I Don't Lie Pt. 2 (23)

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"Um are you not done with most of your work yet? I thought you'd be finished by now", she whined.

"Yes but I had a few delays"

"Like what? Taking the boys to school?"

"Yeah and I kind of took Lani out for some coffee after", I whispered hoping she wouldn't hear me.

"Excuse me?", she questioned.

"Wait now babe before you say anything I just want you to know that it was completely harmless coffee", I said honestly.

"If it was so harmless why didn't you tell me about it before?"

"Because it wasn't pre planned. She was dropping off her niece and we ran into each other"

"Isn't that a fucking coincidence?", she said rolling her eyes and pulling away from me.

"Baby look at me", I said grabbing her hand so that she would turn and face me.

"Don't put your fucking hands on me okay?", Dinah said trying to pull her hands a way from me.

I grinded my teeth together trying my hardest not to get upset at work. I looked at her struggling to release her hand from mine and I regretfully let go.

"Fine but let me get this straight. You're mad at me because I went to go have coffee with a friend?", I said calmly.

"No, it's because you went to have coffee with someone you obviously have feelings for"

"First of all, I don't have feelings for Lani"

"So what is it then? You want to sleep with her?"

"I can't have a female friend who I'm genuinely cool with?"

"You didn't answer my question", Dinah said blatantly.

I sighed and gave Dinah a look, "Sweetheart, what was your question?", I said totally over this conversation.

"Okay I'm not going to stand here and argue with you anymore", Dinah said gathering her things.

"Okay, okay baby I'm sorry", I sighed. "I'm don't want to start a fight DJ so just look at me I won't lie to you baby"

"Do you want to sleep with her?", she asked me.

"You're the only woman I that ever want to make love to so no I don't want to sleep with her."

"And you don't have feelings for her either?", she questioned.

Dinah sighed and gave me a look. I honestly couldn't tell what she was thinking but it still seemed like she wasn't that happy that Lani and I had coffee. I didn't want to lie to her but I also didn't want to get her more upset than she obviously already was.

"Of course not", I said kind of unsure.

"I don't believe you and I just don't think I can deal with this bullshit right now", Dinah said getting frustrated with me.

"C'mon Dinah what's your problem?!", I said starting to get upset over this conversation.

"The fact that you don't see anything wrong with what you did is exactly my point!", she yelled.

"Alright, alright I understand what I did wrong and I'm really sorry", I said trying to calm her down.

"Y/N let's just talk about this later tonight because I'm over it right now plus we're going to be late for our appointment", she said looking at the time.

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