Sagittarius (f) x Cancer (m) I burned them

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Sagittarius's POV:

I've been extremely busy and stressed lately, with high school finals and the SAT and other stuff filling up my schedule, I hadn't had much time to myself or my boyfriend, Cancer.

Cancer had dropped by my house earlier to borrow a text book while I had gone to the library to study for the SAT.

Now it was 6pm and I was on my way home. When I opened the front door, their was Cancer lying in the couch half asleep.

I ripped my eyes and poked his cheeks. He opened his eyes, "Sagi!" he cried hugging me. "Arfffgggfhe!!!! Cancer get off of me. I need to study and do my assignments." I said muffled by the hug.

Cancer released me then said sheepishly, "Uh.... About that. I kinda burned your papers so you don't have to study! You need to spend time with me!"

"You did what?!?!?!" I shouted then I looked outside to see the back yard fire pit burning something.

I sighed then closed my eyes, Cancer back hugged me and pulled me down into the couch. I hugged him back and we remained like that for minutes before Cancer broke the silence.

"Hey do you want to roast marshmallows?" he asked, I nodded. Cancer picked me up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed the marshmallows and skewers out of the cabinet an then we went outside to the bon fire pit.

I sat down on the bench around the bond fire as night began to fall. Cam we handed me a skewer with a marshmallow and we sat their roasting marshmallows, "It's kinda funny isn't it?" I said, "we are roasting marshmallows in the flames of our homework assignments."

Cancer laughed, "I had too much fun burning them!" he exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and took my marshmallow away from the flame.

"A www you mad at me?" asked Cancer with a mouth full of marshmallows, then he did the unexpected, he kissed my cheek..... with his mouth full of marshmallows!

I laughed bitterly, "Cancer. Oh come on. Why?" I wined. I sighed, "Gosh you're so stupid but I love you." I said as I kissed his sweet lips.

From there on, the two of us sat in the night roasting marshmallows and cuddling......


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