yours?", I asked him.

"Yeah Jaid where is yours?", Jax said teasing him.

"I can't find it", he said lowly.

"Okay then that's not my problem next time don't lose your things", I said walking away hearing a low sigh from Jaid.

When I walked back into the dining room with Keri and the boys following behind me, everyone was still talking about the engagement. My eyes immediately fixated on Dinah. Damn did she look irresistible.

"Stop before you soak the floor with your drool", Keri said teasing me.

"Oh shut up"

I walked over to my wife and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Excuse me but can I steal my wife for a quick second?", I said pulling Dinah before they could respond.

I carried Dinah into the kitchen and sat her on the counter leaving her thighs wrapped around my waist.

"Babe what are you doing?", she said smirking.

"I want to take you home and do everything to you and by everything I mean everything", I said kissing her on the neck.

"Mmm you want to leave now?", she asked me.

"Mhm", I said smiling.

"Okay I'll go grab my things", Dinah said before pecking my lips and jumping off of the counter.

I smirked as she walked off because I cannot wait to do everything to her.

A/N: Smut next chapter Also thanks for reading guys, I'm gonna continue updating this book, I like it.

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