Pisces (f) X Gemini (m) Love's Notes

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Pisces's POV:

I tuck a strand of my long shoulder length hair behind my ear as I look at the clock. It was the middle of my 3 period science class, 1 more class period until lunch.

I shifted in my chair as I refocused my attention to the teacher but some how accidentally ended up looking at the figure sitting in the leftmost desk in the same middle desk row as me. There sat one of my high school's richest students, Gemini de Twinsolace. 

Unlike the other rich boys at my school, the curly mousey-brown haired boy with sparking sky blue eyes was actually a very modest person from what I had observed. And despite his extremely tall towering figure at 6'-8", Gemini generally seemed like a friendly, nice but quiet person. Well I shouldn't say that he is "towering", well, at least to me- I'm 6'-3" which makes me taller than the average female.

"Miss Pisces!" a loud voice called snapping me out of my thoughts. "Y-yes?" I responded sputtering slightly while mentally face palming myself.

"Pisces, would you please explain question #7?" my teacher ordered. I nodded and glanced down at my math textbook where I had already solved the problem. "The answer to problem #7 is the Law of Conservation of Matter" I said, and my teacher nodded, "Very good."

The class continued doing the practice problems, but I found myself unable to focus. My mind kept wandering to the brunette to the very left of me. I stared at him while he worked on the problems that I had already finished. I recalled that in my freshman year, he had helped me when I had been bullied.

He is so nice... I've had a crush on him since then...but I doubt he'd ever feel the same way about me... I mean I'm not rich or pretty, I thought as I dazed off.

"Ok class, we will be doing a science project and I have partnered you all up. The partner pairs will be.... Libra and Aquarius, Aries and Leo,..."

".... and Gemini and Pisces." the teacher said. Wait what?! I was partners with Gemini?! My crush?! 

Gemini picked up his stuff and moved himself to the desk right next to me. "Hey Pisces." he greeted courtly, I nodded and smiled shyly, "Gemini..." I said, "Let's get started."

The two of us quickly got started on the science project we ended up finishing the entire thing in the class period! As I was answering Gemini's question about my family, the bell rang.

I stood up out of my seat and I was heading out the door, a voice from behind me hollered, "Hey Pisces! Wait up!"

I turned around to see Gemini rushing up next to me with his bag on his shoulder, "You have Mrs. Lyra for math next right?" he asked as he fell into a side step with me. "Mhm." I said as we walked down the hall, "I'll walk with you then since I have Ms. Corona for history next." Gemini offered as he grinned at me, making me blush slightly.

We walked down the hall together and when we got to Mrs. Lyra's classroom, I quickly gave Gemini a side hug without thinking, said "See you!" and then rushed into the classroom. 

I didn't look back at Gemini's face, what was I thinking?! I just gave my crush a side hug! Oh, he probably feels really uncomfortable now, I regret not being more careful. Stupid Pisces, I scolded myself.

I sat at my desk and waited as Mrs. Lyra told us that we had a test today. I pulled out my scrap paper as she handed out the test.

Last question, I thought to myself as I scribbled down my final answer. I held up my hand, signaling that I was done, Mrs. Lyra came and collected my test as the other students continued working.  

I sat there doing nothing for 5 or so minutes but I got bored of that. I started twirling my pencil but my mind wandered to a certain sky blue eyed brunette haired boy...

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