Chapter 27: Road to Recovery

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Fast forward to mid May. This chapter will be not so depressing as the last couple.

Words: 1087

~Harry's POV~

"Today's the day!" Louis slammed open my door and inturrpted my dream about me going to an Imagine Dragons concert. (I had a dream last night, 12/21, about where I got tickets to their concert, but lost them, so I never ended up going :( it was sad)

"What?" I  asked in confusion.

"Your checkup!" Louis explained.

"Oh ya!" It just hit me now. Today I was going to see if I could walk on my knee, and if my ribs were better. "Let me get ready first, then we can go!"

It was eight in the morning, and my appointment was at nine thirty.

I got out of bed and got dresses as fast as I could. I couldn't wait until my appointment. I went to the bathroom to finish getting ready, brushing my teeth and washing my face. I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw everybody, including Maddie.

"Where have you been all morning?" I ask.

"I've been getting something ready," she replied happily.

"I love you, you know that, right?" I said.

"Since we've meet," Maddie replied, her smile growing bigger, revealing even more of her pearly whites.

"You guys are too cute together!" Becky said cheerfully. "We should really get going. I want to see how my friend's recovering," Becky slapped my shoulder as she said that.

"Can I ask you guys something?" I said. They looked at me, giving me their full attention. "I don't want everybody there with me. I want to surprise you with the news myself."

"Well who want to be with you?" Liam asked.

"Maddie, obviously, Becky, and one of the boys," I said. "I haven't decided who yet."

We got some breakfast, and I made my decision.

"Okay, I've decided I wanted to take Zayn with me," I said.

The mood in the room got more fragile with the mention of Zayn.


"Well, how does it look Doc?" I asked anxiously waiting for Dr Jenkins to explain.

"Well, it's looking, different," he said.

"Is that a bad thing?" Maddie asked from behind me. She was putting her hand on my shoulders as I was sitting down in a chair.

"Well, by the looks of it," Dr Jenkins began. "Your ribs are almost better."

"Harry!" Zayn exclaimed. "That's great!"

"Does this mean--" Becky began. "He can sing again?"

"Yes, Ms Tomlinson, it does!" Dr Jenkins said excitedly.

"How, I--" I was speechless. A huge grin spread across my face. I could finally get back to the thing I loved, since before I was sixteen.

"I don't have to do your solos anymore, Harry," Becky came and hugged me.

"Can she do them for one more time?" Dr Jenkins pleaded. "I'm not gonna lie, but I actually got pretty excited when I got to take care of Harry. Me and my family are a big fan of One Direction, and I want to hear Becky sing. I got tickets for me and my family for next week in the Manchester Arena."

"Maybe we can do a few songs," Becky said. "If Harry's up to it."

"I've got the perfect songs Becky can do," I said. "Act my Age, Where do Broken Hearts go?, Spaces, and Stockholm Syndrome."

"Those are your favorites though," Becky argued. "You should do them."

Another reason why Becky is my best friend.

"That's why I want you to do them."

"O-- Okay then," Becky said.

"Hey!" Maddie exclaimed suddenly. We all look at her. "Free meet and greet?" She shrugged her shoulders slowly.

"Yeah," I said. "Just go up to Paul and say 'Land blubber'. Louis gets to choose the passwords, not me."

"Thanks, Harry, that's really nice of you. Now, about your knee," Dr Jenkins said. "It's healing, and I think it's safe to say that you don't need crutches anymore, but I would recommend that you use them for long distance travel this week, only if it's hurting you."

"So basically no crutches?" Zayn asked.

"Exactly what I'm saying," Dr Jenkins confirmed. "But you still have to wear the knee brace."


~Rebecka's POV~

My phone started ringing. We were on the way back to the apartment, with Zayn driving.

"Love your ringtone, Becky," Harry said.

My ringtone was Act My Age, but the live in studio version.

"Me too," I said.

"Are you gonna answer it?" Zayn asked.

"Oh yeah! Oops," I said as I answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey, how'd it go?" Louis asked on the other line. "Is Harry getting better?"

"Um, I think he should tell you himself," I said.

"Can I talk to him then?"

"Uh, just a sec," I said. I covered the speaker. "Harry, it's Louis. He wants to talk to you about the visit."

"Yeah, okay," Harry said. I gave him my phone.

"It's gonna die soon, so try to hurry," I said.

"Gotcha," Harry said. He turned to Louis and grinned. "Hey."

I listened to Harry's side of the conversation. Harry didn't seem very happy.

"Good. . . Yeah. . . I'll tell you everything when we get home," he said. He hung up the phone and gave it back to me.

"What was that about?" I ask.

"Nothing important," he replied.


~Louis's POV~

There was a knock at the door, and me, Niall, and Liam came racing downstairs, after me watching them both play FIFA.

"I got it!" I yelled. I beat them to the door. I opened it, revealing a glum looking Harry, still using crutches. "Hey Harry, what's the matter?"

"We have to wait longer, Lou," Becky said sadly. "His ribs are almost fine, but his knee has to heal longer from that one time he tried to run."

"That's too bad, Harry," Liam said.

"Well at least he can sing now," Zayn said.

"But he can't walk yet," Niall said. "Trust me, I know how that feels."

"I'm joking guys!" Harry exclaimed. "I don't need crutches anymore!"

"You had me there for a second, Harry!" Niall said. Niall gave Harry a hug.

"By the way, Dr Jenkins has tickets for the Manchester Arena," Harry said. "I-- I mean me and Maddie invited him and his family to come to the meet and greet."

"Did you tell him the password?" I ask with a sly grin.

"Yes, Lou," Harry rolled his eyes. "Land blubber."

It's officially Louis's 26th birthday! At 9:40 pm 12/23 in Utah, it's 4:40 am 12/24 in the UK.

Bad chapter ending


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