Chapter 8: Demons

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Exorcist Base: during the attack, Rin's point of view

Rin laid on the ground for a moment, anger swelling in him. He heard loud footsteps running towards him. He knew he needed to move, but just couldn't. His focus was hazy. His injured arm wasn't healing, and he was losing a lot of blood.

"Surround them! And kill the King of Water before they escape!" And with that Rin's mind went completely blank.

Exorcists surrounded Egyn ready to strike. The first one to raise his weapon to the demon king fell to the ground when blue flames jumped on him. Rin sat on top his chest, hands around the mans throat. Rin looked up at no one, furry clouding his eyes as he let out a purely demonic scream. His flames poured out, burning the man underneath him and anyone too close to him.

"Rin..." He just barely made out a desperate voice. His screaming stopped. He turned towards the source. His eyes could only see blue, as he took slow prowling steps towards the voice. His tail thrashed back and forth. Before he could attack them, however, another exorcist shot him. Rage engulfed Rin once more as exorcists began fighting him off. He was completely lost, ready to kill anyone or anything in his way.

"Rin stop! Don't forget why we're here! We need to save Egyn!" A little cat said telepathically as he ran to Rin.

At the sound of Kuro's voice Rin had stilled and his flames were back under control. He shook his head trying to regain his thoughts. Rin spotted the unconscious Egyn across from him. He ran over to him, but the exorcists gave chase. Kuro jumped, changing into his larger form, between them and Rin. Rin grabbed his older brother and ran.

"Kuro! Let's go!" He shouted telepathically to the cat sidhe.

Rin jumped onto Kuro's back, while still holding on to Egyn. Kuro ran to the wall of the base, but exorcist were gathered on top, with weapons pointed at them.

"Get out of the way!" Rin shouted as blue flames lit up the wall. Kuro jumped over it and carried the two deep into the forest.

When the other two kings had received word that Egyn and Rin were safe, they halted their attacks and retreated to the safety of the woods as well.

They reconvened in a cave far out of the exorcist reach. They cleaned Egyn's wounds and some of them started to heal, but he had yet to regain consciousness. It was well into the night and Iblis and Amaimon had fallen asleep. However, slumber eluded Rin. He tossed and turned but eventually gave up and went to sit in entrance of the cave. He looked at the stary Assiah sky while he replayed the days events. Amaimon had heard Rin get up.

"What's wrong little brother?" Amaimon said as he went over to sit next to Rin.

"It's nothing...I just..." Rin hugged his knees.

"Just what?"

"I thought I saw something, or rather someone. But it's impossible there's no way it could've been."

"Who did you see?" Amaimons voice was a bit colder than he meant it to sound. But he hadn't seen his brother act this way since he first brought him to Gehenna. And that was something Amaimon did not like. He hated what they had done to his little brother and he would kill anyone that made his precious little brother sad.

"Forget it, it's stupid."

"You can tell me."

"I thought I saw my younger twin, Yukio. I know it's stupid, it's been over three hundred and fifty years since... then, but... I don't know. " they sat there in silence for a while.

"I have to know." Rin looked at Amaimon with determination. "I'm going back."

"No! It was hard enough to get Egyn back! It's too risky!"

"Amaimon. I have to know." He had never seen Rin so serious. He knew he wouldn't be able to change his younger brothers mind.

"Fine. But only if I go with you." Amaimon saw the relief in Rin's eyes. The two immediately left. It was early morning when they reached the town. 

When the two passed through a park Rin froze. He heard a voice that he never expected to hear again. In a panic he climbed into a tree, with Amaimon close behind. He looked over to the voices origin. What he saw made his heart stop.

There sat Yukio on a bench talking to the others. Rin sa-w all his old friends. He used his advanced senses to hear what they were saying.

"I can't believe Rin would do something like that." He heard a disappointed voice. Even though he hadn't heard it in over three hundred years, he knew it was Shura.

"He is a demon. It's not really to surprising." Konekomaru voiced his opinion. He always knew that Satan's spawn was dangerous and couldn't be trusted, but no one would listen to him.

"After all that talk about becoming an exorcist and kicking Satan's ass, he goes off and joins them!" Bon was furious. He felt completely betrayed, and he wasn't the only one.

Yukio sat on the bench and stared at the ground completely lost in his thoughts. Shiemi sat next to him, not sure what to say to make him feel better.

Rin had heard enough.

"I... I'm going to head back to the others." He whispered over to Amaimon. With a Solemn look and tears threatening his eyes, Rin retreated back into the forest.

Amaimon stayed in his hiding spot for a few more minutes, looking at the exorcists, while biting his nail. He didn't understand the hold they had on his little brother. They betrayed him so many times, they even abandoned him. Over three centuries later, and he still wanted to be with them. Wasn't he enough? Amaimon had been with Rin almost everyday since his arrival. Why did he need these humans, when he had a family in Gehenna that actually cared about him? After one last look, Amaimon jumped out of the tree and started to leave. He didn't get far when he heard an angry voice.

"How dare you show your face!" Someone shouted

The young exorcists had noticed the King of Earths presence. Amaimon desperately wanted to kill them all, but didn't want to make his little brother sad.

To Yukio and the others the image of Amaimon attacking there training camp and fighting Rin was a fresh memory. They attacked the demon. Amaimon had to hold back, so he didn't actually kill them, however, that just made it harder for him to escape. The exwires didn't care how or why they were beating the King of Earth. They had managed to injure his arm. He clutched his wound and snarled at Yukio, who had his guns pointed at him.

Yukio was ready to fire, before he could something tackled him. He landed on his back. Yukio snapped his eyes up, ready to fight whatever had grabbed him. But he wasn't ready for what he saw. Rin sat on top his chest. He looked down at Yukio with cold eyes.

"You should stay out of affairs you know nothing about." Rin told his younger twin.

Yukio was to in shock to move, as were the other exwires, so Shura took charge.

She took her sword and aimed at Rin. It never connected. Rin had jumped off Yukio with speed only a demons eyes could follow. When her eyes caught up to him, she attacked again. Rin vanished once more and reappeared next to Amaimon. The two demons looked at each other, seemingly having a conversation without speaking, then disappeared from their sight, leaving them all speechless.


If you're still wondering about those references in the last chapter, the first on was from dbz abridged and the other was from sao abridged

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