"I can't lose her"

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Jacob POV.

"Jacob you better not shoot your father!" My father said as I pointed the gun towards him.

"You're not my father anymore." I said clicking the safety off on my gun.

"Son don't do this!" He yelled.

"Oh so now you decide to call me your son? After all the things you said to me!" I yelled walking towards them. Greg pulled out his gun but didn't fire any shots.

"Forgive me," My father said.

"I will never forgive you! This is what you get for ruining my life and raining washing me to kill Carter! You're a sick man!" I hissed coming even closer.

"Don't do this!" My father yelled.

"You don't deserve to live! But I'm not going to let you have the easy way out! You're going to suffer for what you did! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your life in jail!" I smirked.

"The police aren't even here," My father smirked crossing his arms. Just then the S.W.A.T team barged into the room. They had their guns faced towards my dad. I guess Greg ran to another room and hid because my dad stood alone.

"You've ruined my life for a long time and now it's my turn. Have fun in jail!" I smiled. One of the bigger guys grabbed onto my fathers arm and pulled him towards the door. My father tried to escape but he was no match to the guy.

"You did a good thing, Jacob." One of my buddies, Rick, said. He was apart of the S.W.A.T team, that's how I got this all set up. Before we came in here I called up Rick just in case.

"Thanks," I said. Rick was about to leave when I remembered that Greg was still hiding.

"Wait Rick," I said. Rick came black over to me and looked at me with confusion.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Let's find Greg," I laughed. It was funny that such a big, tough guy had run and his away.

"Okay," he laughed along. I went to my dad's closet and opened it. Greg stood in the corner of it.

"Greg? Whatcha doin?" I asked. He looked up at me for the first time.

"I didn't want to get arrested like your father," he said.

"Do you want me to?" Rick asked.

"No, he didn't do anything." I said. For some reason I knew Greg really didn't have anything to do with this. He was brainwashed by my dad just like I was. I pulled Greg out of the closet and into the room.

"I shoot! I have to see how she's doing!" I panicked. How could I forget about her?

"Come on, I'll give you a lift." Rick offered. We walked out of the room but before we got far I motioned Greg to come with us. He quickly jogged to us and followed us to Ricks car.

Matthew POV.

I sat in the waiting room after I got Carter to the hospital. My mind raced with ways I could have saved Carter. She didn't deserve getting shot. If I would have kept her behind me then she wouldn't have gotten shot.

The only person that deserves to die is Dr. Fennel. He's a sick person. I can't believe that I worked for him.

Jacob walked into the hospital with Greg by his side and another taller guy. The guy had spiky blonde hair and wore a dark blue uniform. He was a buff dude that wore sunglasses to cover his eyes. Jacob scanned over the crowd before he found me.

"Have you heard anything?" Jacob asked when he got over to me.

"No, she's in surgery right now." I said as he sat down with the others.

"Who's that?" I asked pointing to the blonde headed guy.

"That's my friend, Rick. He's apart of the S.W.A.T team and helped arrest my father." He said.

"Why didn't you kill him?" I asked surprised. I really thought that he would kill his father after all he did to him.

"I wanted him to suffer. If I shot him, then he would be taking the easy way out." He stated.

"Why is Greg here?" I asked quietly so that he couldn't hear.

"I wanted him to stay because he didn't really do anything wrong. He was just brainwashed like I was." He whispered. I nodded my head and looked down.

After awhile a guy in a white coat came in front of us. His name tag read 'Dr. Collin'.

"Hello I'm Dr. Collin. You are Matthew right?" He asked. I nodded.

"Carter is almost done with surgery but she's not looking good." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked getting worried.

"She might not live that long," he said slowly.

"I have to see her!" I said getting up.

"Not right now, she's still in surgery." He said.

"I can't lose her," I said sitting back down.

"I'll come back out when she's done, keep hope kid." He said and walked away. Keep hope kid? Really? My eyes filled with tears.

"I hate doctors," Jacob stated.

"I can't lose her," I said. Jacob patted my back as tears spilled into my palm.

"You won't," he said.


Sorry for the late update all these two weeks I haven't got a chance to relax!! But I still love you guys and thank you so much for all those votes and comments!!

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