Chapter 9: Poor Rebecka

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Revised: 11/11/18

Another new POV! I'm excited...

Words: 1130

~Niall's POV~

I can't believe that I just admitted to Liam that I was crushing on Rebecka. I watch her while she's dancing with Harry. Her long, dark hair falls on her back, her blue eyes light up the room, she smiled, and her pearly whites lit up the room even more...

"Niall!" Liam called.

"What?" I ask.

"The songs over, and it'll be obvious that you like her if you keep drooling like that," he reasoned.

The song ended, and Louis, Zayn, Harry, and Becky sat down.


"Well, now that you decided on your song, I'm going to go practice my guitar," Becky said as she walked out of the room. She shut the door behind her.

"Well, who wants a solo in the song?" Liam asked.

"I think everyone should have at least one solo," Harry said.

"Or a soli," Louis joked.

"Louis, if everyone had a soli, no one would have a solo," Liam said with a laugh.

"What's the difference?" Harry asked stupidly.

"A solo is just one person, while a soli is the whole group," I explain. "For example, in choir, when tenors sing all alone, it's a soli, but when one person sings along, it's a solo."

"Oh, that makes sense," Harry said.


~Rebecka's POV~

I was in my room. I wasn't really going to practice my guitar. I was just looking for an excuse to keave the room. To be honest with myself, I'm jealous of the boys. Of Louis. They have their own band, while I have to go solo. I lock myself in my room and start sobbing softly into my pillow. Louis has four new amazingly funny friends, while I only had Kim, who was an hour away most of the time. I hear a knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I say.

"Becky, it's me, Harry," I heard the voice say.

"Louis sent you, didn't he?" I ask.

"Actually, to your surprise, no," Harry said. "I noticed you weren't practicing your guitar, so I decided to see what you were up to."

I unlock the door to let him in. I sat on the edge of my bed, and Harry sat beside ne, shutting the door behind him. He must have known I was crying.

"Hey, Beck, what's the matter?" He asked as he put an arm around my shoulder.

I felt like I had just gained a new best friend who cares about me, just like Kim did before I left for X Factor.

"Nothing," I lie.

"Becky, I know something's up," Harry said. "You don't have to lie."

His voice was amazingly soothing. I lean my head on his shoulder, with fresh tears running down my cheeks.

"I just want to have four amazingly good friends, like you and Louis do. All I have is Kim, and I haven't seen her all summer yet. Usually, we hang out at least once a week," I confessed.

"Wow, that's--" Harry was searching for the right word. "Sad, I guess."

I lifted my head glared at him.

"Sorry, I can't find the right word right now," he said.

I lean against his shoulder again, and Louis and the rest of the band opened the door.

"Becky, me and the band ran into an argue--," Louis started loudly. "Oh, Becky! Sorry, did I inturrupt?"

Louis eyed me and Harry. Niall, Zayn, and Liam left, closing the door behind them. Typical teenagers.

"Becky, what happened?" Louis asked, noticing how puffy and red my eyes were from crying.

"It's nothing," I lied again.

"Becky, I grew up in the same house as you. I can tell when you're lying," Louis said.

"How?" I ask.

"Whenever you lie, you fiddle with your hands," Louis simply stated.

I look at my hands, now realizing that I was playing with them a little bit.

"Fine. If you really want to know, brace yourself," I said.

"Continue," Louis said.

"I'm jealous, Louis! You have four awesome friends, while I only have Kim, and I haven't even seen her at all this summer because of X Factor, and you know how last year went. We would visit each other at least once a week!" I said, with fresh tears streaming down my cheeks. "I can't live like this anymore. You know how close me and Kim were--are--. We've been best friends since we were eight. Louis, if you don't mind, you can leave now," I said, saying the last sentence calmer.

Louis walked out of the door, followed by Harry standing up.

"I kinda wanna leave too, Becky. Practice," he said.

I understood that he had to practice. "Yeah, go ahead."

Harry left and shut the door behind him. I flopped down on my bed again, and calmed down. I check my Twitter account, and since there's nothing new, I check my Instagram. All I have is a few new likes on my picture that I posted of me and the band in the car on the way here.

I start strumming my guitar and start singing my audition song. After going through it a few times, my door swings wide open, and Harry and Louis came running in with a huge grin on their faces.

"Becky, we could hear you all the way from the kitchen," Harry said.

"Yeah, that was pretty amazing," Louis said.

I started blushing.

"Aww! You're blushing!" Harry said.

A new voice joined us.

"What was pretty amazing? Who's blushing?" An Irish accented voice said.

Niall walked into the room.

"Did you hear Becky singing?" Harry asked.

"Oh, yeah, that was pretty amazing!" Niall exclaimed.

"I have an idea! Be right back!" Louis suddenly said. He walked down the hall a few yards, then he came back in the room. "Never mind, Liam and Zayn are coming to me."

Zayn was helping Liam up the stairs, since Liam still had to get used to the crutches. Louis poked his head out of the room.

"Hey, guys, in here!" He exclaimed.

After everyone came in, everyone except me huddled. I heard a few whispers, until, finally, they were all nodding in agreement. They all lined up, facing me with smiles on their faces.

"Becky, we've decided on a decision," Liam started.

"What decision? I never asked anyone a question about anything," I ask, confused.

"Well, Becky, this is something that we decided," said Zayn.

"And that we've all agreed to," added Niall.

"So now brace yourself," Harry said.

"The question is--" Louis started.

Cliffhanger! Wait until sometime after Monday to find out what the question is! Don't you just love it when I wrote cliffhangers? Jk, I love ending chapters like that.

Anyways, alyssaking105 's new book is out! Check it out, titled "Life in a Partnership", if you are a Flash fan!

- speedypie

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