Chapter 4: A Twisted Fate

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I know I left you guys on a cliffhanger, that unfortunately won't be solved here... I know I'm an ass :) I also know when I read blue exorcist fanfics I'm always like "go back to Rin" but it is important to know Yukio and the gangs point of view.... but anyway I digress.... thanks for reading everyone! I'm glad you like it!

   350 years ago, forest outside of true cross city

It was supposed to be simple. Why did things never seem to work out that way? Yukio had taken the exwires on a training mission. They were going to do a simple exorcism on some simple low-class demons. So why were they now battling a high-class demon? A grotesques Spider like demon seemed to appear out of nowhere and instantly started attacking.     

One by one each exwire began to fall. Shima and konekomaru. Shiemi tried to help. She had Nii make a barrier around them but the little greenman was no match for this demon. The mutated spider tore through the barrier like it was wet paper, incapacitating him in the process, and forcing him back to Gehenna. Shiemi was the next to be trapped. Yukio fired shot after shot, but  it didn't do anything. Izumo and Bon were the next to be caught. Shura's special sword technique did nothing. It was nothing more than a gentle breeze to the demon. Rin was infuriated. He drew his sword and blue flames covered his body.

He attacked. Again and again he swung the sword at the monster, but it did nothing. His blue flames grew more out of control the angrier he became, burning everything they touched. The spider, however, wasn't even phased. Rin's flames were just as useless as everything else they had tried.

Shura attacked, but was also encased. It was up to Yukio, and an out of control Rin. His flames grew hotter and started consuming everything around him. Rin ferocious growl filled Yukio's ears. Yukio fired another burst of bullets, that were again useless. As He reloaded, the demon was able to grab him and encase him as well. The spider dropped Yukio to the ground and the last thing he saw was an out of control blue flame spewing Rin, then everything went dark.

Yukio's eyes were blurry as they slowly opened. Bright light flooded his vision and he immediately closed them again. Every part of his body felt heavy. He opened his eyes again and pushed himself into a sitting position.

"Yuki." He heard a timid voice. He didn't have to see who it was to know that it was it was Shiemi.

"What happened?" He asked in a tired voice.

"I... I don't know." She responded. "No one does." It was then that Yukio's vision had cleared up enough to see that all the other exwires and Shura were there. They were in a large hospital room. Everyone else was already awake.

"Last thing I remember is that spider demon attacking." Bon entered the conversation. At the mention of the demon konekomaru flinched.

"What was that thing?" Shima seemed nervous.

"I don't know. Nothing we did had any effect on it. It completely annihilated us." Izumo was depressed.

"The important thing is that we're all here and alive." Shura immediately realized her mistake, they weren't all there.

Yukio looked around the room. Bon, Shima, Konekomaru, Izumo, Shiemi, and Shura. A feeling of dread filled in the pit of his stomach.

"Where's Rin?" He was afraid to ask, but he needed to know.

They all exchanged glances. Shura gave a worried look to Yukio.

"I don't know." She admitted. They all had only just woken up that day. "There was a doctor in here earlier, but he didn't say anything about Rin."

"I'm afraid something bad might have happened to him." Yukio looked down at his hands.

"What do you mean." Sheimi was worried for her friend.

"The last thing I remember." The others looked towards him anxious. "Rin was being consumed by his flames. If he didn't calm down or one of use didn't stop him, I'm afraid of what other exorcists would have done to stop him."

The door opened revealing the doctor and several exorcists.

"Good you are all awake."

"What's going on?" Yukio was worried, more for his brother than himself.

"Once he finishes checking everyone's vitals I'll explain." Said the exorcist in front as he gestured to the doctor.

The doctor went around to everyone in the room.

"The good news is that everyone's fine, the bad news is that you'll all need to stay put until you've recovered completely."  He said. Relief washed over them all. The last thing they needed was to be infected by that spider demon.

"Allow me to explain." The head exorcist walked up to them. "You all were cocooned in a demon spider silk substance. Nothing anyone did seemed to have any effect on it. Our original hypothesis was that it would drain your life force, but imagine our surprise when we found you alive. The web had the opposite affect instead of killing you it actually kept you alive."

Everyone was thrown off by that one. That crazy stuff actually kept them alive? Yukio had a really bad feeling now.

"How long were we cocooned?" It was Shura who asked this question. The exorcists all gave each other strange looks before the one in front spoke again.

"Well there's no easy was to say this, so I won't beat around it...You have been encased for a little over...." Over what? Days? Weeks? Months? "three hundred and fifty years." He finished.

"Bull Shit." Shura was furious. Everyone's eyes were wide in disbelief.

"What the hell! You expect us to believe that!" Bon challenged. There was no way they'd been stuck there for over three hundred years.

"Calm down. I figured you wouldn't believe us, so I brought some history books. It might give you something to do while you recover. In time you'll understand."

"Who does that make you then?" again it was Shura.

"I am Xzavier Allamanda and I am the current Paladin. And if that will be all I leave you in the good doctor's care." He turned to leave.

"Actually... I have one more question." Yukio almost didn't want to ask, but he needed to know, but at the same time he didn't. "What happened to my brother... Rin Okumura?"

The air had turned tense, and no one seemed willing to answer. They gave each other worried glances before Xzavier spoke.

"No one knows what happened to... Him." The way he said "him" sounded spiteful, like it physically hurt the Paladin to even say. "The demon ki- ahem- Your brother was gone before anyone arrived."

Well that was suspicious. Yukio Thought. A terrifying feeling filled him.

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