Chapter 1: Adventures in Gehenna

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Gehenna's Capital 

It was a normal day in Gehenna. Demons went about their daily business. It was said that Gehenna was a mirror world of Assiah, and to some extent that was true. Gehenna was darker both in colors and in morals. It had a red sun and blue moon. Much of Gehenna was wastelands or forest. The trees were hundreds of feet taller than a tree in Assiah. The trees that weren't bare had dark colored leaves. Many low level or solitary demons resided in these forests and wastelands. It wasn't all bare though, the kingdoms of the demon kings and the capital of Gehenna, Ente Isla, were alight with bustling demons. 

Ente Isla was a large and vast place where many different kinds of demons, high and low level alike, congregated. It was also where the king of all demons lived. Most of them were humanoid demons, though. The castle, where the king lives, lies at the heart of Ente Isla, surrounded by forests. The rest of the capital was the city, where the demos lived and worked. While they all went about their daily activities, the Royal Guard rushed about looking for two demons. Iblis the king of fire, and Rin the king of shadows. The Guards were ordered by the King of Gehenna, to send the King of fire back to his own kingdom, and return the youngest prince back to the castle.

The two kings snuck through the city. Iblis wore punk close and kept his red hair spiked, he was going through a phase. Rin wore a black t-shirt, jeans, jacket, and combat boots. The two were trying to get to the train that would take them out of the capital. They ducked through an abandoned alleyway. The train station was just in sight. Rin was about to jump out of the shadows and make a break for it, when Iblis grabbed him by one arm and put his hand over his mouth. He held Rin close as he leaned against the wall. Iblis released Rin's arm and pointed up. Rin's eyes followed the motion. There were several Guards on the rooftops surrounding the station. They decided to find another way around. Iblis looked over to the trees by the sidewalk. A dastardly grin formed on his face. Rin could almost see the lightbulb go off above his head. However, before Rin could question him, said trees went up in bright orange-red flames. The guards on the roof immediately ran towards the flaming trees. With a smug laugh Iblis took off, Rin following. Several guards noticed them flee, and quickly went after them.

A whistle blew, signaling that the train was about to depart. Iblis jumped on one of the guards, that had gotten in his way, and used him as momentum to leap onto the top of the train. The guards were in front of Rin. The train started to move. A quick turn of the heal found Rin climbing on to the roof of a nearby building. The train started to build up speed. Rin jumped across the buildings.

"Hurry up little brother!" Iblis shouted.

With a well-timed jump Rin crashed into Iblis in a heap of limbs. Rin fell of his brother and almost off the train, but dug his claws into the cart. They steadied themselves, both relived to now be out of the guards reach.

"Think he's mad?" Rin asked, a smile threatening his lips. They both looked back and could see the castle. Several of its windows exploded in bright blue flames.

"Livid." Iblis laughed, not taking his eyes of the scene.

The train was now going full speed as it left the capital, with two demon kings sitting on the roof. Trains in Gehenna went inhumanly fast, demons were impatient by nature, after all. No train in Assiah could even compare. It took them through a wasteland. The train went over a bridge. The brothers just enjoyed the ride.

"So...what exactly are we doing?" Rin asked.

"Well you see little brother, I need your help."

"Yeah, I know that much but with what?" Rin demanded.

"Okay. Remember that thing I told you I found in Azael's library? Well... We're going to find it."

"That's why we're here?" Rin crossed his arms.

"You disappointed?"

"Hell no, this is awesome!" Rin gave his signature goofy grin.

"We'll finally have some dirt on Azael." Iblis was ecstatic. But just like that Iblis's joyful expression turned into one of panic. With a swift movement he leaped from the train.

"What the..." Rin began. He looked behind him and saw the rapidly approaching mountain. With a look similar to Iblis's, Rin back-flipped off the train seconds away from colliding with the mountain. The train went through the mountain as Rin and Ibis landed in the forest below. Trains in Gehenna also didn't work the same way as the ones in Assiah. Tracks were not always built around obstacles, nor were mountains dug out to build tunnels. Most of the time trains just fazed through them. The catch, though, was that you had to be in the train carts for you to faze with it. 

"We'll I guess we're walking from here." Iblis laughed.

The two demon brothers started walking through the woods laughing about the destructive escape from Ente Isla. As they went Rin couldn't help but think back on his time in Gehenna. He had been living in this world for a good two hundred and fifty years, and this was hardly the first time he and Iblis caused a ruckus and it would be far from the last. When he really thought about it, his days spent in Gehenna were some of his best memories. When he had first been taken from Assiah, he was far too depressed to even care where he was or what would happen to him. But eventually he was glad to be there, even loved being there. Rin wasn't even sure when it happened, but somewhere along the way he stopped seeing his brothers as the evil demon kings, and saw them as just that, his eight crazy older brothers. That didn't mean he forgot about his twin, just the opposite in fact. He missed Yukio, and all the ex-wires. He may have not been able to call them true friends, but he still missed his time spent with them.

"Well here we are." Iblis broke Rin out of his thoughts. "Do you're thing little brother."

Rin walked up to the giant wall that separated the king of spirits domain from the surrounding forests. In several places along the wall were entry and exit point, though there were no doors. It was kind of like the train, they just had to walk through it. The problem was that all these points were guarded by statue like demons, and they wouldn't let just anyone in. The entry point the two had chosen was guarded by a female lion statue, that just so happen to really like Rin.

"Hey, would you mind if we went through?" Rin asked the lion. She purred and let them pass. "Oh, and would you do me a favor and not tell anyone you saw us?" She gave him a stern look. "All right you got me. Here you go." He through her some rocks he had picked up along the way, her favorite snack. With a grin she agreed not to tell.

Once in Azael's territory, they headed straight for his library. Before they went in to Azael's castle, Rin unzipped his jacket and a little head popped out.

"Hey, Kuro I need you to do something for me. I need you to be a lookout of Azael."

"You got it." The cat sidhe replied happily. He jumped out of Rin's arms and ran off to keep watch. 

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