Gemini (f) X Aries (m) Wild Hearts

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Gemini's POV:

      It was 3pm on Sunday afternoon and I was cooped up in my bedroom, packing my clothes for the trip.

      My school, Zodiac High, was taking us, juniors, on a 1 week school camping trip to Constellation Lake National Park.

Since it was mid-spring, the climate outside was chilly in the morning but warmed up quite a bit in the afternoon.

      From this, I decided to pack 3 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of denim shorts, a pair of sweatpants, and a skirt into my travel bag. Then I packed in 3 white tank tops, 3 v-neck shirts, a black and white striped crop top, a silver and royal blue off the shoulder top, and a white sun dress. I also pack my hygienic items and other necessities.

        Once I was done packing, I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep. The next morning I changed into a comfortable pair of jeans, converse, t-shirt, and hoodie.

       The I grabbed my bag and walked to school, loaded on the bus. I sat next to my best friend Aquarius who was also there early.

       Then I heard laughter outside the bus, I looked out the window to see the school's chill, cool, and popular group. This group consisted of Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aries. These kids were nice but they were also quite popular. I looked at Aries, wow he's really attractive, I thought.

        Just then Aries looked up at me and gave me a small smile, I blushed and looked away. There's now way he'd like someone like me right? I asked myself.

         I shrugged off that absurd idea and decided to read a book or talk to Aquarius.

       When we arrived at Constellation Lake National Park, I was the last one getting off the bus when I slipped on the bus stairs and fell forward!

       Luckily, I was caught by... a air of strong arms?! I looked up to see Aries. "Hey um... are you ok?" he asked shyly. I nodded as I stood up correctly, " Oh thanks. I really such a klutz, sorry about that." I said awkwardly. "Nah, it's fine." replied Aries giving me a grin, making my heart skip a beat and then he walked away.

       Stop it! I mentally scold myself. Then I grabbed my bag and ran to catch up with the rest of the group.

We were staying in small cabins in groups of 4. I was grouped with Aquarius, Leo, and Virgo so I was happy with my group.

      I close my bed area and unpacked my clothes. As I was finishing up, I heard Virgo walk in and ask us if we wanted to go to the lake with her, Aries, Libra, and Sagittarius. "Sure, I'll come!" I replied changing into a halter bikini and then putting a pair of denim shorts and a black and white crop top on.

      I followed the rest of the group out side as we all walked to the lake. There was a small dock with 3 canoes, we all boarded one and rowed ourselves to the center of Constellation Lake.

       I (for some apparent reason) was mentally happy because I was in the same canoe as Aries! Also in the canoe was Aquarius and Libra.

      When we it the center of the lake, most of the group immediately decided to jump off into the water, except me, Aquarius, and Aries.

      Then I heard Libra call out to us, "Hey guys! Get in the water's nice." as he hopped into the water. "Fine!" I shouted back and stood up in the canoe. Then I took one step forward and tripped over Aquarius causing the both of us to knock into Aries causing him to fall out of the canoe into the water into Libra.

When Aquarius and I regained balance, Aries and Libra surfaced. "I'm so sorry! Are you guys ok?" Aquarius and I both asked.

Both guys smirked and then dove under the water."What where are they going?" whispered Aquarius as she stood up looking for the two boys off the left side of the canoe. I also stood up in the canoe and look on my left side for the boys....

Then I heard a sound from behind me and the next thing I knew, the right side of the canoe was yanked downwards and Aquarius and I fell out of the boat backwards into the cold water!

The water messed up my hair and plastered it to the side of my face so when I surfaced, I had to brush my hair from my face. "What was that?" I shouted laughing with Libra and Aries.

"That's payback!" Libra snorted. Then Aquarius surfaced from the water with seaweed in her hair, she glared at Libra.

"LIBRA YOU BETTER RUN, YOU ARE GOING TO BE SO DEAD WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!!!!!" Aquarius screamed. Libra's face paled for a second and then he smirked, "Come and catch me if you can!" he taunted as he dove in the water swimming away with Aquarius swimming after him.

I bursted out laughing with Aries and we just hung out for the rest of the afternoon.

      As we were leaving the lake, Aries asked if he could talk to me in private. I nodded and followed him to the edge of the camp.

         "So wanted to talk to me?" I asked. Aries nodded, "Yes I want to talk to you, Miss Klutzy." he said. "Hey! I'm not that klutzy!" I complained but then tripped over a root as fell into Aries chest.

       "Not that klutzy huh?" Aries asked smirking, I blushed. "Well just another adorable reason form me to like you!" Aries exclaimed. "What? You like me?" I asked surprised, Aries nodded while a pink blushed appeared on his cheek.

     "OMG. The great Aries likes ME!" I said with mock surprise, teasing him. "Shut up, oh you know what I'll just do this." Aries said grabbing my arms. Then I was pulled into a kiss and my face became the color of a firetruck.

      I kissed back and then when we parted I smiled, "So you really do like me, I'm glad because I like you too!" I said kissing his cheek.

       "So do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Aries asked smiling, "Yes." I responded lace my hand with his and then together we decided to walk back to camp together.

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