Chapter 17: A Room in Gehenna

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ahhh I almost forgot to update!!!!

but anyway thanks for reading


Gehenna: Satan's Castle, Rin's room

"In the meantime, while I'm gone Kuro's in charge." Kuro jumped onto Rin's bed.

"Aye, aye sir." He saluted.

"There shouldn't be any communication problems, after all you can hear his voice now, right little brother." Rin said with a twisted grin as he walked out of the room.

"You're no brother of mine." Yukio said softly once the door was closed and Rin was out of earshot.

They stood there in silence for awhile. No one knew what to say or do. That is, until the Shima spoke.

"I'm just gonna say it, he may be a demon, but his room is sweet." Shima plopped down on the bed.

"Hey don't play around!"

"Calm down Bon. I'm just sitting down."

"It's a demons bed, who knows what could happen!" Bon shouted.

Kuro, who was also sitting on the bed, rolled over onto his back in a fit of laughter. Though they only heard meows.

"Oh please, It's just a bed." Izumo was getting really irritated with all this stupidity. "Look even the cat's laughing at you."

"You sure he's laughing? Cause it kind of looks like he's having a seizure to me." Shima eyed the cat.

Kuro regained his breath and got back into a sitting position. He started meowing again.

"Well, what's he saying?"

"Aren't you taking this a little too lightly, Shima?" Yukio asked

"Well, it's not like we can leave. And we can't take on all of Gehenna. So we might as well hear what the cat has to say."Izumo interjected.

"Yeah she's right. So tell us what the cat's saying." Shima really wanted to know.

"Actually, this might be a good time to learn more about Rin." Shura through in her opinion. Shura, as well as Yukio, remembered how close Shiro and Kuro were. The cat may have been a demon, but he was a gentle spirit. If he was still with Rin then that meant one of two things. The first being Kuro reverted back to his demonic nature, but that didn't really seem to be the case, and the second being maybe there was more of Rin left in the demon then they had originally believed. Yukio fixed his glasses.

"Fine. He said you guys were being silly."

"Okay." Shura turned to Kuro. "Now can you tell us about Rin and why he changed?" When he meowed she turned back to Yukio. He frowned.

"He said, he doesn't understand, Rin's exactly the same, we just make him nervous." Yukio was angry at this comment.

"Well I don't believe you!" He said with spite in his voice. "He betrayed his family and let my dad's death be in vain!" Whether Rin was still in the demon or not made no difference. Rin had made his choice, and he chose demons.

At the mention of Shiro, Kuro saddened, but quickly regained his spunk, in order to defend Rin. He ran across the bed, jumped onto the nightstand and grabbed a frame. He brought the photo to Yukio. When Yukio saw the it, he turned white, he didn't know what he was feeling. Anger, sadness, hatred, mourning, he didn't know. He stared down at the photo of himself and Rin when they were kids, with Shiro.

"See he still misses Shiro too." Kuro said confidently.

Yukio was about to argue more, but the sound of creaking stopped him.

They froze as the door opened to reveal a stoic Rin. Kuro jumped from the bed and went over to him. Rin looked at the photo on his bed, but decided he didn't want to know what they were talking about, figuring it would only lead to more fighting.

"Well I have good news. There's a way to change you back." He pointed at Yukio.

"How?" He asked skeptically, he didn't want to seem needed or desperate to the demons.

"I'm not entirely sure, but Azazel should be able to help."

"Azazel, as in the King of Spirits?" Konekomaru said terrified. Rin gave them a condescending look. Who else would he mean?

He debated about leaving them here in his room, while he went to see Azazel, but he didn't feel like arguing anymore. Plus, if  Azazel was going to help change Yukio back, he would need to see what exactly was wrong with him.

"Yes, now follow me." Rin turned to leave.

"What, don't trust us alone now? Didn't you say it was too dangerous for us to go out there?" Rin sighed. Was Yukio determined to be difficult about everything?

Why couldn't they understand he was trying to help them. He didn't want the humans in Gehenna, anymore than they wanted to be there. They weren't going to get anything resolved if they couldn't get along. He was willing to give a little, so they should too. Rin had more of a right to hostile than they did anyway. They were in his territory, threatening, and ordering him around. But here he was a prince, he had lived like one for centuries, and he didn't take to well to being bossed around. Even when he was a exwire, he didn't like people telling him what to do. Now he was a fully recognized demon king, and as such he demanded a certain level of respect, which seemed to be lacking in his current situation. But he supposed it was to be expected, they were exorcists, and in their minds they were the saviors of Assiah and he was a lowly demon.

"Just follow me." Rin swallowed his pride as a demon prince and ignored Yukio's comment,  deciding to take the higher road, since the exorcists were going to battle him every step of the way. 

His father had made sure that none of the demon servants would be in this wing of the castle, that at least lessened some of the burden on his shoulders. He led them to Azazel's door. Rin gave one last pleading look to Astaroth, but the Demon King of Rot only shook his head. As much as he would want to accompany his younger brother, he needed to stay with his father and discuss their next move against Isolde. Rin sighed and let the door close behind him.

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