Chapter 6: birds eye view

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Assiah: A few days before the attack

Rin and Amaimon had made their way to an old abandoned construction site. They climbed on to one of the scaffoldings and started munching on some snacks they had picked up along the way, laughing about their adventures that day. They had gone to get candy, played in the arcade and just goofed around the shops.

The smell of blood touched their noses and they froze. Heavy frantic footsteps came stumbling through the door.

"They took Egyn!"  Iblis spit up blood and collapsed on his knees.

"Brother!" Amaimon and Rin shouted in unison. They jumped off the scaffolding and ran to Iblis.

"We need to get Egyn!" Iblis tried to get up, but his aching body protested the motion.

"Iblis calm down." Rin instructed. He and Amaimon helped him over to the wall so he could lean on it.

"Now what happened?"

"Exorcists... They ambushed us..." He said between heavy breaths. "Took Egyn..." He faded off into unconsciousness.

Rin and Amaimon weren't sure what to do. Egyn had been captured? That thought terrified them. Egyn was their big brother, their protector. He was a powerful demon king, but also their brother, no matter how much he complained about them. No one could rival his brother complex. He would do anything to keep his younger siblings safe. Sure they argued and fought, but a few minutes later it was like it never happened. Truth be told, it was always Egyn who got them out of trouble. Whether in Assiah or Gehenna, it was Egyn's ability to rationalize that kept them out of harm. He was their ringleader, and he had been captured. The two conscious kings stared wide eyed at each other.

"Stay...Stay with Iblis!" Rin snapped himself out of his trance "I'll go see if I can find something." Rin stood up and started to leave. Amaimon grabbed his arm.

"But the exorcists might still be out there. Little brother we should wait for Iblis to wake up." It wasn't like Amaimon to be so worried, but one of his older brothers was captured by exorcists, the other older brother was wounded and unconscious, and his little brother going to go off on his own, while there were still exorcists running around. 

"We don't have time for that. Beside I'm counting on the exorcist to still be there, we'll have a better chance of finding Egyn." Rin could see the worry in Amaimons otherwise emotionless eyes.

"Don't worry I'm not the King of Shadows for nothing. They'll never even know I was there." And with that Rin left their hideout. Leaving Iblis in Amaimons care.

Every demon king had the ability to change forms. Rin was no different. But unlike a fancy dog or green hamster, Rin's form was a little more subtle. He changed into a little black crow. He flew over the city until he found some exorcists. Rin landed on a trashcan with some other crows. He overheard the exorcists say that the King of Water had been taken to the base outside the city, and that they were still looking for the King of Fire. Rin flew straight to the base, staying just outside the barrier. Though, it was clear that he wouldn't be able to learn anything from there.

Because of his half demon blood, it was possible for him to slip through the wards undetected, if he was careful. And he was. Rin landed in a tree near a training ground. He swore that one of the kids looked like the rooster head, but he figured it was just the nostalgia of being in an exorcist's base. A few exorcists had gathered under the tree Rin was sitting on.

"What are they going to do with the King of Water?" one of them asked

"Don't know. But once they're ready, he's going to be shipped off to the Vatican."

"I'll be more relaxed once the demon's out of here."

"I'm with you there."

The trainees had moved on and started practicing with guns. The loud bangs startled the birds in the trees, including the one Rin was in. One of the exorcist noticed a little black crow that hadn't immediately taken off like the other birds. Rin wanted to stay and learn more, but he figured he had tested his luck long enough, and if he didn't leave soon, the exorcist that was staring at him would take action. With that he took off and joined the other birds.

He left the base and went back to his brothers. It was the next morning when he returned. He turned back into his human form. The first thing he saw was a very angry, nearly healed Iblis.

"So Amaimon tells me you left to find some exorcist." Iblis tapped his foot. "We can't just split up like that."

"I was doing reconnaissance, you're welcome. But we have a bigger problem. They're going to send Egyn to the Vatican."

"We need to go get him now!" Iblis tried to leave.

"Not until you're fully healed." Surprisingly, it was Amaimon who was the voice of reason.

Both of them wanted to protest, but knew he was right. If they were going to attack an exorcist base of this magnitude, they would need their full strength. So they waited. It was another day before they were ready to rescue Egyn. And without hesitation they charged in. Their plan was to have Iblis, Amaimon, and their kin distract the exorcists. while Rin went after Egyn. Iblis started his attack from one side, and Amaimon and Rin came in from the other.

Amaimon's lizard like tail thrashed about in anger, his demonic features were prominent as he rode atop Behemoth. Rin was also on the hobgoblin, albeit more stealthily. He couldn't risk engaging in battle, not yet anyway. He needed to get to Egyn.

The exorcist had placed protective circles around the base, preventing the demons from going any further. Rin jumped off Behemoth and took out a few exorcists around the circle. Once the protective barrier was breached Amaimon and his kin were able to continue their attack. Rin ran inside the base, getting rid of anyone in his way. He could sense Egyn's demonic aura now that he was inside the base. When they were outside, the protective barrier prevented them from sensing it. His presence was strongest just beyond some heavily guarded doors. Rin didn't have time to play, so he summoned his sword. The tattoos on his chest acted like a gateway, seemingly allowing him to pull the sword out of his very flesh.

It wasn't long before the exorcists fell to Rin's blade. The door that separated him from his brother, however, was a different matter. He slashed the door again and again. Angered, Rin decided there was no holding back. He let his blue flames cover his body and sword, and with one final hit the door was destroyed. He used his flames to break the talismans and chains around Egyn. Rin grabbed one of his arms and draped it around his shoulder, caring an unconscious Egyn away.

They didn't get far before they were stopped by more exorcist. Their fight was brief, but they were able to injure Rin's arm. In heated anger his flames exploded, causing Rin and Egyn to be thrown out the window. Rin had let go of Egyn which made them to separate when they landed. Rin laid on the ground, flames growing brighter and hotter as he went into a full blown rage.


Thanks for reading!

If you don't like the crow idea just pretend it did happen :)

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