Chapter 10: My Father in Hell

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Gehenna: Satan's Throne Room

The four demon kings walked into their fathers throne room. Satan's throne room was dark until he lit up the candles on the wall with his blue flames. It made the room seem haunted as the shadows danced about. They bowed on one knee.

Satan looked much like the youngest prince. He had dark hair and piecing blue eyes, with that hint of red in the iris, and two horns that curved towards the back of his head.

"Rise my children." The brothers did so. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't lock you four in the dungeon for the next century?"

"Father I know you are angry, but their is something you must know." Egyn tried to take charge of the situation.

"You mean about you being caught by exorcists and your three younger brothers going on a rampage?"

"Father I'm serious."

"As am I."

Egyn started to explain the events that had transpired in Assiah. As he did so Satan's eyes wandered to his youngest son. To say that he was worried would be an understatement. Rin was normally so full of energy. Even when he was in trouble and should have been cowering, he would always find some way to challenge his father. Though Satan demanded respect, he also loved his youngest's spirit, even if he wouldn't admit it out loud.

But he didn't see that today. Rin's normally vibrant eyes were pale and unfocused. He could tell his sons thoughts were elsewhere. His tail that normally swayed freely behind him, despite how many times he and the others told Rin "a gentleman never shows his tail" was curled lifelessly on the ground.

"I think it was her, or at least someone who worked for her." Egyn finished.

"That's a heavy accusation." Satan locked eyes with Egyn. For demons eye contacted was a second language. The windows to the soul were used to convey meaning when words could not. "I received word that her men were on the move, but I've had no physical evidence, just speculation."

"Do you really think it's her?" Iblis joined the conversation.

"But isn't she sealed? Wouldn't you know if she had escaped?" Amaimon asked his father.

"Wait, who is she?" Rin regained enough sense to realize he didn't know what was going on. They all stared at him. Satan addressed his youngest.

"That's right. I had forgotten that you were not born during that time. But, I have no doubt you have heard stories." Rin gulped, afraid of his fathers next words. "Isolde. One of the most dangerous beings known to demon kind."

"And by the sound of it, she was after you, little brother."


"Yes. one of them, with his dying breath, said that they were after the youngest son of Satan."  

"Alright that's enough. Egyn, Iblis, Amaimon warn your brothers, then return to your kingdoms, you've been away too long. Rin, stay, I have something I wish to discuss with you."

The three kings gave a quick bow to their father and a worried glance to Rin, discussions with their father never tended to end well, then left.

"Tell me, my youngest, what troubles you? And don't lie, you're terrible at it."

Rin thought about brushing it of as nothing, blaming his lack of enthusiasm on Isolde, and almost losing Egyn to the exorcists. But he knew better, his father was right he was horrible at lying. It was difficult for demons to lie to each other anyway, considering they could read emotion, but Rin was especially bad at it. Another part of him thought that his father should know about Yukio's survival. He might even know how they all survived.

"He's alive."

"Who is?"


Now that was a name Satan hadn't heard in a very long time. Not since Rin had first been brought to Gehenna. Yukio had been part of the reason why Rin was depressed and lethargic. It had taken months before Rin would even crack a smile and even longer before he was motivated to do anything. It was understandable, though, considering his trauma.    

Rin didn't want to show his father weakness, Satan couldn't have a weak son after all. While Satan was a better father than Rin would have predicted, he still wasn't the most, tolerant of fathers. But he just couldn't help it, he was too distraught. He told his father about his and Yukio's encounter. Satan sighed.

"Why don't you go get some rest. We'll talk more later. But don't think you're out of trouble." Rin nodded, bowed, and left his fathers throne room.

He went to the hallway that had the rooms of all the demon kings. The rooms acted like a gateway. There was one set of doors that connected to Satan's castle and another set of doors in the room that connected the demon kings to their castle in their kingdom. In a way, it reminded Rin of the exorcists keys. Only Rin's room didn't connect to a kingdom. The other set of doors in his room, just lead to a balcony. Satan thought it was rather symbolic. Shadows were everywhere, and as the inheritor of the blue flames and the King of Shadows it was fitting that his domain would be all of Gehenna.

Once he was in his room, Rin changed into cleaner closes before plopping down on his bed. Kuro curled next to him. Rin gently scratched the cat's back.

"What am I gonna do Kuro?"

"Maybe you should just talk to him."  Kuro happily suggested.

"I don't think it's that simple. But thanks." Rin gave a sad smile to his familiar. Slumber quickly came over the two.

A few hours later one of Satan's servants came and woke Rin up.

"My young prince, your father requests your presence in his study."

"Okay. I'll be there soon." With a bow, the servants left the room. After he left Rin got up and made himself look presentable.

"I'll be back soon Kuro." Rin said as he left.

"Okay. See you later" Kuro returned to napping on the bed.


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