Gemini (f) X Scorpio (m) Bad Boy

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Gemini's POV:

       I sighed as I walked down the stairs of the school with my group of friends. School had been over, finally,  but my group and I had detention so we had to stay an extra 2 hours!

        The whole group that consisted of Aries (guy), Libra (girl), Leo (guy), Sagittarius (girl), Taurus (girl), Capricorn (guy),and Scorpio walked towards where our motorcycles were park.

      There were four bikes, each boy got onto a bike first because they of course had the gosh dang key and then girls had to get on.

      Since I was the youngest in the group (and some how the slowest) I didn't get to choose who to ride with. Sagittarius hopped on with Aries, Taurus hopped on with Capricorn, and Libra with the final decision hopped on the back of Leo's motorcycle, leaving me to ride with Scorpio.

          I looked over at Libra who winked at me while smirking. I flipped her off, argh that girl! Everyone knows I've had a freaking crush on Scorpio for years now, even he knows it!

        I pretended not to notice as I strut over to Scorpio who waited on his bike, not paying attention. "Hey," barked Aries, "party over to my penthouse."

       "Whatever..." muttered Scorpio still not paying attention to me as I got next to his bike. Then as I was about to get on, he turned and shoved me off. Hard.

       I fell to the road / hot dirty asphalt ground, scrapping my left knee. "The hell...? Why am I stuck with the ugly fat petty brat? At least give me a pretty face like Taurus....." Scorpio sneered, glaring at me.

         I picked myself off the ground angrily and yelled at Scorpio, "Taurus is already in Capricorn's bed, so stop trying so dam hard to get her! It's never gonna happen!"

        Scorpio smirked and then glared, "Like you stupid effing crush on me!" he hissed maliciously, "have fun walking."

        Then he zoomed off on his bike to Aries's penthouse. I stood there shocked, wow, I thought, that bad boy attitude though. Sigh.

        Then a honk broke me out of thought, "Hey, you coming?" asked Leo. I looked to find Libra and Leo on their bike waiting for me. I shook my head, "Screw the dam party." I said

       Leo shrugged his shoulders and kissed Libra's check, before saying "Ehh.... your loss." The the couple not-a-couple drive away.

       I kicked the ground to let out my frustration before turning to walk to the house Libra, Taurus, and I shared. I thought about what Scorpio had said and started to beat myself up mentally about it. I'm ugly. I'm fat. I'm not pretty. I hate my body.

[ A/N: Everyone please note that this is not right, you should be happy with you body and love yourself!]

        As I made it thought the door, I had tears in my eyes. I threw myself on the couch and sat there aimlessly crying for a half hour.

        An hour passes by and my tears come to a stop but my attitude remains the same. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. "Freaking go away!!!!!" I shouted at whoever was behind the door.

       "You don't open the dam door, I'm going to kick it down." the voice I recognized to be Scorpio's shouted.

        I scurried over to the door and opened it, "What the hell do you want?" I asked, my annoyance brim to the top.

       Scorpio shoved his way in and lifted me into the air. "Hey put me down!" I screeched. "Shut up." he growled as he slung me over his shoulder and walked up the stairs to the roof.

      The sun was almost gone as we sat down on the roof, I fumed at Scorpio. "Are you drunk?" I asked suspiciously, "No. Just super pissed off because Taurus got mad at me and because Styx wouldn't stop harassing me at the party." Scorpio muttered angrily.

     Then he sighed, "I swear some days I hate myself so much." Scorpio said depressed.

"Your not the only one who feels that way," I muttered under my breath, unaware that he could hear me "No one noticing you or making you feel like you matter at all. Ha, that's me everyday" I whispered.

       "What? Are you sirius ?" Scorpio said incredulously, "Gemini... you know thats not true."

      "Huh, really? You want to go there?" I started angrily, "Thats not what you said earlier! I'm ugly, I'm annoying! You know I like you and you gosh dam hate me for it! " I screamed, tears weilding up in my eyes.

       Scorpio looked shocked, "Gemini.... it's not like that, honestly. " he said. I looked at him, tear blurring my vision slightly.

Scorpio took a shaky breath before saying, "I find it very hard to express my feelings, so that tends to make me seem cold and I often use anger when I can't express my emotions."

"And I'm sorry if you ever felt like I wished you disappeared but Ireallylikeyou." blurted out Scorpio.

"What? Slow down." I said confused at what he said in the end. "I really like you but I...... never knew how to show you." Scorpio said again, then he suddenlyturned to me and collided his lips with mine.

At first, I was surprised by all that was happening but then I kissed back. We shared a sweet kiss for no longer than a minute before my mind drifted back to Taurus and I pushed Scorpio away.

"No. This is wrong, you don't like me, you like Taurus. I don't want to kiss you." I said, causing Scorpio to smirk. Oh gosh, his bad boy side is starting to show again.

"Oh come on, Gemini. I love to talk about Taurus because she makes you jealous. And jealousy makes you mad and yell at me which makes you look cute." Scorpio said making my face heat up.

"Oh and for the record, Gemini, you did kiss me back which means you did want to kiss me." Scorpio said with a signature smirk. I rolled my eyes and said "Shut Up."

"Make me." challenged Scorpio. "No shut up!" I said. "Make-" was all he ever started to say before I smashed my lips with his, an effective way to shut him up.

When we parted, Scorpio sighed. "You should shut me up like that more often Gemini." he said while pulling into his chest. "Shut up, you moronic boyfriend." I said smiling.

"Oh so now I'm your boyfriend?" Scorpio said teasingly. "Yep!" I said, "cuz I know you want us too."

Scorpio just issued my hair and then we sat up on the roof continuing to watch the sunset sky.


Hi guy, this chapter is for SolRodriguez679!

Thank you for the request!

If you didn't like what I wrote, don't think it was good enough, or whatever, please let me know and I will try to fix it to the best of my ability.

Thank you! :)

~ xSilverTwee

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