Chapter 9: The Return

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The title has several meanings....

For those of you following along with the story, I'm probably going to update every five days, every seven if it's a crazy week

Thanks for reading everyone! 


Assiah: The Cave

It was late when Amaimon and Rin returned to the cave. They were greeted by a frantic Egyn and pissed off Iblis. The normally jovial Rin was to dejected to comment on his brothers behavior, and that concerned them. Rin slid down the cave wall, and just sat there. Egyn went over and sat next to him.

"What happened?" Egyn asked, worry coating his words.

"I saw them." Rin hugged his knees and kept his head down.

"Saw who?" Egyn tried to coax his brother to talk, but Rin had shut down and refused to speak.

Egyn looked at Amaimon, hoping for answers. Amaimon gave a worried glance over to Rin, then told his two older brothers about what happened. Rin couldn't hold back his tears anymore. Egyn held him close and Amaimon sat on the other side of Rin. They stayed that way for the rest of the night.


Since Egyn was not fully healed they stayed hidden in the cave for the next few days. Once he was better they left. Rin had cheered up as well. The exorcists were still on high alert, so they wanted to get far away. They had just started out, when they heard a loud "crack" from behind them.

"What was that?" Iblis listened closely, but he couldn't sense or smell anything.

"I don't know."

They turned towards the sound, ready to fight. Someone shot at them. They attacked, what they thought were exorcists, but were shocked to discover they were not. What faced them were people, if you could call them that, dressed in red robes and masks. These beings fought as well as the demon kings, but were no demon. They didn't give off a demonic aura, nor did they give off a human presence. It was something in between, but not quite like a half demon either.

As the demon kings fought off their attackers, they were separated. Rin had his own troubles, when he heard gunfire and shouting. It made him freeze. He knew that voice. It was Yukio. Instinct taking over, Rin ran towards the voices origin. He saw Yukio and the others fighting the same people he and his brothers were. Without thinking, he rushed over to help them. He could see their terrified faces and heard them yell insults at him, but he didn't care.

Yukio and the others had been searching the woods for Rin. They had picked up his trail, when they were ambushed by people in red robes and masks. And if things weren't bad enough Rin had shown up. Yukio heard Bon yell threats at him and Konekomaru panic.

Rin didn't know who these people were, but they were strong. Being able to fight against a demon king was no easy accomplishment. Iblis and Amaimon had caught up to Rin and jumped out of the woods. He heard the exwires shout more insults. The three demon kings stood back to back.

"Well little brothers, we may need to go all out." Iblis gave a devil smile, letting his red-orange flames cover his body.

"I was hoping you'd say that." Rin let his blue flames do the same, his tail whipping back and forth in anticipation.

"Finally, I was so bored." Amaimon said in his same emotionless voice, as he started to make the ground shake.

When they went full out, the battle didn't last long. Those that were still alive fled, leaving the exwires and the demons together. The three demon kings looked at the seven exorcists. Yukio and the others, though exhausted, were ready to fight. They stared at each other neither side willing to move.

"We need to go back now!" Egyn came bursting out of the woods. "I think I know what's going on!"

"What's happening?" Rin wanted some answers.

"I'll explain later. But we need to. Go. Back. Now." Egyn placed his hands on Rin's shoulders. Rin looked in his brothers serious eyes.

"Okay." Rin rolled up the sleeve of his jacket.

"Wait Rin! Where are you going!" Yukio regained his senses. "You can't leave!"

He wanted to run up and grab Rin away from the demons. The way he saw it the demons had corrupted his brother, and if he could get Rin away from them he cold have his twin back. But if Rin left he may never be able to fix him. And that's what he needed to do, fix his twins mess, like always. He had a pretty good idea where the demons were taking Rin, but couldn't believe that his brother was willing to go there.

"You heard him. We're going back." Rin turned and faced Yukio. "To Gehenna." As he said his last word, Rin used his claws to rip open his forearm. The blood pooled on the ground, and the gate opened up. He ignored their horrified looks. With one last glance at his twin Rin went through the gate, followed by the three demon kings. Rin wanted to stay and talk with Yukio, but he also didn't. Things could never and would never be the same. He was a demon, and his brother was an exorcist. Yukio, Shura and the exwires stared at the spot where Rin previously stood and watched the gate close. 

"I'm sorry dad, I failed." Yukio whispered to himself, so no one could hear.


Once in Gehenna, Egyn led them straight to their fathers throne room, telling his brothers he'd explain when they were there. The other three were much less enthusiastic about seeing their father, they had broken a lot of rules when they escaped the castle and fled to Assiah. When they reached the large double doors they were halted by the guards. Egyn told them that he urgently needed to see his father. They bowed and let the kings pass. The four of them entered the room and immediately bowed to their father.

"Ah. My wayward sons return." Satan smiled, though it was clear he was not happy.

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