Torn (48)

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A/N: There's one more chapter after this guys! The next chapter is going to be the last chapter for this book and then there's going to be a sequel announcement so keep a lookout.

Dinah POV
I barely let Y/N speak up before I started throwing shit at her. At this point, I picked up anything that was in my sight. Glass objects, pillows and my purse. I didn't hear much of what Y/N was trying to say.

"Dinah please just let me explain!", she pleaded.

"Explain how you cheated on me?", I asked. "Okay fine explain"

I stood there and listened to all the bullshit excuses that Y/N was throwing at me but I couldn't really seem to understand why the hell she did what she did. She didn't go into explicit detail about what happened between them two probably to spare my feelings but it didn't matter because my feelings were already shattered. My hands were shaking like crazy and I honestly didn't know what to feel except so much anger. Out of instinct, I raised my hand and slapped Y/N hard across the face a few times. She just stood there and took the blows but eventually, she grabbed my hand and held it gently I'm guessing to calm me down.

"Don't fucking touch me", I said pulling my hand away.

"I'm sorry DJ"

"How the hell could you cheat on me?", I yelled. "After all the shit that we've been through and you're gonna do this shit to me?"

"I know I really fucked up Dinah but it was a stupid mistake", she said walking closer to me.

"Why did you even cheat?", I asked. "We could've dealt with our problems together but instead you wanted to fuck somebody else instead of talking to me"

"Baby I——"

"Shut up", I scoffed. "Did you or did you not remember that we just had a baby while you were laid up with another bitch?", I asked.

Y/N just stood there staring at me with this blank look on her face. I swear I just wanted to choke the shit outta her. We separated mainly because of this bitch and now she comes back telling me she slept with her. Like how could she be so damn stupid?

"So how many times did you have sex with her?", I asked.

"Last night was the only night I swear"

"I don't even know if I believe you", I said honestly.

"Baby I'm telling you the truth"

"Whatever Y/N", I said with my voice cracking a bit. "Do you love me?", I asked.

"What? Of course, I do"

A lot of different emotions were running through my body about how to really feel. Tears began to form in my eyes and that's when I started to walk towards the front door of her place.

"Where you going?", she said pulling my arm.

"Let go of me!", I said quickly pulling away.

I honestly don't know where I'm going but I do know that I just need to get the hell out of here. I refuse to let Y/N see me shed tears over this. She doesn't get the satisfaction to see that I'm really hurt over this shit. At this point, I don't think I could ever trust her again. I slammed the front door behind her and immediately ran over to the elevator before getting to the ground floor. When I got to the parking lot I quickly jumped in my car and balled my eyes out with tears. My nipples began to leak breast milk from all the feelings that I felt. I've never really felt this bad before in my entire life and I hate that my wife out of all people made me feel this way.

"Dinah?", I heard Y/N's voice say outside of my car window.

I guess she was following behind me the entire time and I didn't realize. I sighed and reached over to lock the car door but before I could Y/N opened the door and took a seat on the passenger side.

"Can you please just get out?", I begged.

"I'm not leaving until you talk to me"

"I don't have anything to say to you", I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Well can you just listen to me then?"

"No thanks", I said trying my best to push her away.

I gave it my all and tried to fight and yell at Y/N to get out of the car but she just wouldn't budge. She just sat there waiting for me to calm down. After a few minutes of complete silence, Y/N grabbed my hand, held it in hers and turned my chin so that I could face her.

"Babe I'm really sorry about everything that I did. At the time I wasn't really thinking about how anybody but myself but I swear when I saw you at my door this morning my heart just sank into a million pieces and I honestly completely regret everything that I did. It only happened one time", she spoke up.

"Why did you even do it?"

"I was just still upset about what you told me and I stupidly let everything get the best of me"

"I don't know what to think anymore"

"Please just don't leave me okay? Give me another chance and I swear I'll do right by you. By us. I just don't want to lose you Dinah and I know I should have thought about that before I did what I did and I'm sorry"

"Y/N I don't know if I could ever trust you again", I said honestly.

"I know and I'm willing to do whatever to gain your trust"

"If I forgive you and that's a big IF I need to know that I can rely on you to be faithful because I wouldn't be able to handle this again", I said honestly.

"I promise I'll never do that again"

I could tell that everything that she was saying was sincere but after today I don't think things could ever go back to how they were. That's something that we would both have to work on. All I know is I'm going to need some time to myself to figure out what I really want right now because I'm torn between what I should do.

"I'm going home to think", I spoke up. "Please don't call or text me unless it has to do with our kids okay?"

"Okay, I won't. I'll give you some time to think", Y/N said sadly.

I watched as she grabbed the door handle and walked out of the car. My heart was still beating out of my chest but not as much as it was earlier. I felt this huge burden on my shoulder thinking about all the years that we put into our relationship. I put my car in drive and sped off to my place. I pulled into the garage and looked myself in the rearview mirror to make sure that I didn't look like I was crying but there was no use. I needed to wipe my face in warm water to get the tear stains out of my eyes. When I walked in, I was immediately greeted by Y/N's sister Keri. I asked her to watch the kids for me this morning so that I could talk to Y/N.

"Hey, Dinah I just put Jai down for the morning but--", she spoke up before looking at me. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?", she asked me.

"Not really"

"What the hell did my sister do?"

"I really don't want to talk about it", I said honestly.

"You sure?", she asked.

"I'm positive. I just want to go to my bed for a few hours and not talk to anybody"

"Uh okay well I can stay here and help you watch the kids"

"Thanks, Keri you're sweet"

I threw my purse on the kitchen counter and walked over to the refrigerator. I grabbed the tub of ice cream in the freezer and a spoon out of the drawer and walked upstairs shoving spoons of ice cream in my mouth. At this moment, I don't think I hate anything more than the fact that I'm completely in love with my wife.

She doesn't deserve it.


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