I Can't Lose Her Now

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Matthew POV.

The guy standing with the papers had grey hair. His eyes were black as he stated at us. He was a tall dude with a little hunch.

"What are you doing here, Greg?" Jacob asked. So that's his name.

"Leave me alone kid!" He spat glaring at all of us.

"No! What are you doing with those papers?" Jacob asked inching closer to Greg. Greg didn't move an inch, he just kept starring at Jacob.

"Why don't you just turn around and leave me alone. If your father was here, you wouldn't be doing this." He said in his deep voice.

"You're right. Say, where is my father?" Jacob asked getting even closer. This time Greg backed up a little.

"He ugh, he went out for lunch." Greg said uneasy. Jacob looked back and nodded his head towards the door. I walked back and closed the door, making sure to lock it. After I was done I stayed by the door incase Greg decided to be tricky.

"Now Greg, I've known you for awhile. I know that you know my father very well. So well that my father probably tells you everything. Right?" Jacob said. Greg nodded and inched back a little.

"Did my father tell you where he was hiding?" Jacob asked moving forward.

"Hiding? Why would he be hiding?" Greg asked trying to act dumbfounded.

"You know he's hiding! You are never here unless my fathers in the office and has called you to come! Stop trying to act like you don't know where my father is!" Jacob yelled. His hands clenched with anger as he proceed forward. I grabbed Carter and pulled her back towards me.

"Leave," Greg hissed.

"Not before you tell me where he is!" Jacob yelled in Greg's face.

"Leave!" Greg yelled. Jacob quickly took the papers out of Greg's hand and ran to us. He looked over the paper and looked at us with a horrified look. I gave him questioning look.

"What does it say?" I asked.

"We fell I to his trap," Jacob said looking at me with wide eyes.

"Who's trap?" I asked.

"Mine," Dr. Fennel asked walking out of the closet. He had a smirk on his face. Greg pulled out his gun and pointed it towards us.

"Father?" Jacob asked turning around to face him.

"You actually thought that I would hide from you two?" Dr. Fennel asked Carter and I. I looked at Carter who had fear in her eyes. I pulled her behind me and went back to looking at Dr. Fennel.

"I knew that the one place you would look is here. Very clever, I must say." Dr. Fennel chuckled.

"I set up this little act so that you thought that I was hiding but really I was setting up your death," he smirked.

"Father! You would kill me?" Jacob asked.

"Your not my son," He said.

"What?" Jacob asked.

"You were adopted, everything that's ever been told to you is a lie. Your mother wanted to adopt you. But she didn't ask me so I come home to a surprise. I never liked you. " He hissed.

"Them why did you care so much when Carter and I broke up? " Jacob asked.

"Because a girl hurt me one time. She raped me and told everyone I raped her when we broke up. I wanted her dead for what she did. " He spat.

"You're a sick man!" Carter hissed.

"Shut up!" Dr. Fennel yelled.

"Don't you yell at her! She's telling the truth!" I yelled.

"Well maybe if that girl didn't say a lie I wouldn't have wished that on her," He smirked.

"Why are you doing this?" Jacob asked clenching his fist.

"Because I heard that this guy over here wanted to be top agent, is that right?" Dr. Fennel asked looking at me. I didn't answer, instead I glared at him.

"No one will take this position as long as I'm alive. So Matthew stop trying to overthrow me because you can't!" He yelled.

"Is that really the reason why your going to kill us?" I laughed. If he really sees that as a threat he has some real problems. He's going to kill is because I said I wanted to be top agent? Wow.

"Shut up!" Dr. Fennel said pulling out his own gun. My laughter quieted as I looked at him.

"I don't like any of you for a reason. I set you up so I could get rid of you like I do to everyone I don't like." He hissed moving closer to us. My back pressed against Carter making sure he couldn't get to her.

"Get out of the way of the girl," Dr. Fennel demanded.

"No," I said.

"Do it or I will pull the trigger." He said. I looked back at Carter and she nodded. I slowly moved out of her way.

"Good." Dr. Fennel smirked. He inched closer to Carter with his gun still pointed out.

"Don't do anything!" I yelled. There was a sound of a gun being fired. It hit only a inch away from my head. I looked to the person who shot it. Greg.

"Do you want to get shot?" Dr. Fennel said. I nodded my head no.

"Then don't try to protect the girl. I wasn't even going to do anything to her." Dr. Fennel said standing in front of Carter now.

"Hi Carter," He smirked. Carter stepped back in an attempt to get away from him but the wall stop her.

"Dad get away from her!" Jacob yelled jumping on his dad. Dr. Fennel fell to the ground with Jacob on top of him. The gun slid out of Dr. Fennels hand and hit the filing cabinet.

I ran to the cabinet to get the gun but there was another shot. I looked back to see Carter holding her chest. Her knees gave out and she fell to the floor.

"Why would you do that!" I yelled running over to Carter but not before I picked up the gun. I kneeled down and picked up Carter's head. Her eyes were fighting to stay open.

"Carter look at me!" I said. Her eyes slowly met mine.

"Don't leave me. I need to you here. Stay alive for me, Carter." I said letting a tear slid down my cheek.

"I love you," I whispered putting my forehead against hers. Jacob got off his dad and came over to me.

"We have to get her to the hospital or she'll die." I said to him.

"You're not going anywhere! I'm getting revenge on all of you and I'm not going to let you escape again." Dr. Fennel said walking over to Greg.

"Why do you need to get revenge on us?" Jacob asked.

"You deserve it!" He hissed.

"What did I do to you?" Jacob asked.

"I told you to kill them and you didn't you wimped out and joined them. You were a mistake. I never wanted you! And you Matthew, you are trying to take over MY agency! And poor little Carter, you are just like every other girl! All you want is sex and money!" He yelled. I started to pick up Carter, who laid limp in my arms.

"Finish him off," I said throwing the gun to Jacob.

"Get here to the hospital I have a few goodbyes to give my dad." Jacob said.

"Your not leaving!" Dr. Fennel yelled.

"Watch me," I said opening the door. Shots were fired but I ran out before any could hit me.

"We're going to the hospital now. Don't leave me Carter." I said running to the elevator. I can't lose her now.


Sorry this chapter is really crappy!! I've been very busy with school work so I was in a rush when I was making this chapter. I hope you guys don't hate it!!!

Thanks for all the support, love ya!!

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