Chapter 24: Ancient History part 2

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Assiah: Mephisto's house

Amaimon came to visit more than once and Rin felt a little better each time. He still didn't really like the King of Earth or trust him, but his presence was familiar. And for the time being, that was all Rin needed. He would sneak Rin out and they would eat ice cream, (that was usually Amaimons suggestion) spar, or sometimes just explore certain places around the world. Mephisto made sure none of the exorcists found out about Amaimons little 'visits' and his contact, otherwise known as abduction, with Rin.

Like all good things, Rin's adventures with Amiamon came to an end. The exorcists had become suspicious of Mephisto and in turn Rin. They decided they no longer required the help of a demon. He couldn't be trusted. They set up an ambush and after a fierce battle, forced the King of Time back to Gehenna, abruptly ending any contact he and the King of Earth had with their youngest brother.

The exorcists still valued Rin as a weapon against Satan so they captured him and locked him away. They only brought him out of his confinement to battle other demons. But with his current moral or lack thereof he could barely use his flames let alone control them. It was a dangerous situation to be in. Since Rin wasn't useful to the exorcists they deiced to execute him. The half-demon bastard son of Satan was to dangerous to leave alone, but wasn't currently making himself useful to the exorcists. They viewed that as a sign of betrayal. Getting rid of him before he had a chance to regain his spunk and demonic power was the best thing they could do.

Rin laid on the floor of his cramped and ridiculously guarded cell. He was so defeated he could hardly blink, let alone escape, so really were all these talismans and seals necessary? Not to mention the extra tail bindings. Even in his depressed state he was hoping someone wouldn't come in and recite his mantra. That would be pain beyond comprehension and possibly enough to kill him. Though he figured at this point the exorcists didn't care if it killed him. It made no difference how he died as long as he was, just that, dead. The spawn of Satan was never supposed to live anyway and now that he was useless to them he had no worth. Even with his sword drawn his flames were practically nonexistence. The skills he had spent decades honing with Mephisto, were all forgotten, like he never learned them to begin with. But still his threat level was too high for them to just leave him caged forever and with his demon blood he literally could be there forever.

Rin wasn't sure how long he was confined. Centuries could have passed and he wouldn't have known the difference. He figured not much time had passed, since he still saw the same few exorcists, though they did look several years older than when he had first been placed in solitary confinement.

One morning, or maybe it was night, it was always dark in his prison so he never knew what time it was, he heard an explosion and the exorcist running around in a panic. It wasn't long after that the wall parallel to his cage, came crashing down and an all to familiar figure came through the rubble.  

His expression may not have changed, but Rin was surprised to say the least, to see the King of Earth break into the room that contained his cell. 

"Hmmm? Where am I?" Amaimon looked a little confused, but still wore a bored face. Then he spotted the imprisoned Rin and his confusion only increased. 

He looked at the Earth King. His mere presence alone had calmed Rin down in a way he never thought possible, though his face didn't show it. He looked into the golden eyes(1) of the demon with a twinge of fear mixed with longing and dare he say it, hope.

Amaimon looked closely at the caged figure in front of him. Rin was chained, bound and lying face down on the floor of a cell. The Earth king felt weird. His chest hurt, and he was... angry? Was that the word he was looking for? No. He was seething. Why though? He had only attacked this exorcist base out of boredom, he wasn't intending to find his imprisoned half-brother. It had been years since he last saw the younger demon. Involuntary, he gave a low growl gaining Rin's attention. His broken lifeless eyes locked with Amaimons.

"What are you doing here?" Amaimon asked dryly. Rin gave no answer.

"Huh? not going to say anything?" Amaimon broke eye contact. "If you're not going to play with me then I don't care." His voice cracked a little. He turned to leave. If the young half demon was not going to entertain him then he had no reason to be there any longer... Right? Why did his chest still feel like someone was stabbing him? He dared a look back. 

The little shred of hope that was present in Rin's eyes vanished. If Amaimon was not going to help him them there truly was no one left. He was condemned to lay in that cell, until the exorcists executed him. He gave one last pleading look to Amaimon. 

That was the final straw for the King of Earth. He could figure out why his chest hurt later. He broke the prison holding his brother. He carried him away, a little surprised at the lack of struggle the half demon was putting up. In their previous encounters Rin had tried to avoid as much physical contact as possible and defiantly would not have let the older demon carry him. He supposed he could ask about that later and maybe why his chest felt weird too. He was stopped by several exorcists, but quickly killed them. In another life Rin might have laughed at their ridiculous expressions, but at the moment his mind was wrapped around the fact that Amaimon was bridle style caring him away. 

The base was on high alert. Hundreds of exorcists swarmed the place intent on stopping the demon escaping with their prisoner. The Earth King made quick work of slaughtering them, leaving a bloody trail in his wake. Once Amaimon was far enough from the base and there were no more pursuers he opened his transport to Gehenna.  


I'm sill here ya'll!!!!!!! I've returned once more with a chapter that took me way to long to wright... Considering how long this took me I feel like it should be longer but oh well here it is. I feel like I should warn you all though I'm probably going to disappear for a while again. School and work are really giving me a hard time. 

Thanks for reading!!!!!

1- In the manga Amaimons eyes are golden but in the anime they are blue. I stuck with the manga so I would't have to clarify whose blue eyes plus I like Amaimon with golden eyes better

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