I Love You

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Carter POV.

"Let's go to Starbucks," Matthew suggested as I got up from the ground. I looked in the mirror at myself. My eyes were puffy red and my cheeks were stained from the tears that had fallen from my eyes.

"Let me clean up first," I said. Matthew nodded and exited the bathroom. After I washed my face I decided to put on some makeup since my face wasn't looking at its finest right now.

As I applied my makeup all I could think about was Matthew. I never told anybody about my past. What made me tell him?

"You ready?" Matthew asked as I stepped out of the rest room. I nodded my head as we walked out of the room. As we were walking down the hall, Matthew grabbed my hand. I smiled up at him as we continued walking.

We finally got to the Starbucks and offered our drinks. We sat down at a table that was in the far corner of the place.

"So what's our plan to get revenge on Jacob? Matthew asked.

"I really have no clue. Where is he anyway?" I asked.

"Long Beach, not too far away from here." He said sipping on his coffee.

"Wait I don't understand, if Dr. Fennel knew where this guy was why didn't he just get the cops on this guy?" I asked. This question has been on my mind since we started the mission. If Dr. Fennel really wanted to get this guy why didn't he just get the cops to arrest him?

"Good question! Dr. Fennel knows everything about this guy. He's even got a tracker on him. How'd did he get that on him?" Matthew thought. These were very good assumptions. Is Dr. Fennel hiding something from us?

"Do you think Dr. Fennel is up to something?" I asked.

"He could be, but how? He's the boss of this agency. Why would he attack us?" He asked.

"That's it! He's the boss of this agency! No one can tell him what and what not to do. But your right, what did we do to make him want to attack us?" I thought out loud.

"Wait before we jump to conclusions, how do we really know for sure that Dr. Fennel really is out to get us? We can't just tell the cops that he's up to something," Matthew stated.

"Your right but who said the cops had to be involved with this," I smirked. Matthew looked up from his coffee with a big grin on his face.

"The cops have no clue what their doing, if we investigate this case and get our facts right, we could be the top agents." I stated. Matthew smiled as I said the last part. He always told me he wanted to be the top agent.

"We better start packing our things because we're heading down to Long Beach." Matthew said. We got up and left the shop.

~~at the hotel~~

"So what's our plan when we get down there?" I asked as I threw clothes in my suitcase.

"We have to find Jacob. We're not going to let him know were there but we just have to watch him." Matthew said also throwing clothes in his suitcase.

"What is watching going to do? We have to some how find away to get evidence that Dr. Fennel is up to something," I said.

"Carter listen to me, I don't know what I'm doing! I've never been up to a case like this. I just want to find out where Jacob is at all times so he doesn't come back and hurt you." Matthew said frustration in his tone.

"Matthew come here," I said. He looked at me as his facials soften. He slowly came to me with his head down. When he got close I pulled him in for a hug.

"Settle down, baby, everything will be alright. You're over working yourself to the point that you can't think straight." I said rubbing his back.

"Matt look at me," I said bringing his face to mine. I held his cheeks in both of my hands as I looked into his brown eyes.

"At the start of this mission I thought that it would be a disaster because well we weren't the best of friends. But, as I got to know you better I've learned what it's like to love again. I know cheesy but it's true. I never thought I could live again but you changed that." I said on the verge of tears.

"Matthew, I love you." I said crashing my lips on his. At first he didn't respond but soon moved his lips against mine. His lips moved perfectly with mine as the kiss deepened.

"I love you too, Carter." He said against my lips. Before the kiss could get anymore heated Matthew parted.

"Let's finish our packing," He winked before walking back to his bag. How did I end up falling in love with him? But as of right now I'm glad that it's him.



I'm sorry I didn't update earlier! I can't even lie to you guys, but I got lazy about writing and I got writers block!! I'm so sorry!!

Also there's this book I want you guys to read!! It's called:

Forever and Always by MattReed5

Please go read it!! It's a really good book!

Also so I would think you guys would have noticed my cover change! And this amazing cover was made by @R5_Magcon_1D!! So go follow them and @MattReed5!!

Thank you all for the support! I love all of you lovely angels!!!

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