Chapter 27: The Enemy of my Enemy

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Assiah: Romania, Transylvania

It was supposed to be simple. Rin felt like he had heard that before, but pushed the thought away for now. The plan had been carefully made, tweaked, scrapped and re-made so many times until all nine kings were satisfied. Each part was carefully laid out. They broke off into pairs, excepted Lucifer who would confront Isolde, and each pair was tasked with a different diversion plan. The end goal was to make sure at all costs that Rin made it to their father.

Everything started out fine. Lucifer headed to Isolde's stronghold, which was a castle in the heart of Transylvania and once there he began his discussion with Islode. The plan was for him to converse with her and try to bargain and get their father back. While in reality, the rest of the kings would sneak in and create a commotion.

Iblis and Egyn were waiting by one side of the castle ready to charge at a moments notice. While to any outsider pairing together water and fire might seem strange, it made perfect sense to those within the family. The two may have been opposites, but they could read each other almost as well as Rin and Amaimon. Iblis and Egyn had spent hundreds of years sparing using their opposite powers to make each other stronger and in the process they learned to read the other and judge their movements just as well as their own.

Beelzebub and Astaroth were on the other side of the castle, also ready to attack. They too were a perfect match, because really what went better with rot than insects? 

Mephisto and Azazel were at the front. As two of the oldest it would be their job to take on the brunt of the force. 

Rin and Amaimon were further back, waiting for the chaos to ensue. Once their brothers and their kin started the attack the two would sneak in under all the confusion and find their father.

That was the plan anyway. Why were things never that simple? Rin felt like he had heard that before too. He and Amaimon were sitting in a tree, waiting for their chance to strike, when they caught the scent of exorcists. And not just one or two, but a small army of them. One scent that stood out was without a doubt Yukio's. Rin felt like clawing out his eyes, because why wouldn't Yukio be there. Was this the universes idea of a joke? If it was it was a poorly planned one.

Rin sniffed the air again and found more familiar scents. He could smell all his old human friends and the current paladin. This was not looking good. The exorcists were clearly here for a fight. But letting them near Isolde while his father was still captured did not seem like a good idea. If she bargained with them to side with her then the exorcists would have Satan captured and no doubt try to destroy Gehenna. And Isolde would have them under her control.

He needed to stop them before that happened.  He jumped out of the tree he was hiding in and made his way towards the Paladin. With a swift motion Rin landed in front of the lead group of exorcists, effectively startling them. They were quick to react, pointing weapons at the ninth demon king. 

"To what do we owe the pleasure of seeing a demon king?" Xzavier asked sarcastically.

"You mean two demon kings." Rin said back dryly as he lazily pointed to Amaimon who had just jumped down from the trees next to him. The rest of the exorcists tensed even more, if that were possible. Rin just barely caught sight of Yukio and Shura in the mass of exorcists but quickly brought his attention back to the Paladin.

"It doesn't matter how many of you there are, just why you're here." Xzavier asked more firmly this time.

"That does not concern you. But while we're on the subject, why are you here?" Rin did his best to hold in a growl and for the most part succeeding.

"In the words of a wise demon king , that doesn't concern you." Xzavier said mockingly. Rin didn't stop the growl from coming out that time. He should have expected this, they were exorcists after all. If the Paladin wanted to play games Rin wouldn't stop him, but it didn't mean that he would let the exorcist win. He had spent centuries playing with the humans, this would be no different. But he couldn't afford to waste time. He needed to get to his father. He'd have to find some way to distract them long enough so he and his brothers could complete their mission. They could figure out what to do with the Isolde and the exorcists later, when Gehenna had its king back.

"Look, we have a personal vendetta to pay. Isolde attacked us while in our territory. And I'm sure even an exorcist can understand why we would be here." Rin couldn't fool a demon to save his life, but when it came to humans the words just flowed out his mouth and right off his tongue. Though it might have helped that not everything he was saying was a total lie. It was true that Isolde attacked them in their own home and it was true they wanted payback, but he was going to omit anything about their fathers capture. So yes not a complete lie but not the whole truth either.

The two sides started at each other. Neither willing to let the other pass. Both had similar goals but were not going to let the other complete them. Time seemed to stand still for that moment.

Then Rin and Amaimon heard it before they saw it. A screech so primal it could only be from one of Isolde's creations. Not a second later the castle erupted in chaos. Though they didn't have a clear view, they knew what was going on. The humans were a little slow on the uptake, but still realized that a fight was happening.

A minute later the sky above them cracked and with a poof a pink smoke an obnoxiously looking cuckoo clock formed above them. Rin rolled his eyes. He knew Mephisto was in charge of sending the signal, but did he always have to be so eccentric? Another poof of smoke formed in front of Rin's face and confetti clouded his vision. When it settled on the ground the pieces spelled out 'yes, yes I do.' Rin kicked the dirt erasing the message and clearly confusing the exorcists, but he didn't care. Now was the time for action he could deal with them later.

"That's the signal! We have to go!" Amaimon shouted and pointed to the clock. Rin could just barely see the smirk on Amaimon face. He obviously saw Mephisto's message. Rin chose to ignore it and nodded. They moved and were about to leave when an exorcist block their path. The two demon kings growled menacingly. The exorcist moved to attack Rin but was quickly blocked by Amaimon.

"Keep going! I'll deal with this!" Amaimon ordered his younger brother.

"But..." Rin started to protest.

"This entire plan weighs on you. If something happens now then we will never succeed." Amaimon said in his inner voice. He didn't want the exorcists to make sure Rin never made it any further and if they truly knew what was going on, they would stop him at all costs. Rin wanted to argue with his brother, but knew he was right. The exorcist held up his guns ready to fire, but a voice calling out stopped him.

"That's enough, stand down. That goes for you too demons." The Paladin called out. Both humans and demons looked bewildered. "The kings make a fair point. This being has angered both sides. We and the demons have the right to fight." He walked directly up to Rin and Amaimon. "While we will not side with you demons, we will not stop you from attacking."

Everything was quiet. The air was so thick it could almost be cut. Amaimon and Rin looked at each other and nodded. This was as close to an alliance as they would ever get and with circumstances the way they are they would gladly use the humans as a distraction. Rin supposed that if anyone would have the rational to propose and form this, whatever they wanted to call it, it would be the Paladin. He and Rin had always had a strange relationship. They looked back to Xzavier.

"Then we will do the same. We will not help you, but we won't stop you from attacking either." Rin left out the fact that they would not let the exorcists too far into the castle, for fear that the humans might get to Satan before they did. With the unspoken promise to not attack each other the two groups parted ways.

With a frightening anger filled growl and a burst of blue flames Rin headed for the castle, Amaimon following close behind.


Sad news... There's probably only going to be 2-3 more chapters BUT don't panic! If you really want more I'm working on another story related to this one. It's going to start off when Yukio and the others were first trapped by the spider and what exactly happened to Rin and how he transitioned to Gehenna. I feel like I only briefly went over that, so this one will have more detail. There will also be oneshot stories that take place before, during and after this one. 

I feel like Transylvania is an over used location, but it seemed fitting and I wasn't really sure where else to make this.

Anyway thanks for reading!!!!!!

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