Chapter 21: Time is of the Essence

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Sorry luvs I've had a hectic few weeks. I'll spare you the details (honestly some of them sound to crazy to believe). I'll try to get back on track with updates.

For any of you who have read my description on my profile you know about my love for snakes and that I have 3 of them. And for those who didn't read it now you know. But I'm happy to announce the arrival of snake number 4!!!!..... I regret nothing!!!!! 


Gehenna: Satan's Castle

Bon placed Rin down in a random room he and the others bolted into. Yukio and Shura had caught up to them. They all stared at Rin. Blood was pooling underneath him. His wounds weren't healing and he wasn't regaining consciousness.

Yukio started to panic, internally of course, he wasn't going to seem weak. He didn't understand though. Rin was a demon, and demons were quick healers, so why wasn't Rin healing? More blood kept overflowing from the wound.

Yukio went to work. Rin way have been a demon, but he couldn't just stand there and watch him bleed.

He pulled up Rin's shirt, it was then Yukio saw the full extent of the wound. The gaping hole went through his spine and out his stomach. It was amazing that he was still breathing. In a quick panic Yukio put his ear down to Rin's mouth to make sure he actually was breathing. Yukio raised his head back up and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Kuro had caught up to the group as well. He looked at Rin, wide eyed and fearful.

"Rin! What happened! Why won't you wake up!" Kuro shouted while pawing at Rin. "I'll go get help!"

Before Yukio could protest Kuro had run off. The little cat ran through the halls to the door of the only person he knew could help. He was in luck, as said person was walking through the door.

"Egyn! Hurry, blood,Rin's, bleeding, hurt!" Kuro was too upset to speak clearly, but Egyn got the message.

"Show me where." Egyn said. Kuro led him back to the others. On the way back he saw a pool of blood in the middle of the hallway. By the smell he could tell it was his younger brothers, but there was also another sent mixed in with it. He couldn't quite make out what it was, but he had an idea, it was probably from the weapon used.

When Egyn opened the door the fowl stench of blood hit him. Normally, demons loved the smell of blood, but not blood from one of their own.

He knelt down next an unconscious Rin, much to the surprise of the humans, who were not expecting to see the King of Water. He placed his hand on the wound. 

"What are you doing!" Yukio shouted. 

"I have to draw out the impurities." Egyn said without looking up from Rin. 

he poured water onto the wound and placed his hand on Rin's chest. They watched as the King of Water lifted his hand from the bloody wound. He lifted the water from the wound, but instead of being clear, it was black and almost goopy. As soon as Egyn pulled out the sludge, Rin's wound started to heal. 

"How did you do that?" Shiemi asked.

"I told you, I had to draw out the impurities." Seeing how they still didn't understand he continued. "The weapon used was made from a substance that blocks a demons ability to heal. It's not quite like the exorcists weapons, that slow down the healing ability. These weapons stop the healing process all together."  

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