Where'd he go?

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Carter POV.

I walked down the familiar hallway with pictures of secret agents on them. My heart was being faster as I got closer to his door. Was he going to assign me to a different mission? Does he think I can't handle this?

Slowly, I twisted the knob of the door and pushed revealing the room. I walked to the black chair I sat in last time and took a seat. The whole time Dr. Fennel was watching my every move from his deck.

"Good morning sir," I said playing with my hands.

"So I heard what happened with you and Jacob," he said looking me in my eyes.

"Yeah about that-"

"What were you thinking? Going out alone! You could have gotten kidnapped!" He yelled. I sat back in my seat afraid of saying anything.

"I don't even want you on this case anymore. It's not safe for you." He said in a calmer voice.

"Sir, please keep me on this case. I promise I won't go out alone." I begged.

"You have to take this seriously this time, I can't have you getting hurt." He said.

"I will," I said.

"You have to act like your in love with Matthew, I don't care if you hate him it's not like you're going to get married." He said.

"I will do anything to stay on this mission," I said. It was the truth.

"Fine, this is your last chance to prove to me you deserve to be on this case." He said.

"Yes sir!" I said with a huge grin on my face.

"Now leave," he said laughing at how childish I was being. I got up and left the room with a little hop in my step.

After the long ride back to the hotel I called Matthew to come out, since I can't be alone. I heard a knock on the window and turned to see Matthew with a bright smile. I put on a sad face to trick him into thinking I'm packing my stuff to leave.

"What happened?" He asked when I opened the door. I stepped out and looked up at him with a sad expression.

"I'm uh I'm..." I stuttered.

"What?" He asked getting worried.

"I'm staying!" I smiled jumping on him while giving him a bear hug. He held my legs up and pulled me close.

"You scared me to death," he said hugging me tighter.

"I know," I giggled. We stood there for a while just hugging until someone interrupted us.

"Hey you guys!" Jacob smiled. I was about to get down when I felt Matthews grip tighten.

"I'm having a party tonight at 9 if you would like to go," he suggested.

"We'll think about it," Matthew said for the both of us.

"I would love if you came," he said before walking away.

"Matthew I could have hurt him," I said.

"I know," he smiled. Instead of letting me down, Matthew held me till we got to our room. When the door closed he lowered me to the ground.

"Thank you fine sir," I giggled. He smiled and went to the kitchen. I followed him and sat on the counter.

"So are we actually going to that party?" I asked swinging my legs.

"Yes, we are." He said turning around with a peanut butter sandwich in his hand.

"Why?" I asked. I really didn't feel like doing anything.

"Because we have to investigate." He said moving in between my legs while taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Ugh, I'm lazy." I admitted.

"I know," he said. My stomach started to growl as I watch Matthew take another bite of his sandwich.

"Someone's hungry," Matthew laughed.

"Make me a sandwich?" I asked.

"Isn't that a woman's job?" Matthew asked. I pushed him, making him stubble back.

"No," I said jumping off the counter and walking to the living room to watch TV. After a few minutes Matthew came back with a sandwich for me and sat down.

***9:00 pm***

"Carter! Come on!" Matthew yelled banging on the bathroom door. I was getting ready for the party. I decided to go with a black tight floral crop top, a bright pink shirt and some black vans.

"Okay! I'm coming!" I yelled back opening the door making Matthew fall to the floor.

"That's what you get," I laughed walking over him to get my purse.

"Shut up!" He yelled getting up.

**at the party**

"Where is he?" I asked looking around the house that we were in.

"I don't know, we just got here." Matthew said.

"Let's go to the kitchen," I suggested. Matthew took my hand while leading me to the kitchen. Just as I predicted, Jacob was in there pouring himself a drink out of a big bowl.

"Hey! Glad you made it!" He yelled over the loud music.

"Thanks for inviting us!" I smiled. I'm trying to put my angrier behind me and putting my mind to completing this mission.

"No problem! Thanks for coming!" He smiled walking out with two drinks in his hand.

"Let's go dance!" Matthew suggested bringing me to the dance floor. We went passed a bunch if sweaty people grinding on each other. Once we got to an empty spot we started dancing.

"Hey you guys!" Jacob said while a random girl was grinding on him.

"Hi," I said still dancing. Matthew spun me around so that my back was on his front.

"Just go with it," he said. At first it felt awkward grinding on him but then it just came natural. Matthew put his hands on my hips moving me closer.

"You good a this," he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I said. Matthew took me to the bathroom and I did my business. When I came out I didn't see Matthew. Where's he go?

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