s e v e n t y - s i x

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"And... CUT!" A familiar voice yelled from behind the trees, despite the source being nowhere in sight.

All of us relaxed from our characters and hugged one another, myself receiving a few well dones before I was finally left with Amybeth and Lucas once again.

"I have a good feeling about that scene... It was smooth." Amybeth stated, smiling between Lucas and I. "Do you guys agree?"

"Of course." We both said in unison before exchanging knowing looks.

"I'm glad it wasn't just me." Amybeth nodded whilst using the palms of her hands to smoothen her dress. "Hey, Christina. My mom wanted to know if you needed a ride back to the hotel..."

I shot Lucas a questioning glance, noticing that his gaze was already directed towards me.

"Uh, I was planning on taking her out tonight actually." He spoke up, avoiding eye contact. "I mean... Christina. Not your mom..."

"I see..." Amybeth grinned, glancing between the two of us. "Well, I'll see you both tomorrow I suppose. Goodnight, guys."

"Goodnight." I waved her off before turning to face Lucas, who was now staring off into the distance. "Where were you planning on taking me?"

"It's a surprise." He smirked. "You'll just have to wait and see..."


"What is this?" I quizzed the grinning boy, peeling back the burger bun to reveal an unappetising orange sauce.

"It's the best burger you'll ever have in your life." Lucas smiled, urging me to try it. We were currently sat on the edge of a fountain in the town centre, the night sky illuminated with thousands of stars and street lights. Although the scenery was breathtaking, I wasn't too thrilled about trying a mysterious burger from a mysterious food chain. Nonetheless, I took a bite.

"Oh my god..." I groaned, chewing slower to savour the taste.

"It's good, right?" Lucas pouted, seemingly impressed by his choice of food.

"Aren't you vegetarian?" I chuckled whilst politely covering my mouth. "You shouldn't know what this tastes like..."

"Is that your inner fangirl coming out? I don't remember telling you I was vegetarian." He winked, unravelling the burrito he had ordered.

I remained speechless, thanking the night sky for hiding my blushing face.

"You know-," He continued. "You're a great actress... I could barely focus on my lines when we were shooting that final scene."

"I'm an amateur." I shrugged, swiftly stealing a french fry from Lucas' portion. "I don't feel worthy to be amongst all of you guys."

Lucas laughed, revealing the same smile I had fallen in love with so long ago...

"I'll remember that for when you start getting cocky about being on TV." He winked, stealing one of my own fries to make up for the lack of his. "Anyway, hurry up and eat. I'm taking you somewhere else tonight."

"Where?" I raised a brow.

"Do you always ask so many questions?" He took a sip from the straw of his Coke. "It's a surprise."

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