Chapter 2: The Library of Hell

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Azazel's Library

Azazel's library wasn't your average bookshelf. The shelves seemed to stretch endlessly towards the ceiling and closer to the top they started going horizontal, they curved around each other, and seemed to be in impossible shapes and angles. Books of all kinds could be found here. From the history of Assiah and Gehenna, to mathematics and physics, to cook books and children's stories, to spell books and ancient scrolls. Every book of every kind could be found there. The book the two demon kings were looking for, however, was more of a personal matter.

"So basically, we're looking Azazel's diary."

"Pretty much. It was a brown leather book. Looked old. Now stop yapping and start looking." Iblis announced, then jumped up and started climbing up one of the bookshelves.

"I hate reading." Rin commented to himself.

"I can't hear you from down there." Iblis laughed sarcastically.

Rin stared to climb one of the bookshelves too. Together they rifled through the library in search of Azazel's diary.

Azazel was out in the garden tending to his plants, when a spirit came looking for him. In Azazel's kingdom, the inhabitants were mostly spirits, ghost, or something related to the afterlife. Out of all the demon kings the king of spirits was probably, no definitely, the calmest and most rational. Azazel had white hair and typically dress a little bit more old fashioned.

"Sir," the spirit greeted, "I thought I should inform you that the king of fire and the king of shadows are currently inside your library."

"Is that so."

"And the royal guard is currently on a manhunt for the king of shadows."

Azazel sighed.

"That will be all" He dismissed the spirit.

He had a pretty good idea why his two younger brothers were in his domain. However, he wasn't exactly sure why the royal guard was after Rin. But if Iblis was involved, and he usually was, it was probably something stupid and destructive.

As he walked off, he saw Kuro trying to hide. With a sigh he grabbed the poorly hidden cat. Azazel walked into his library and saw his brothers climbing the shelves. Irritated Azazel slammed his fist on the shelf and let go of Kuro, who scampered away. The sudden disturbance caused Iblis to lose his balance and fall, dragging Rin with him. They fell right in front of Azazel. Iblis landed on top of Rin, who was face down on the floor.

"Azazel! What are you doing here?" Iblis laughed nervously.

"What am I doing in my castle, in my kingdom?" Azazel crossed his arms and looked down at him.

"Well isn't that nice." Iblis did his best innocent smile, while still laying on top his little brother.

"Indeed. Now tell me, what are you doing here?"

Iblis rested his chin on his hand, which was conveniently propped up on Rin's head.

"Well, you see..." He didn't get to finish his sentence, because Rin had kicked him across the room.

"You're heavy." Rin spat.

"Tell me youngest brother, why is the royal guard hunting you?" Azazel inquired.

Rin stood up and crossed his arms.

"The old man's completely unfair. All I said was that Iblis and I were going to hang out, and suddenly I'm on lockdown and Iblis isn't allowed near me." Rin huffed truly not understanding why he and Iblis couldn't be together.

"That's because the last time you two were together you burned down half of the West Forest." Azazel replied rubbing the bridge of his nose. Yes, his brothers really were out of control sometimes.

"What are you talking about the forest looks better now." Iblis said while rubbing his head recovering from being thrown across the room.

Azazel started lecturing his brothers on why they couldn't break out of the castle and break into his kingdom. The two destructive kings just rolled their eyes. This was not the first time they had heard this speech in the past two hundred and fifty years.

The window behind Azazel flew open.

"Hey did ya hear! Rin and Iblis escaped the... Oh I guess you already know." Egyn king of water said as he sat in the window.

Great this is exactly what the king of spirits needed... another brother in his domain.  

Egyn had long aqua colored hair that he kept in a high ponytail. He dressed similar to a genie and his shirt only covered the top half of his chest. He was also always barefoot.

"Egyn. What are you doing here?" The now very irritated Azazel asked.

"I came to gossip, but I see there's no need... So, what did you two do?"

"Father said we weren't allowed to hang out." Rin answered

"Well, that's because the last time you two were together you burned half the west forest." Egyn said as he jumped through the window and into the room.

"It looks better now." Iblis mumbled

A spirit came in and told, the now four demon kings, that the royal guard was approaching.

"I'm not covering for you." Azazel stated in a monotone voice. He then walked off to find the guards.

"Stupid Azazel." Iblis frowned. He turned towards Rin, only to find him missing. Confusion dominated his facial features, then it turned to anger, as he saw Egyn dragging Rin by the arm down the hall, smiles plastered on both their faces.

"Hey! Wait for me!" He shouted after his brothers.   

Almost as soon as Azazel left the library he heard shouting and something... many things breaking. As he walked down the halls a devious smiled formed on his lips. The childish antics of his younger brothers never ceased to amaze him.

The guards approached the king of spirits.

"We are looking for the youngest prince." One of them stated.

"Sorry, but I don't know where he is." Azazel grinned.

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