Leo (f) X Pisces (m) Donut Scare Me

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Leo's POV:

    It was 5 am when I woke up, I glanced around my room remembering that I had just recently moved to another city, Sydney, Australia.

The weather here was perfect and very much to my liking. I am 19 and was going to start my first year in college. I had gotten a scholarship so it made my life a little easier.

    I am 5 foot 7, wear black framed glasses, and have shoulder length gold-auburn curly hair. I had previously dyed the bottom half of my hair a light pink and left the top half the way it was. I got out of bed and walked over to my desk. I picked up a sheet of paper and took a look.

    I wanted to be a professional pastry chef or food critic. I longed to become a food critic more though. I needed to start off small so yesterday, I bought a café. The cafe was only 30 feet wide and 55 feet long. The ceiling height was 11 feet and the café was supposed to be empty except for tables and siting booths according to the paper. The paper also said the flooring in the building was grey wood look tile.

    I left the paper on the desk as I went into the bathroom and washed my face. Then I got changed into a white t-shirt with little gold stars and black capris.

   I brushed my hair into a ballerina bun  and went into the kitchen of my new house for breakfast. I ate the scones that I had made yesterday, then I washed up and grabbed my backpack, car keys, wallet, house keys, cafe keys, and boots before leaving the house.

   I got in my white car and drove to the cafe. I needed to fix up the cafe.

   I took a look at the cafe and saw that it was in a new condition. The wall just needed to be painted, the booths' fabric replaced, counters and table cleaned, and decorated.

    I wanted the theme color of this cafe to be to be a light pink, brown, and light grey. I was going to paint the walls light pink and grey and make the booth chair fabric brown.

I went to the nearby paint shop and picked a pale pink paint and a shade of grey paint that matched the flooring of the cafe. The pink kind of matched my hair. Then I went to the craft store and bought some light brown fabric.

When I got to the cafe it was 7 am. I painted the 2 walls of the main section of the building pink and the other two grey. The main section is 30 feet wide by 40 feet long. Then I painted the back kitchen area grey. The back kitchen section is 30 feet wide by 15 feet long. When I finished at 10 am, I heard the cafe door open.

    A guy about my age walked in and I arched an eyebrow. "Uh... this cafe isn't open yet you know...." I said.

   The guy nodded and said "I noticed that the cafe had someone in it and I wanted to see if I could check it out. From the looks of it, you could use some help?" he asked.

    I nodded. "My name is Leo, I own this place now." I said. "Pisces, nice to meet you." Pisces responded.

    "So you could help by cleaning that tables as floor while I replace the booth seat fabric." I instructed while starting to replace the fabric.

    "So Leo, are you new to Australia?" asked Pisces. "Yeah, I'm here for college." I answered. "What year, first?" asked Pisces. I nodded, "I'm also going to start my first year of college." stated Pisces.

    Pisces and I kept talking an I found out that he wanted to be a professional chef.

    After 2 and a half hours, Pisces and I finished the renovation. I went to my car and grabbed the box of logo ordered cups, plates, and bags. I set the items in the counter and Pisces and I went to shop for cafe equipment.

    We took Pisces car to an kitchen appliance an goods store. We went in and looked for 3 coffee machines,  a hot water machine, some kitchen tools, baking equipment, and an oven with a stove on top.

    We bought the items and the store said that they would get the equipment to us in 3 hours.

    Pisces and I left the store and went to the super market. We wet and grabbed coffee beans, milk, sugar, tea bags, flour, butter, and other baking ingredients.

     When we were done shopping, Pisces said "Why don't we go to my house to eat lunch." I agreed to the idea and Pisces and I drove to his house.

    As we drive in the car, I felt a weird sensation of kindness, happiness, compassion, and fondness but I shrugged it off.

    Pisces cooked up a delicious meal and he even let me help. Without realizing it, I started to fall even more in love with Pisces. After we finished lunch we went back to my shop.

     Right as we got their, the kitchen equipment came in. We installed all the equipment, it was a brutal job but it would be worth it. I decorated the interior of the store and afterwards Pisces and I baked goods and hung up the order menu.

     Then the sign that I had ordered from my old hometown came. The delivery and installation men came and started to put up the sign of my cafe, Stellar Café.

    As the men were putting up the sign, they dropped it and I swung towards me! I froze in place until Pisces shoved both of us out of the way and I to the building.

      We both later in the ground, Pisces under me. "He saved me!" I thought and I glanced up at him.

    Our eye made contact and Pisces smashed his lips into mine. I kissed him back passionately, realizing that I loved him.

     When we parted, Pisces and I got off the ground. "Donut ever scare me like that again!" Pisces whispered into my ear.

    I hugged Pisces and said "I donut plan on doing that ever again, Pisces." Then I kissed his lips again.

    When we stopped kissing, Pisces looked at me lovingly, "Leo, will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?" he asked. I nodded and pecked his check.

    10 minutes later we went out side to see if the sign had been damaged. Luckily it hadn't so the sign for Stellar Café was up for good.

      I smiled happily as the delivery truck drove away. The store was ready and tomorrow we were opening. I locked the cafe door grinning at the sign. I finally had my own,  Stellar Café and a wonderful new boyfriend.

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