Chapter 30: Reception

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Basically "Wedding Part 2"

This chapter will be a lot shorter than normal since I can't type very fast right now.

Words: 1072

~Maddie's POV~

I was sitting down, watching the reception program after the dinner. It was the band's turn for a few songs, and as soon as they were announced by James, the one who planned the program and apparently one of Harry's friends, a couple teenage girls, probably my cousins, started screaming.

"This one's for you, Madds," Becky said into the mic.

I immediately recognized the beginning of Little Things and smiled at Becky, who smiled back. We both knew what this song means to both me and Harry.

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me," Zayn began. "But bear this in mind, it was meant to be. I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks, and it all makes sense to me."

Before I knew it, the song was over, and the beginning of Girl Almighty played. It was a fast change from calm to upbeat, and I could tell that it got the band's adrenaline pumping.

I looked over to Harry and saw him smiling a mischievous smile at the band.

"Harry, this is for you," Niall said.

"Her light is as loud as as many ambulances as it take to save her Savior oh. oh, oh, oh," Liam began.

"Oh, she floats through the room on a big balloon. Some say she's such a fake, that our love is made up, no. No, no, no," Becky said.

"Let's have another toast to the girl almighty!" Niall sang excitedly.

At that part, the audience screamed. Zayn started singing, and I whispered to Harry.

"Do you think it was a good idea to have the band perform?" I asked. "I mean, the audience is going crazy! Especially my cousins."

Harry chuckled. "Let them. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see us perform for most people."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

After One Thing, What Makes You Beautiful, and a bunch of other songs by the band, the skit continued. Becky walked onstage with a piece of notebook paper saying "Maddie", and Louis walked onstage with a piece of notebook paper saying "Harry".

"Maddie was a very desperate woman who was obsessed with Harry from One Direction," James narrated. I smiled and blushed. "So she bought am engagement with the scientifically proven hottest man in the world!"

I whispered to Harry. "That is not true."

"You sure, babe?" Harry said mischievously.

"Oh, shut up," I said playfully.

"Harry!" Becky said to Louis onstage. "Take my money! I wanna marry you!"

"Nah," Louis said. "You need it to survive."

"Please!" Becky pleaded. "I'll give you my money and be your slave!"

"Fine," Louis sighed. "Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Becky, start singing Little Things."

The rest of the band onstage started singing the very end, changing the words a lot. At the end Louis got down on one knee.

"Maddie, will you marry me?" He said reluctantly.

"Cut!" James shouted. "By the Corden code, we have to show Maddie's reaction that we recorded."

And so he did. The video went a little something like this:

"Becky!" Louis shouted from the beach while filming What Makes You Beautiful and he was carying something. By the looks of it, Becky was watching them film. "Look!"

"What is it, Lou?" Becky rolled her eyes.

"Will you marry me?" Louis said, getting down on one knee, obviously joking. He opened his hands to reveal a spider.

Becky screamed at the top of her lungs. "No! Louis, never, you big dummy! I hate spiders!"

The video ended, and the audience was laughing.

"So, apparently Harry had to propose twice," James said. "I have to say, how did you do it, Harry? I mean, Maddie obviously said 'No' the first time."

Harry walked onstage and took the mic from James.

"Well," he started. "It wasn't actually that hard. You see, that video was while we were filming our first music video, and Louis was being a jerk to Becky--"

"I heard that!" Louis shouted playfully, cutting off Harry.

"Anyways," Harry continued. "I knew Maddie for about four years, then we got engaged."


The music started for my dance with Dad. It was a waltz. I was sitting by Harry, and he came up to me.

"Maddie, do you want to dance?" He asked.

"Yeah," I smiled and stood up.

We walked side by side onto the dance floor. I put my left hand on his shoulder, and he put his right hand on my shoulder blade. He pulled me into a hug, and he started dancing, leading me.

"Harry's a nice person," Dad smiled.

"Yeah," I smiled back. "That's why I married him."

The dance went on, and me and Dad danced gracefully across the dance floor. Eventually, it ended, and Dad lead me back to my seat, right next to Harry.

After I danced with Dad, it was time for my dance with Harry. The music started, and me and Harry walked onto the dance floor, fingers intertwined. Harry led me into a graceful waltz, and I quickly got the hang of it.


~Rebecka's POV~

Before we knew it, the reception was over. The guests were just starting the send off, and I was partly in charge of it.

"Okay, does everybody have their sparkler?" I asked the guests making up the isle. I was met with a chorus of yeses. "Okay, you can light them now."

After I said that, the dark of the night was met with a golden glow of shapes sparking in somewhat of a star.

I turned to Louis. "Louis, go get Harry and Maddie now."

Louis jogged inside the building and soon came out, followed by Harry and Maddie. We all cheered, and Harry picked up Maddie bridal style. He skipped down the isle, with Maddie high-fiving people as she passed. Eventually, they made it to the limo parked at the end of the isle. 

Gemma opened the door to the limo, and Harry and Maddie climbed in.

"Bye, love ya!" Gemma said quickly as she shut the door, and the limo dove of into the darkness.




Updated finally! I hope you enjoyed the not-so-busy chapters. I'm gonna take a small break from updating for a few weeks, and I'll hopefully be back sometime in February.

-- speedypie




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