Taurus(f) x Scorpio(m) - Triangular love ft. Aries(m)

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Love is a peculiar thing. Years ago, I was a student at Astro Academy- a school of magic for elementalist. Each student that went to the school was sorted into a house by the specific type of elemental magic they had. My story started when I was sorted into Melosia- house of the prideful, sometimes selfish, and ambitious water elementalists. It wasn't a surprise when I was though, as I, Scorpio Omaenon, had come from a line of famous Melosias.

When I went to the Melosia dorm that first night, many of the older students began "interrogating" the newer Melosias, but when I was asked a question, I didn't respond. Why?, you might ask, well even though I was a Melosia, I was pretty shy and didn't have the greatest ways with words so I usually avoided talking as much as I could to prevent problems. I guess my housemate didn't understand that since many seemed to think of me as rude and arrogant. Oops.

The next day, I was in my "Study of Magical Animals" class with the other first year students, two of whom caught my attention and whose names I remembered. There was Taurus- a beautiful dark chocolate brown haired female from the kind and humble house of Verdi and there was Aries- a sort of friendly and loud coal black haired boy from the "fiery" and athletic house of Valstran.

The teacher had paired me with Taurus for the day's project: hatching Sylph eggs. I was surprised by Taurus- as we worked on the project, her knowledge of magical animals was as much as mine, and I was the one with a fascination of magical animals. I did enjoy talking a bit to Taurus, but what put me off a wee bit was when Aries started to shamelessly flirt with her.

Taurus laughed at Aries's gestures, but she made no attempt to return any affection, instead Taurus turned back to me and we continued working on the project. Later, after Taurus and I and Aries and his partner successfully finished the first step in hatching a Sylph egg, it was lunch break. Taurus invited Aries and I to sit with her at lunch.

As I was about to accept her offer, Aries asked a question that made me freeze. "Why did you invite Scorpio? Don't Verdis and Melosias not get along?" he asked as if I wasn't there. Taurus raised an eyebrow but then responded, "Scorpio is my partner and a friend. He is more than welcome to eat with me," she said with a smile. Aries and I just nodded an "OK" and the three of us ate lunch together. While we ate, we chatted. Even though I was pretty much silent, I found out that Taurus was into nature and magical animals and that she especially loved books and writing about nature.

When the end of lunch arrived, I found out that I had a study hall block with Aries. As I sat down at a table in the study room, Aries came up to me and asked why I was so quiet.

Caught off guard, I didn't answer. Aries looked at me before speaking, "Oh so it's because you think that you are better than me, do you? Or is it because you are a mute that you won't talk?" I narrowed eyes and snapped at Aries, "Just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I think I'm above others or that I'm mute! I don't prefer to talk because I'm not the greatest with words!"

Aries just laughed and then smiled, "I knew you weren't mute! I just had to get it out of you to make sure though! Sorry man, friends?" he said while offering a hand shake. I just stared at his hand for a second, but then took it. "Friends," I said and with that I had made friends with Aries.

Later that evening, I hung out with Taurus for the project. During our time together, we found a lot of common interest in nature and magical animals and to be honest, I've never meet anyone so interesting to talk to.

The most interesting part was when Taurus hugged me before she left to her house dorm, I had felt butterflies in my stomach. Strange.

Ignoring the feeling, I headed back to my own Melosia dorm. When I entered my room, I sat at my desk and pulled out a journal and pen. Without even thinking about I, my hand started writing on it's own, neatly scribbling words across the page. I didn't know what I had written until I had finished. I read my own work and realized that it was a poem about Taurus. I had symbolized her as the first spring flower after a cold winter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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