Aries (f) X Pisces (m) Wha-?!

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Aries's POV:

      I was in math class, the last class of the day, when my annoying shoulder partner decided to annoy me again. "Hey, what is i equal to in 9x-7i>3(3x-7u)?" my partner asked.

This is Pisces and he is quite annoying. I kinda wished that the teacher hadn't put us together as partners, we just don't click together perfectly. I mean he the popular, funny, and- I'll admit -cute boy and I'm the unpopular, shy, nerdy girl. Yeah I don't really like him, right?

Anyways I took a look at the math problem. "The answer is i<3u." I stated bluntly. "Ha so you like me!" laughed Pisces. Wait what? Then I realized what Pisces had done.

"I hate you!" I screamed, my face going red. Then I slapped him in the face!

"Miss Aries, principal's office now! Detention!" yelled the teacher. My moth dropped open for one second before I quickly shut it and grabbed my stuff an rushed out of the classroom.

I was extremely upset, this was my first detention within 3 years of high school!

I sat in the principals office for about half an hour until the dismissal bell rang. Then I got up and walked to the detention room.

When I opened the door, the teacher in charge looked at me and said, "Miss Aries?" I nodded. Then I walked over to an empty table in the back left other of the classroom and had a seat.

I was sitting peacefully until a certain someone, came in and sat next to me. "Hey." Pisces whispered, "Hi." I greeted sarcastically.

"Look I'm sorry about earlier..." Pisces said and I look away. "I know you're mad at me but can I please tell you something really important?" Pisces pleaded.

"Fine," I said turning around, "what is it?" Pisces started whispering with his hands around his mouth so I couldn't hear him. I scooted closer and heard him say, "I like you."

Wha-before my brain could finish its thought, Pisces pulled me into a gentle kiss. I blushed as I kissed back and I saw Pisces smirk. Then we broke apart.

I jumped back covering my mouth realizing what I had done. I felt my face go red.

Then Pisces pulled me in his chest and the whispered in my ear, "See I knew you loved me." "But seriously, I love you too." Pisces said kissing my check causing me to blush even more.

"So do you want to be my girlfriend?" Pisces asked genuinely, I nodded my head as I said, "Yes, even though your an idiot and I hate you."

"Well I'm your idiot and you don't hate me, you love me." Pisces said. Then he pulled me into another kiss before I could complain.

Well, I guess that's an affective way to shut me up...

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