Chapter 13: Demon Tails

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I'm not sure how you guys will like this idea, but just bear with me, and no I didn't spell that wrong. One of the many meanings of bear is to be "tolerant" or "patient" it's not just an animal, while bare means to "uncover" or "reveal" I'm only pointing this out because every time I see this phrase online it's always bare. I'm not perfect when it comes to grammar but when that phrase is wrong it just bothers me

Learn you all some knowledge yeah

Gehenna: Forest in Astaroths territory

Astaroth stared at the newcomers in confusion and disgust. Just what in hell were humans doing in Gehenna? One of them did look a little more like a demon, a wimpy demon, Astaroth noted. He wasn't going to sit there and let humans wander around Gehenna. Pushing aside the questions he had, saving them for later, or more precisely never, he got up ready to kill them. He stopped in his tracks when the little blonde one spoke.

"Rin." She said with tears in her eyes, as she ran over to his unconscious bleeding half brother. The boy that looked like a rooster and the girl with weird eyebrows, tried to stop her but didn't react fast enough.

Astaroth wasn't going to let this human near Rin. Getting over the shock of the girl knowing his brothers name, he moved to attack. The busty woman had anticipated his movements and jumped in front if him with her sword in hand. Astaroth wasn't going to be intimidated in his own territory, so with movement too quick for the humans to follow, he knocked the woman down, and got into a defensive position between Rin and the blonde. He was ready to pounce, when Kuro came running over to him.

"Wait! That's Rin's human brother and old friends!" Kuro had been sleeping in Rin's room when he heard a door slam. Startled, he left Rin's room to see what was happening. He saw Beelzebub run into Satan's throne room. Kuro waited for Beelzebub to come out, wanting to ask him what all the commotion was about and if he had seen Rin, who had yet to return. When he asked, the King of Insects said that Rin was headed to Astaroths's territory in search of the spider demon. Kuro wasted no time and ran straight there.

"All the more reason to kill them." He spoke so the humans couldn't understand him.

"But Rin wouldn't want that." Kuro tried to reason with Astaroth.

"It's because of them, Kuro, that Rin suffered!" He growled in the direction of the humans.

"We should see what Rin wants to do."

"Fine." He spoke the next part in a language the humans could understand. "I don't know why you're here, but you can't stay. Come with me so we can figure a way out of this."

"So, you're going to help us?" The wimpy demon asked confused

"No. I'm going to wait for my younger brother to wake up and find out what he wants to do with you."

"Younger brother? Who are you?" The busty woman turned hostile.

"I don't answer to you." He growled.

"Just answer the question demon!"

"Fine. I am Astaroth, or as you would better know me the King of Rot. And you would do well to remember your place mensch (1)."  

"I don't trust you."

"Neither do I." Astaroth snarled. He picked up Rin and put him on his back. He started to walk away, then paused when he noticed the humans weren't moving. "Follow me."

Reluctantly, they all followed the King of Rot, keeping a noticeable distance. As much as they hated the fact, if they were going to get out of Gehenna they would need help. 

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