Chapter 7: Exorcists

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Hooray two chapters! So chapters 7 and 8 are very similar, they're just from different points of view. I wrote them that way because it's important to understand what's happening on both sides. But instead of dragging this out any longer, I'm posting them both so we can move on to bigger plot territory.

As always thanks for reading! I'm glad you guys like it!


Exorcist base: during the attack, Yukio's point of view

Exorcists ran to the scene. The explosion of blue flames forced everyone to stop what they were doing. Yukio and the others weren't sure what was happening. One moment they were being attacked by two demon kings and their kin, the next Rin was laying several feet away from them. They didn't know who the other man on the ground was, but at the moment they didn't care. Too many questions raged in their minds. Was that Rin? It had to be no one else had Satan's flames. What was going on? Why was Rin there?   Yukio wanted to believe that his twin was trying to stop the attacking demons, that he still was on their side. But somewhere deep in his heart he knew that something was wrong.

Several other exorcists had made it over to them.

"Surround them! And Kill the King of Water before they can escape!"

That's when literally all hell broke loose. Rin tackled the exorcist and gave a demonic scream full of rage.

"Rin..." Shiemi called out to him. His screaming stopped and he looked over. Everyone paled. The eyes that looked over to them were not Rin's, no, they were the eyes of a demon.

Rin stood up and slowly started to walk towards the group. Yukio froze. The last time he had seen his brother, when they were fighting the spider demon, he had the same demonic look. An exorcist took action, shooting Rin. Blood soaked everything, as Rin slaughtered the exorcists. Yukio thought nothing could stop his rampaging brother, then he heard a meow. A little cat came running to Rin. Though Yukio couldn't understand what the cat was saying he could tell that it had an effect on Rin. His flames died down, but did not go out, he seemed to regain his senses. And in a matter of seconds Rin, Kuro, and the King of Water were gone.

Just as the three demons were leaving Xzavier had rushed over to them, but was too late, they had escaped. He was furious. He turned to the Yukio and the others with a guilty look.

"What the hell was that!" Yukio wasn't one to normally lose his temper, but he just couldn't hold it in. Xzavier sighed.

"I suppose you would like an explanation."

"Damn right we do!" Shura marched up to him. The rest of them following her lead.

"You see there are four demon kings that can typically be found together, and when you find one you can usually find the others close by. the King of Water, the King of Fire, the King of Earth and the King of Shadows." Xzavier began his explanation, but was interrupted.

"The King of Shadows? that's not a demon I've ever heard of. And that's not what we want to know! We're talking about the kid with blue flames that was just here." Bon yelled angrily.

"Calm down, I'm getting there. But no, you wouldn't have heard of him. The King of shadows has only been on record for about two hundred years, at least that's the first appearance we know of."

"And who exactly is the King of Shadows?" Though he asked the question, Yukio knew the answer. With another sigh Xzavier spoke.

"Rin Okumura is the demon King of enemy to exorcists." They were all wide eyed and speechless.

"What! How did this happen! When did this happen!" Yukio was hysterical. There's no way his brother was a demon king.

"Whoa whoa, one question at a time. Rin Okumura used to work with the exorcist, but two hundred and fifty years ago he betrayed the exorcist order, killing hundreds, and fled to Gehenna. Then reappeared fifty years later as a demon king"

"This is terrible. I can't believe it... It's just terrible." Yukio lost his words.

"No, no. What's really terrible is how the little punk didn't stick around to fight with me." Xzavier sounded upset, but not the way he should. He acted more like a friend had forgotten to say goodbye before he left, like it wasn't a big deal. "We have such a nice shorthand, I insult him, he insults me, we fight a bit then he leaves... It's like a routine."

"What's wrong with you! How can you joke about this!" Yukio and the Paladin started arguing back and forth.

"Ladies, ladies. Calm down." Minx walked up to them.

Jillian Minx was a high class exorcist that worked directly with the Paladin. In the months that they had been awake she and Shura had become close. It wasn't surprising though, Minx was brash and loved to drink. They dressed similar too. Minx wore shorts and a white tank-top that only covered the top half of her body, along with her exorcist jacket.

"You" she pointed at Yukio and the others "shut up and listen. And you" she poked Xzavier chest "lose that hate boner" 1

"Now that just makes me sound like a pervert." He laughed at her.

"His what?" Kamiki jumped into the conversation.

"Every time the dear ole Paladin here sees the King of Shadows, he gets all excited, and abandons his post!" She slapped the back of his head. Yukio could care less about their conversation, he was too depressed and in shock.

"My brother really did side with the demons?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't want you to find out this way." Xzavier placed a hand on Yukio's shoulder.


It was early morning and the gang decided they needed a break. The previous days events were still to fresh in their minds. They went out into the town and into a park. They weren't planning on going there but somehow, they just sort of ended up there.

Everything was calm and quiet, until they saw Amaimon dart into the woods, Bons eyes went wide. He jumped up and ran after the demon, with his friends close behind. Yukio and Shura tried to stop them, but failed. Though they didn't want to engage in battle with the King of Earth, they would defend their students.


1- If you know this reference, congratulations you get a cookie 2

2- You get two cookies if you know that reference too

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