Chapter 32: Telling Niall

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Speaking of time jumping, this chapter will jump to about a week after the last concert.

Words: 1214

~Rebecka's POV~

It was July first, and me and the band were in the waiting room waiting for the doctors to tell us when we could go see Niall.

"Niall Horan?" A nurse said, walking into the room.

"That's us," Liam said, standing up. We all walked over to the nurse. "How's he doing?"

"Well, the surgery was a success, but he has to be in a knee brace and in crutches for a while," the nurse explained. "And by a while, I mean for the next eight months, but don't worry, he won't be full time the whole time."

"Wow, Nialler's got it tough," Zayn said.

"Yeah," I said. "Let's just hope it's not too tough."

"Niall's just in his room, but he's not going to be the same Niall you know, since he's just barely waking up, and the medicine is still wearing off."

"Yeah," Harry said. "Shall we go now, lads?"

We all nodded, and we went in the elevator. We pressed the number 3 to get to Niall's room. The elevator dinged, and the doors opened, so we stepped out. We went down the hall, made a left turn, and went about halfway down the next hall. We finally made it to Niall's room number, so we stood there for a few seconds.

"Here goes nothing," Zayn said.

Louis opened the door slowly, and we all entered.

"Hey guys," Niall said sleepily.

"Hey buddy!" Liam said cheerfully, but quietly. "How're ya doing?"

"I feel a bit drowsy right now, but other then that, I'm good," Niall said. "I can barely feel the pain in my knee right now."

"That's good," Harry said. "It means the painkillers are working, luckily for you, because they didn't work very good for me."

"Harry!" Maddie exclaimed. "You didn't tell me that you were in pain that whole time!"

"I didn't want to make you do everything for me," Harry said. "And besides, the past is in the past."

"Well, right now I'm just kinda tired," Niall said. "Sorry to have to ask this, but can you guys go now?"

"Yeah, we'll let you get some sleep," I said.


Me and the band were in the living room talking and playing cards, until Zayn spoke up.

"I'm gonna tell him tomorrow," he said. "I'm gonna tell Niall about me leaving the band."

"Zayn, you can't!" Louis said. "It's gonna break his heart."

"Guys, I'm gonna say something about Niall," Liam said. "Me and Becky have noticed he's been acting sad, or off lately. Like he's homesick or he's missing something or someone. If we tell him, he's gonna have to cope with his knee, Zayn, and whatever else is bothering him. We don't want to make his life any harder. All I'm asking is this. Please, please, please don't tell Niall."

"Liam, we can't just keep keeping secrets from him!" Zayn protested. "I don't care what you guys say. Niall's my friend, and he deserves to know."

"Okay, but if he starts to self harm or anything like that," Becky began. "Just know that you're the one to blame, Zayn."

"Fine," Zayn said. "But trust me. He won't do anything like that."

"Are you sure about that?" I protested. "I've known Niall-- Heck, I've even been his girlfriend for a point-- for around four years! I know what he's like. He's one of the most sensitive and emotional people that I've meet. Trust me Zayn, I'm blaming you if Niall attempts-- attempts. . . suicide."

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