Chapter 30: The Dawn of a New Era

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Gehenna: Satan's Castle

About a year had gone by since the battle with Isolde, and things in both realms returned to a semi normal state. The demons and humans alike returned to their normal day to day life. Seeing as how Yukio and the other young exorcists were in a whole different time period, they enrolled back into school. Exorcists hadn't really changed all that much so once he and Shura passed a few tests their teacher statuses were returned. Yukio was still enrolled in normal school, but at least he didn't have to go through exorcist training again. Mephisto and Lucifer had disappeared into Assiah, again. Lucifer was, who knows where, and Mephisto had said something, as he was vanishing through the gate, about playing with exorcists again.

Rin had not returned to Assiah since his last talk with Yukio. He was a little afraid too. Part of him wanted to return, but the other half was afraid he would loose the closest thing he had to peace with his twin.

Rin was laying sprawled out on his bed. It was a pretty boring day and he really just didn't want to do anything. He was quite comfortable and content laying there with Kuro curled up beside him. That is until a certain other hot headed demon came bursting into his room and tackled him. The two demon brothers fell to the floor with a yelp, before regaining their footing.

"Iblis! What the hell?" Rin shouted rubbing the back of his head.

"Shhh" Iblis quickly put a hand over his mouth. Rin didn't really feel like letting that go however, and licked the hand against his face.

"Ew!" Iblis removed his hand and shook it dry. "Look just be quiet. I have a proposition for ya."

"So lets hear it." Rin growled irritated and folded his arms.

Iblis smirked and pulled out an old brown leather back journal. Rin's eyes went wide and his previous anger vanished completely, replaced with that oh so mischievous glint in his eyes. Rin excitedly reached for the book, but Iblis pulled it back out of his reach.

"Not until we loose diary boy. It won't be long before he realizes what's happening." Iblis's tone changed to be a bit more serious.

"Well that looks interesting." Amaimon said as he fell from the ceiling and landed in the floor.

"How long have you been there." Rin asked a little concerned.

"Just now." Was the only answer he got.

"Any way, we need to get out of here." Iblis brought them back to the topic at hand.

"And where exactly do you suppose we go." Rin said exasperated.

"Well you see, I have an idea." They both grew wicked grins.

"Oh, yeah. And what exactly is this wonderful idea." The two fire demons immediately went pale as Egyn enter the room.

"Well you see..." Iblis started to stutter.

"If I recall correctly, you're both on lock down and not supposed to leave the castle."

"Well you're just no fun at all." Rin mocked. Iblis and Amaimon shook their heads in agreement. The four stood there in a mild stand off.

Farther away in the castle Satan and a few of his generals were discussing how to deal with an old but new threat. Someone it seems once again wants to take over the throne. As they stood there conversing, a loud shout was heard followed by the explosion of red and blue flames.

"Sir, it seems the king of fire and the king of shadows have disobeyed your orders and left the castle." One of Satan's most trusted generals said with a laugh. Satan looked up slowly and rubbed his hand down his face.

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