Chapter 28: The Return of the King

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I'm still alive!!!!!!! I swear I didn't mean to leave you guys for so long but life's a pain and sometimes gets in the way and I go through little patches of writers block here and there. But I don't plan on abandoning this story or any of the others I'm working on anytime soon. 

The amount of love I got from you guys is amazing. When I saw the notifications, likes, and adds I was so excited. I'm not really that confident in my writing so it made me so happy to know you guys are enjoying it!!!

Enjoy this chapter and I'll try not to take as long with the next chapter!!!!


Assiah: Romania, Isolde's Castle

Rin was running through the halls of the castle. Somewhere along the way he had been separated from Amaimon. He would have gone back to get him, but didn't have that luxury. He needed to move fast. The exorcists were making their way further into the castle then he or any of his brothers would have liked and surprisingly holding their own. He still worried for the earth king, but that was just how he was. Amaimon was strong and could take care of himself. And Rin figured it might have been for the best anyway. He was nervous in his own right to let his father posse him, he didn't need Amaimon's worry streak to add to his stress.

As Rin ran through the halls he managed to find Azazel. That somewhat eased his mind. Azazel was calm and level headed and would be able to serve as a comfort to Rin. It worked out for the best though, for Azazel had been able to find the location of their father.

Isolde was nothing if not clever and she was able to successfully hide Satan from them for a while. Azazel was only slightly able to pick up the aura of his father. He knew whatever they were using to contain their fathers aura was also being used to conceal it. He figured that's what they were trying to accomplish anyway. The exorcists may have been human (self righteous ones at that) but even they would have been able to almost immediately find Satan's presence.

Satan was to be used as a barging chip, either to threaten or befriend the exorcist. With the way things had played out she would most likely try to threaten to unleash his power and destroy Assiah. Neither demon nor human, would want that outcome. That's what made it so imperative that the find their father. Isolde would not hesitate to destroy a world along with herself just to prove a point. The most dangerous foes were always those with nothing left to lose.

It wasn't long before Rin and Azazel reached the area where Satan's presence was strongest. Though strong might not have been the best way to describe it. It was just barely noticeable if you concentrated and were looking for it.

The large tightly sealed and guarded door was the only thing keeping them from returning Gehenna back to normal. Rin wasted no time in slaughtering the guards in front of the door. While Rin dealt with them Azazel made quick work of the seal on the door.

The door opened painfully slowly and Rin could barely contain himself from running through, but there was no way of knowing what lied on the other side of the door. If they were to make it out with their lives then he would would have to be cautious and not hotheaded like usual.

The door finally opened after what felt like an eternity. Rin stood there breathing heavily. His thoughts were a jumbled mess. There was Satan, his father, sitting defeated in the middle of a magic circle. His father was supposed to be the strongest being he knew and to see him reduced to this made Rin want to panic.

Azazel must have sensed his unease because he put a comforting hand on Rin's shoulder. The look on the King of Spirits face was stoic but Rin could see the underlying worry. He too did not like seeing their father like this. Azazel nudged Rin forwards and they both stepped right to the edge of the circle.

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