Chapter 15: Human Tales Part 2

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I wasn't originally going to post this chapter because it was unfinished, but I was really inspired and got it done so woohoo you get three chapters today!


Location: unknown

The cold hard ground was a welcome sensation after their previous experience. They looked at their surroundings. Everything was dark, not because their eyes were closed, oh no, they were very much awake. They were in a forest, but not like one they had ever seen. The tree's were huge and the seemed to stretch endlessly. The only good thing was that Isolde and her men were nowhere in sight.

"Where are we?" Shima asked nervously, his k'rik clutched tightly in his hand.

"I don't know." Yukio replied.

"Yukio who was that and what did she want?" Shura changed the subject.

"She called herself Isolde, but I can't tell you anymore then that. All I say is what she told me." He explained his encounter with Isolde.

"She awakened your demon side?" Shura didn't know what to do.

"Not fully, but she started to, that is until you guys came busting in." He was glad they showed up when they did.

When they got a better look they could see the subtle changes in Yukio's appearance. His canines were a little longer and his ears a bit more pointed, but the most noticeably different feature was that his eyes were vividly brighter. They still didn't think he looked demonic, just a little... odd.

Once they knew what was going on, they needed to refocuses themselves and find out where they were and how to get back. They started to look around for any signs of life, the forest just seemed so dead.

"It's kinda hard to breath." Konekomaru said what all, but Yukio, were thinking.

"Really? I don't find it to different." Yukio said.

"You must be joking. The air almost burns." Bon replied.

Before anyone could say anything else, a swarm of coaltars, ghouls, and other such demons related to the King of Rot came running towards them. The exorcists were ready to fight, but the demons just ran by them. They were more confused than anything else at this point, as they watched the demons flee.

"I think I know where we are." Izumo broke the silence.


"Think about it. We're having trouble breathing, Okumura sensei isn't. All those demons the the dark sky, the weird landscape... We're in Gehenna."

"That's ridiculous. Don't joke about something like that." Shura lectured. Completely refusing to believe what Izumo was suggesting.

"But it makes sense." Izumo argued back.

As the two continued to argue, they heard a loud rumble. They all turned towards the source. Part of the forest further away erupted in those brilliant blue flames. Whether they were Rin's flames or Satan's, they didn't know, but the fact was that both Rin and Satan were in Gehenna. Izumo had never been more upset to be right. As they stared at the flames some of the trees started to fall. A body covered in blue flames landed in the center of the clearing.

They watched from the edge of the woods, as another familiar figure came into the clearing. The spider demon from three hundred and fifty years ago was there, attacking Rin. They could do nothing but watch in horror as it pinned Rin down. Rin let out a blood curdling scream of pure agony. His flames were disappearing, and he was covered in blood. Before the beast could kill him, another demon came to his aid.

When that demon too started losing to the monster, Rin had managed to get himself back up and they fought together. The spider demon bashed them around for a bit then ran off. Rin passed out in the arms of the ram horned demon. The way the demon nestled Rin on the ground was almost tender, but they refused to let themselves think that demons could have a softer side. 

When the demon noticed them, he immediately turned hostile. If it wasn't for Kuro running up to him, the demon would have killed Shiemi.

 Yukio then realized he could hear their voices, though their mouths weren't moving. He then noticed only he could hear them, proving he really was more demonic than he wanted to believe.


Yukio didn't feel any better after explaining his story to the demons. Actually, he felt worse. Exorcists weren't supposed to show weakness, especially to a demon.  After all, emotions were what demons latched onto. Not to mention said demon was also his brother, or what used to be his brother. Honestly, if he and the other exorcists weren't trapped in Gehenna, he would have shot the demon full of holes. But, if there was any hope of escaping, they would need Rin's help, what little of him might still be in the demon.

He stared at Rin. He never really got a chance to admire his twins new demonic features. His ears were pointed, his nails, he couldn't even call them that, they were more like a predators claws. Then there were his fangs. They were far longer than they were when he was an exwire, sharper too. When Rin showed off his fangs, before Yukio started his story, he was shocked. It reminded Yukio what Rin was, though, he supposed that was what the demon was trying to imply.

But that was nothing compared to his eyes. They were such a vibrant and piercing blue with a hint of red in his pupil, truly the mark of a demon. He could almost see the blazing inferno behind Rin's eyes. His eyes were cold and seemed to see straight through Yukio. Yukio's thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

"We can't just let them wander around Gehenna. Should we tell father?" As soon as he heard Rin speak, but didn't see his mouth move, he understood that he was using that strange demon telepathy. But what did he mean by "tell father," he couldn't possible mean, his thoughts were interrupted again.

"The wimpy demon can hear you, or did you forget already, brüderchen (1)." Astaroth spoke so everyone could understand. Rin growled in frustration. Since when did his brother growl? He kept having to remind himself that Rin wasn't his brother anymore.

"Whatever. You can't stay." Rin pointed to the humans. "So I'm going to see you off. But first I need to go talk to someone."


1-  brüderchen is German for little or baby brother

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