A New Case

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*Carter is a girl
"Please forgive me, Carter," I said as I walked in to the SAT (Secret Agent Tower). Our job as secret agents is to take on cases of murderers and track them down. Since we believe that cops don't do a good enough job. We just did a case and I might have sorta ruined the case by blowing our cover.

"No! You ruined the case! I could get fired!" Carter yelled turning around. Her brown hair fell perfectly and her green eyes sparkled in the sun coming threw the windows. She was much shorter than I so I had to look slightly down at her.

"I could get fired too!" I yelled.

"Shut up!" Our friend, Missy, said at the front desk. She had brown hair that went to her shoulders with brown eyes. She always had a way to calm down us after a case.

"I'm going to get fired, Missy, because of him!" Carter said pointing to me.

"Stop fighting! It's both your faults! Your only as strong as your weakest link." She said.

"But-" Carter started.

"No! It's both your faults and that's final!" She said.

"Fine," Carter said crossing her arms.

"Anyway boss wants you two in his office ASAP," Missy said.

"What? why?" Carter asked.

"I don't know, you'll find out." She said and got back on a call.

"Great this is all your fault," Carter said walking away.

"My fault? Didn't you listen to Missy, it's both our faults." I said catching up to her. We walked to the elevator and got in.

After having awkward silents in the elevator we finally got to the top floor. We walked through the hallways filled with pictures of the top secret agents. I want to be on that wall one day. 'Matthew Espinosa the best secret agent ever' I can see it already.

We approached a wooden door with the name "Dr. Fennel" written on it. My heart raced. I'm usually not up here to talk to Dr. Fennel. He's a young guy with dark eyes that scare me when I look at them. His hair is light brown and swoops in the front. He's very tall which makes him even more intimidating.

Carter knocked on the door and stepped back to my side. I could tell she was as scared as me.

"Come in!" Dr. Fennel yelled. I took a deep breath and twisted the door knob, slowly pushing the door open. As we stepped in the room the walls were a dark brown. Dr. Fennel had a whole bunch of certificates on his wall. His deck was in the middle of the back wall where he sat staring at us.

"Good afternoon, sir." I said as I stepped in. We walked to the two black chairs in front of his deck and sat down.

"So I need to talk to you guys about a case," he started. My heart raced. Is he going to confront us about what happened.

"Since your last case didn't go well we got another group to do it for you. Instead I have another case for you guys," he said. I looked over at Carter and a glimpse of hope was in her eyes.

"There's a rapist/kidnapper on the lose, we need you guys to have to act like a couple." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you have to get to know the guy and I don't want him to snatch Carter up. He preys on girls who are alone. You need to stay together at all times. He's very dangerous. You need to act like your together and become friends with him." He said.

"How?" Carter asked.

"He works at a hotel as mantes guy. You need to start talking with him, become friend, and get this guy in jail before he attacks again." He said. Carter looked over at me with worried eyes.

"Yes sir," I said and got up.

"When do we start?" I asked.

"Next week, you guys need to start getting use to being together and get a make over," he said.

"Got it sir, we won't let you down." I said and left the room with Carter. This is going to be so hard. Carter hates my guts.


I hope you liked this new fanfic. It took me a long time to write this chapter because I wanted to make it special for all my lovely followers. Comment below how you liked this chapter!!

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