Chapter 1 - Snow Is Falling

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I sit on my knees, staring out at the frosty world outside. Delicate flakes of snow fall from the sky outside, and I watch them in amazement; Besides atop Mt. Lanakila, this is the first time I've ever seen snow in the Alola Region. Though it is December now, I suppose - it's Christmas Eve, in fact.

"Isn't it beautiful? I've never seen it snow in Alola before... It's almost like a dream," Lillie whispers. She's sat behind me on the sofa, reading a book - probably about Alolan history. I smile, taking my gaze off of the snow outside, and walking over to Lillie. I sit down next to her.

"It is beautiful. Maybe this is a dream," I laugh, looking into her entrancing green eyes. "One that I really don't want to wake up from," I add, snuggling lightly into her side.

"Awww! I couldn't agree more," She giggles. Suddenly, Cosmog... or 'Nebby Jr' as Lillie named him, floats over to us and positions itself into Lillie's lap. Just behind Nebby Jr comes Feathers, who sits down next to me.

"I guess all this snow is confusing for Feathers. He hasn't seen it before, besides up on Mount Lanakila," I mention.

"That's true, and Nebby Jr came from a world where snow doesn't even exist," Lillie chuckles.

"Well, at any rate, they both seem to love it," I sigh joyfully, watching Feathers as he stares out of the window. Behind us, mom places down a dish on the side.

"Goodness, it's getting quite late! Is there anything you two would like for dinner tonight in particular? It is Christmas Eve, after all!" Mom exclaims. I look to Lillie for suggestions first, and she looks back at me for suggestions. I laugh.

"Not really, thank you though. Whatever you'd like, mom."

"Alright then, how about... Lasagne?" Mom suggests.

"Sounds good to me, what about you, Lil?"

"Sounds awesome, thank you!"


Shortly later after dinner, I'm sat with Lillie in my arms, as we stare out at the snow which is falling dramatically in the sunset.

"Still awake, Lil?" I ask, shaking her gently.

"Mm, yeah... Only just. Is everything ok?" She replies, the drowsiness in her eyes blatant. I smile, resting my head against the sofa.

"Yeah. Do you want to go to bed yet?" I ask gently. I check my watch, which shows 9:14.

"I think so. Playing around in the snow all day made me more tired than I thought it would," she giggles.

"Alright then. I'll go have a shower first, won't be long." I whisper, before heading to the bathroom.


I've never seen it this cold in Alola before, so I definitely needed that hot shower. It's even fairly cold in the house, Alolan homes aren't exactly built with top-tier heaters because we're usually sat in the blazing hot sunshine. I finish drying my hair with a towel, before getting dressed into my pajamas which I brought into the bathroom with me.

After saying goodnight to mom, (who for some reason is standing at the balcony outside despite the cold), I quietly enter me and Lillie's room, closing the door behind me. Lillie sits up in bed as I enter, smiling sleepily. I climb into bed beside her pulling the covers over us both and snuggling into her for warmth. She giggles, and nuzzles into my side in response.

"So... Christmas day tomorrow, huh? Anything you want to do?" I whisper.

"Hmm... Well, one thing I really want to do is see mother and Gladion. Other than that... Well, I'd be happy to do whatever you want, Sun!" She smiles.

"We'll find something to do, and it'll be really fun, I promise."

"Ooh, I can't wait! Well, sleep well, Sun. I love you," she whispers, her eyes sparkling in a way that I can't describe. She leans her head closer to mine, and I respond by holding her gently, and embracing her in a long, exotic kiss.

"I love you too, Lillie. Sleep well."

Holding eachother for warmth, we soon fall asleep, snow continuing to fall all over the Alola region through the night.

~ Wanderer

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