Chapter 16: Castle Hopping

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Gehenna: Astaroths Castle

"Whatever. You can't stay." Rin pointed to the humans. "So I'm going to see you off. But first I need to go talk to someone."

"I'll go with you." Astaroth told his younger brother. Rin nodded. Truthfully, he would feel better having his older brother accompanying him.

"You wait here, we'll be back." Rin told the humans.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Yukio demanded.

"I told you, I need to go see someone."

"We're not staying here, in the enemy's territory, in a demon kings castle no less." Shura decided to join their one sided discussion.

"Please, my castle is the safest place in all of Gehenna." Astaroth boasted.

"Really?" Rin raised an eyebrow, and gave Astaroth a look that clearly stated you must be joking

"Well sort of a safe place... If you're a demon king." Astaroth gave a guilty grin. Rin rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, just don't leave this room. We'll be back soon."

"We already told you, we're not staying here." Shura was adiment, though she wasn't sure why. She didn't want the demons to leave them alone, nor did she want to rely on them. But the fact was, without Rin's help they would die down there. Rin crossed his arms, she could tell he was getting irritated.

"Well what do you want me to do? Hold your hand, give you a tour, let exorcists know all of Gehenna's secrets? Don't be ridiculous. Remember we're enemy's, leave this room and you die." He said darkly. The air was tense and everyone was silent until Astaroth spoke.

"You could keep them in your room. That probably and quite literately may be the safest place in Gehenna."

"Thank you, big brother." He wasn't actually thankful. "And how do you propose we get them there" He asked through gritted teeth.

"Same way we were going to get there. My room door."

"Fine. You go first, make sure no one is there."

"Hold on, what are you guys talking about?" Yukio didn't like not knowing. Rin growled.

"Shut up! No one can know you're here, so you have to do exactly what I say."

They didn't exactly like this idea. But Rin's angry eyes, glaring holes into them, stopped them from arguing further.

The two demon kings led the humans to Astaroths room. The first thing they noticed, once they were through the large double doors, was another set of doors on the opposite wall. The King of Rot went through the doors and returned a few minutes later.

"All clear."

Rin grabbed Yukio's wrist and ran out the door. He ran down the hall listening to Yukio's complaints, with the others chasing after him. He led them to another set of double doors. Once they were inside his room, Rin told them the rules.

"Absolutely, under no circumstances are you to leave this room. Don't touch anything, don't look at anything, don't even move."

"Who do you think you are bossing us around!"

"Your only chance of survival." Rin's eyes spoke volumes. They may not have been demons, but they could feel the pressure in the room. Yukio was probably the most affected. With part of his demon side awakened, he could fully feel the overpowering weight of Rin's aura. Only another reminder that Rin wasn't human.

Rin walked over to his closet, and changed into more formal close. If he wanted his fathers help and cooperation he would need to act and dress the part of a Gehenna prince. He wore a nice black dress shirt, that he tucked in. He figured he could get away with his black jeans so he left those on. While fastening his blue tie, he turned and faced the humans.

"At least tell us what you're doing and who you're seeing." Yukio couldn't think of any good reason Rin would willingly get dressed up. Then again, he didn't know this being that stood before him.

Rin figured he shouldn't keep them to far in the dark. He needed their cooperation too.

"I'm going to go make sure some of us, don't completely annihilate others of us, for being in the realm of Gehenna." Well he wasn't going to give them a clear answer, he was a demon after all, and no demon anywhere ever gave a straight answer. Maybe he had been spending a little too much time with Mephisto. But he figured the humans got the message, if their expressions were anything to go by.

"In the meantime, while I'm gone Kuro's in charge." Kuro jumped onto rin's bed.

"Aye, aye sir." He saluted.

"There shouldn't be any communication problems, after all you can hear his voice now, right little brother." Rin said with a twisted grin as he walked out of the room.

He met Astaroth in the hallway and they headed straight for their fathers throne room. Upon entering the room they bowed. Satan was going to yell at his youngest, for disobeying and going off alone to face the creature, but seeing as he was dressed up and even had his tail tucked in, he deiced to wait.

"So tell me, what do I owe this honor of seeing you so formal?"

"The reason, father, is that Isolde has taken it upon herself to accidentally transport my human twin and his friends to Gehenna."

Satan didn't like this. His expectation became dark and foreboding. Living humans should never be in Gehenna, not to mention exorcists. He knew that humans had entered Gehenna, after all this was his kingdom, and nothing happened here without his knowing, but he wasn't aware that it had been Rin's twin.

"She also has partially forced Yukio's power to awaken."

Satan had a horrifying realization that he had been wrong. That wasn't something the king would say easily or say out loud. When Egyn had told him that one of Isolde's men said they were after the youngest son of Satan, he assumed they meant Rin. Yukio had been considered dead for over three centuries, and even when he was alive he still wasn't considered a son of Satan. The boys may have been twins, but Rin was really the only one Satan pursued.

Yukio had very little, if any, demonic powers. The moment he had learned who his true father was, Yukio had already forsaken him. The boy chose to become an exorcist, completely abandoning his demon heritage. He even helped hide their heritage from Rin. And when Rin discovered what he was, and awoke, he still kept Satan from reaching him. The boy had been a pain in Satan's side. If he had embraced his demon lineage, Satan could have worked with that. He had a demons eternity to make Yukio stronger. But the boy chose the exorcists.

Rin on the other hand, may have chosen exorcists, but Satan could see the demon inside his heart. If given time Rin would realize it on his own. As his powers grew stronger, he either had to embrace his demon heritage, or be consumed by it. And if he wanted to be in control then he would have to accept his demon half.

The century he spent in Assiah with Samuel had helped the progression of Rin becoming a demon. But what really made Rin understand that the humans couldn't be trusted, was when they betrayed him and nearly executed him.

But if Isolde managed to control Yukio, that was a whole other problem. Despite Rin's attempt at indifference, he still cared for his human twin, and would not be able to fight against him.

"His power has not been awakened." Satan began. "What Isolde has done is attach her power to his. It is more like a parasitic disease than an awakening. Her power is merely feeding off his"

"So, can he be changed back?" Rin was curious.

"Possibly. But you will have to ask Azazel for help." Truthfully Satan could have reversed Isolde's curse himself, but he needed a distraction for Rin and to keep Yukio in Gehenna and away from Isolde, for as long as possible.  

"What about you?"

"I will neither help nor interfere." Satan then dismissed his sons.

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