Chapter 5: Discoveries

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I promise after this chapter we go back to Rin. Thanks for reading everyone!


Assiah: Exorcist base

It wasn't too long before they were all well enough to start training. Things weren't too different. It was still a challenge though. Basic exorcist training was still pretty much the same. But a lot of knowledge had been gained over the years and much stronger anti-demon weapons had been invented. The exwires didn't really mind, considering they had never learned it anyway. It was Yukio and Shura that had the hardest time. In the past they were both well trained exorcists. Now they were back at the lower end of the exorcist food chain. It wasn't because of skill, Yukio and Shura had plenty of that, it was because they had been out of commission for so long that the Paladin ordered them to retrain. But, they pressed on, determined to get their ranks back. Not like there was much else they could do. Just because they were in a new world didn't mean that their desire to hunt demons had changed. Yukio, also figured it was probably the best way to find out what happened to Rin.

No one would say anything about Rin. No matter how much they asked. They always got the same general answers. "I don't know" "The records don't say" "No one was there when he disappeared." Yukio was growing more distraught every day that passed. He wasn't the only one. They were all worried about Rin. He may have been a demon but that didn't mean they didn't care. In fact, it was just the opposite, they did care and now it was too late, they'd never be able to show him. That is what really upset them. They had all treated Rin horribly, out of fear and hatred for Satan, but now that he was gone they realized they would never be able to make it up to him. Even if he was Satan's spawn, he was still part of their team, a friend even.

Another thing no one would really answer was what happened to Mephisto. They told them that a couple hundred years ago he had gotten bored of helping the exorcist, and returned to Gehenna, no one has seen him since.

None of this sat right with Yukio and the others, so they decided to take matters into their own hands. One day after training they went down to the library. They searched through exorcist's history books and anything online that they could find. Information on Mephisto was a little bit easier to find, and it was pretty much what everyone told them. However, there was one part of Sir Pheles past that intrigued them. They discovered that Rin had lived with him when they had first been cocooned. But that was it. There was nothing more about Rin. Not how long he stayed with Mephisto or what Rin did while with him. It was like someone tried to erase his existence. And that just raised more questions.

"So, they lied when they said they didn't know anything about Rin?" Surprisingly It was Izumo who spoke.

"Apparently. But why? Because he's the son of Satan?" Yukio didn't know what to think. He wanted to assume the worst, but he still wanted to have faith in Rin.

"I don't know. But something is definitely wrong." Shura stared at the computer screen.


A few months had passed since Yukio and the others had woken up and they were progressing quickly. They were sitting on one of the huge balconies that could be found all around the base. They were all on edge. They had been told that a few days ago alarms had gone off when some of the wards around the city were broken. Two demon Kings had been found attacking the nearby town. The exorcists had managed to capture one of them, but the other was still at large.

The King of Water was currently imprisoned somewhere in the base. While they had come far in the short time they had been awake, they were still no watch for a demon king. Although, they had been reassured he would not be able to escape, it was still unsettling to know such a powerful demon was in their base. Konekomaru and Shiemi were especially scared, though they tried not to show it. They were more afraid that the King of Fire would attack, trying to retrieve the King of Water.

They were taking a break from training. While they sat on the balcony, the ground began to violently shake.

"What's that!" Konekomaru panicked.

"An earthquake!" Shiemi shouted.

"Everyone stay put!" Shura instructed.

"Stay calm!" Yukio tried to sooth, though it wasn't working.

Then, some distance away, they saw bright red flames consuming everything around them.

"Is that?"

"Oh No!"

"The King of Fire." Shura stated in a hushed tone.

She pulled out her sword and Yukio got his guns ready. On the other side of the base they could make out the King of Earth riding on top a huge hobgoblin. Yukio thought he saw something jump off the hobgoblin, but wasn't sure. He refocused himself on his fight. The Fire demons' and the Earth demons' kin began attacking. After a while, the little fire and earth demons stopped and ran off to another part of the base, to wreak havoc there. In the brief moment of rest, shiemi started treating their wounds. She had Nii bring her some plants that would help.

That's when they saw it.

The windows above them erupted in very familiar blue flames. Two bodies fell from the windows and landed a distance from Yukio and the others. One was an unconscious man with long aqua hair. The other, the one that made their hearts stop, was a teenager covered in blue flames.


Yay more cliffhangers!

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