Chapter 22: Earth, The Protector of Shadows

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Gehenna: Mephisto's palace

Bon was glad that his old teacher and friend had been turned back into a human, really he was. But at the moment he wanted someone to deal with his problem. It wasn't a difficult problem to tackle, but it still needed to be dealt with, and at the moment he couldn't do anything on his own. He still was carrying a comatose Rin on his back. He coughed, gaining the others attention. 

"So... What should I do with, um this?" Bon tilted his head towards the unconscious Rin. 

"My, my little brother, what have you done to yourself?" Mephisto gave a sad smile. Truthfully, he knew what had happened and about the attack and it couldn't have been helped. But, he also knew his younger brother was reckless and some of those injuries could have been avoided. "We should let him rest."  

"Brother I smell Rin." Said an emotionless voice as it entered the room. 

The exorcists froze, their faces twisted in anger, they really did have a grudge against the King of Earth. Amaimon barely took notice of the humans in the room. He was more focused on finding his little brother. That's when he saw it. Rin draped over a human and unconscious. That was not okay. With one swift well practiced move Amaimon was in front of the human, hand around his neck. 

When his elder brother told him that his youngest, and favorite, brother was coming there to the castle, Amaimon was overjoyed. Though his face still had the same bored expression. Only those who truly knew the King of Earth would be able to see the relief in his eyes. But, he was not okay with a human, an exorcist in training or not, holding his wounded brother. He also recognized this particular human as one of the ones that had emotionally, and on occasion physically, hurt Rin. 

"Hey! Stop it!" Yukio pulled out his gun. The others got into similar battle positions. 

"Oh dear." Mephisto sighed. Really his brothers were a handful, and was the younger Okumura always so quick to fight? He couldn't remember, it had been quite a while. 

The human was gasping under his monstrous grip. When he heard the others shout, he noticed that they too were from Rin's past. He would have to kill the rest of them next, then his little brother would be able to live in peace. Well, as close to peace as a demon king could get. He would protect Rin from them. He would not let Rin's trauma be repeated. After all he was the one that had rescued him the first time, and brought him here, to his home. His true home. Not the the place that had hurt him so much, both emotionally and physically. All Amaimon had to do was take out the threat in front of him. Then everything would be fine. Just a little bit longer and the human under his grip would die, the rest soon following. 

A hand grabbed Amaimons arm. 

"Wait." A tired, drained, barely audible, but commanding voice said. Amaimon looked at the hand that was grabbing his wrist and followed it back to Rin. 

They locked eyes, their silent conversation unheard. Yukio was glad to human again, but he was a little upset he could no longer hear Rin's inner voice. The stare he and the king of earth were sharing was intense. Though he couldn't hear it anymore he knew that there was a conversation going on. 

Amaimon gave a fierce growl, startling the humans. He reluctantly let go of Bons neck. Said human was left chocking and gasping for air. As he was regaining his breath, the weight on his back vanished. Amaimon had quickly, and carefully, grabbed Rin and placed him on his own back. 

"Well, now that that's settled, we can focus on more important matters." Mephisto said.

"Like getting us back." Yukio responded.

"Yes, but at the moment we can't send you back to Assiah. Rin's to weak to open the gate and Satan's made it clear that he won't help." Mephisto half lied, It was true that Rin couldn't open a gate, after all it hadn't been to long ago that he had opened one and his resent battles left him drained. But he wasn't going to let them know that the King of Gehenna was currently missing and that's why he couldn't open the gate. Though, even if he was there Mephisto wasn't sure he would help anyway. Their father was a stubborn one. 

They didn't particularly like where this was going.

"So in the meantime, you can wait here." Mephisto gestured to the room they were in. "I have to leave for a bit I will be back shortly" Mephisto then left the room, intending to find out something regarding his fathers disappearance.

 Amaimon went over to the couch and sat Rin down, figuring it was better for Rin to rest there. There was a heavy silence in the air. Amaimon didn't like being in the same room as the humans, but knew Rin didn't want to leave them alone. After a few attempts at failed conversation, Yukio asked a question he wasn't sure he should. However, he knew this might be the last chance he ever got to ask.

"What made you choose Gehenna, Rin?" Yukio decided if he was going to get some answers he should probably be a little more familiar with his twin, instead of calling him that damned demon. 

Rin looked up at Yukio. He was to exhausted to argue or make up a story. And he figured they did deserve some kind of explanation.

"Do you really want to know." His tired voice asked. 

"Yes." Yukio was a little nervous to ask but hoped that it didn't come through in his voice. The others would be lying if they said they too were not curious about Rin's past. He had changed so much, despite what Kuro had tried to argue. 

"It's an over three century old tale." Rin gave a sad laugh. 

"It doesn't matter how old it is! We- I deserve to know what happened to you." Yukio was angry at Rin for drawing this out and partially grateful. He was still a little afraid of the answer.

Rin sighed. Amaimon put a hand on his shoulder. 

"You don't have to tell them anything, if you don't want to."  Amaimon's inner voice said to Rin.

"I know, but he has a point. He is my twin and does deserve to at least know my reasoning." 

Amaimon didn't like this. They had hurt Rin and know he was going to let them know one of his greatest pains. 

"You might want to sit down. It's a pretty long story." Rin had a sad smile on his face as he began his tale.


Yay the return of Amaimon!!!!!! And in the next chapter finally some answers as to why Rin hates exorcists and likes his demon family! It only took me 22 chapters to get there. On another note I never expected this story to be this long, only somewhere around 10-15 chapters. I'm not complaining though. 

Anyway thanks for reading!!!

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