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Carter POV.

We crept towards the door of the Jacobs house. He was in front of us trying to unlock the door.

"Okay, stay as quiet as you can when we get in. If he's in here, we don't want him to we're here." Jacob said turning to us. We nodded our head and Jacob slowly opened the door.

We stepped into the house quietly. The walls were plain white and there was a grey couch to my left. A flat screen tv was in the middle of the room in front of the couch. There were stairs in front of the door that led upstairs.

"I'm going to check upstairs, you guys check down here." Jacob said walking up the stairs. Matthew looked at me and walked towards the kitchen, I'm assuming.

As we strapped into the kitchen, I was surprise at how nice it was. Granted counters wrapped around the room with a little island in the middle. A stainless steel fridge sat in the corner with an oven.

"This is nicer than I thought," I told Matthew. He nodded and continued the search for Dr. Fennel. We walked over to a door. I looked at Matthew who roles his eyes.

He slowly put his hand on the knob and turned it slowly. The door came open revealing a staircase covered in white carpeting. Matthew looked at me and stepped towards the stairs.

We walked down the stairs slowly until we got to the bottom. I found a light switch on the wall and turned it on. The room was just cemented walls with wires around it. We looked around and saw nothing.

All of a sudden there was a sound coming from upstairs. We went to the door and saw no one there. Another sound came from upstairs again. We crept up the stairs.

A shadow walked closer to the door. My heart raced. Was that Dr. Fennel? Did we fall into a trap? The footsteps stopped before they got to the door. My heart raced.

The figure whipped there head around the corner. I screamed and ran behind Matthew.

"Carter it's just Jacob," Matthew chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I looked up at Jacob who had a grin on his face.

"You scared the living crap out of me!" I laughed walking up the stairs.

"Sorry, I was looking for you and I saw the door was open." He said.

"No luck?" I asked.

"No luck, I'm trying to think of other places that we can go. But my dad is tricky. He's a smart man." He said.

"Well what are the places you're thinking of?" I asked.

"I was actually thinking of the headquarters. He has a guy that works there that he tells everything to. I don't know the guy that well but I know that he has helped my dad plan things. You've probably never seen him because he stays away from people." Jacob said.

"So this guy, helps your dad. Do you think he planned this mission?" Matthew asked.

"No doubt, this dude has no heart at all. When my dad told him about you two he got excited on setting up a mission for you." Jacob said.

"I don't think this mission is all about what I did." I said.

"What do you mean?" Jacob asked.

"Matthew has always said that he wanted to be the top agent, which is like replacing the boss. Dr. Fennel doesn't want to lose his job so that why he sent us both on this mission. To stop Matthew." I stated.

"That could be possible, my dad never promoted an agent to top agent before. The boss before him promoted him and that was the last." Jacob said.

"It all makes sense now," Matthew said.

"We have to get down to the headquarters," Jacob said. We all rushed to the car and got in.

After a few minutes we were at the headquarters. We rushed out the car and into the building. Missy was sitting in her usual spot. We all walked up to her desk.

"Hey Missy!" I smiled at her.

"Hey! Jacob you're out of the hospital! That was fast!" She said.

"Yeah it was, surprisingly!" He smiled.

"Why are you guys here?" She asked.

"We wanted to know if Dr. Fennel is here," Matthew said.

"No, he hasn't been here all day. Why?" She asked.

"He ran away and we're trying to find him before he comes after us." I said.

"Why'd he run away?" She asked.

"He found out that we knew that he was Jacobs dad and we knew that he was trying to kill us." Matthew said.

"Well you can go to his office if you want," She suggested.

"Perfect, thank you!" I said walking towards. The elevator with Jacob and Matthew behind me. We got in and pressed the top floor.

When we reached the floor, we got out and headed towards Dr. Funnels office. Before we stepped in I looked at the picture next to the door.

A young man stood with a certificate in his hand while shaking an older guys hand.

"Is this your dad?" I asked pointing to the picture.

"Yeah that's when he got promoted to top agent." Jacob said standing next to me.

"How long ago was that?" I asked.

"30 years ago," He said. My mouth fell open in shock.

"30 years? That's way to long." I said.

"Yeah," Jacob agreed. Matthew turned the knob on the door and opened it. A guy stood in the room with papers in his hands. He looked at us and glared.



Sorry this update is so late!!!!! I don't have an excuse as to why I didn't write so you can yell at me. Lol!

Thank you for all the votes and comments! I love all of you!! 💋

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