Reliving The Past

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Matthew POV.

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. When I looked at the caller ID my heart began to race. Why is he calling?

"Good morning Dr. Fennel," I said as I picked up the phone.

"You let him get away?" Dr. Fennel asked furious.

"What are you talking about?" I asked trying to play cool.

"We have a tracking devise on him and it says that he's now in Long Beach, how could you let him get away?" He asked. When did they put a tracking devise on him?

"I'm sorry sir, we'll go and find him." I said.

"What happened last night that made him run?" He asked. I gulped. He can't know about the rape.

"Nothing, we weren't with him." I lied.

"Then why did Missy show me pictures of you beating up Jacob?" He asked. Missy. Of course she would do that.

"Sir, I would like to point out that Jacob was trying to hurt Carter. I had to attack or she would have been hurt." I stated trying to avoid telling him about the rape.

"I knew she wasn't meant for this mission. She's to weak. You need a new partner. One that will help you," He said.

"No, please don't take her off this mission! I promise we will find Jacob." I begged.

"I think it's better if I do, all she's done during this mission is mess it up." He said.

"Sir I beg of you to keep her on this mission. I can train her to be stronger or what ever you want, just don't take her off this mission." I begged. I really liked Carter and if she left I don't think I could be good at this job. She makes me want to better my skills, she keeps me going.

"You're lucky that I like you, this is her last chance." He warned and hung up the phone. I sighed. When I looked back at the bed Carter was gone. Where's she go?

I got up and walked around the house. She wasn't anywhere to be found. I went to check the bathroom and the door was closed. As I leaned against the door I heard sniffs.

"Carter?" I asked knocking on the door.

"Go away!" She yelled, her voice cracking at the end.

"Carter let me in!" I yelled banging on the door harder.

"Why don't you listen to me and go away!" She yelled. I twisted the knob and the door unlocked. She sat there in the corner of the bathroom holding her legs with tears running down her face. I rushed over to her and saw that there was blood on her wrist.

"Why did you do this?" I asked sitting next to her.

"Leave me alone," She said and buried her face in her arms.

"Carter tell me, why'd you do this?" I asked.

"I heard what you and Dr. Fennel were talking about." She said.

"He's not going to take you off the mission," I stated.

"But he was talking about it, why changed his mind?" She asked finally lifting her head to look at me.

"I convince him that I would help you get stronger," I said.

"I'm not weak," she stated glaring at me.

"I know you aren't but Dr. Fennel thinks you are." I said.

"But I'm not," she said.

"And that's why you have to prove it during the rest of this mission," I said.

"Now tell me, is that the reason why you cut yourself?" I asked getting up to get a rag to clean off her cuts. I dabbed the rag in water and sat on the toilet seat in front of her.

"No," She said as I took her wrist. She cut herself 2 times on each wrist.

"Then why?" I asked cleaning the cuts. She looked down and I could tell that there was a deeper reason to why she cut herself. She looked at me and took a deep breath.

"When I was young my dad was very abusive towards my mom. But, when I was 10 years old he got abusive towards me. He would hit me if I didn't do what he said. One day he made me watch him beat my mom to death," she took a deep breath and wiped the tears that escaped her eyes.

"That was worst thing a little girl could ever witness. My mom was dead and I was left with my dad. He decided since he could do anything to me that he would... He would ugh rape me." She said crying.

"You don't have to finish," I said knowing that this was painful for her.

"No, no I want to." She insisted. She took a deep breath and continued.

"He raped me three times. People started to get suspicious around my neighborhood. My dad could tell because they would give him looks. So one night he started to pack things. I didn't know what he was doing but I soon found out.

"He told me that he was leaving and that he didn't want me with him. He told me he hated me and wished that I would just die. After that he left me and I never seen him after that. But, one night the cops found me. They thought that I killed my mom since I had blood on my hands from my dad cutting me for not listening to him.

"I was put in a mentally insane institute. The people there were crazy. But, if you spent your time in that place anyone would go insane. Nothing to do but to think and talk to yourself. I didn't let that get to me and I got out in 3 months. They found out that my dad was the murderer of my mom from the DNA test on the body.

"He was stupid enough to not wear gloves so his fingerprints were all over her. After that I wanted to change my life around so I studied to be an agent. And her I am today," She said finishing her story.

"They put you in a mental institute?" I asked.

"Yeah they thought I was crazy and needed to be watched and kept away from society." She said.

"So these cuts were for every time you got raped?" I asked. She nodded.

"When Jacob raped me it was like living a nightmare all over again," she said.

"I'm so sorry," I said. She looked down.

"We're going to mess up Jacob so badly, you didn't deserve anything that you got and it's time for him to pay," I said. Carter smirked at me.

"You ready?" I asked.

"I was born ready," she smiled.

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