Chapter 11: The Demon, but Not

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Gehenna: Satan's castle

Rin walked into his fathers study. The study was large and neat. It was professional and not homey. Honestly, Rin didn't like the room, it was probably because when he was in there he was usually being lectured. Though if he had to pick, he'd rather be in the study than the throne room.

"Tell me Rin, what do you know of Isolde?"

"I know that she used to work for you. That she became crazed with power and tried to overthrow you, and that you sealed her away."

"Yes, that is true. But let me tell you how this all stared." Satan leaned on his desk and began his story.

Isolde was a young girl who lived in the dark ages, and much like her names meaning, she was beautiful. She lived with her parents and older sisters. They lived quietly in the countryside. Her father was a brilliant mind, and had he lived in a different time, he may have been known for it. He specifically worked in the medical field. Isolde took interest in her fathers work, and he took her under his wing. When the townsfolk discovered his advances in medicine and experiments on corpses, they labeled him and his family witches and burned all, but Isolde, at the stake. She had managed to escape capture.

Isolde wanted revenge. She buried herself in her fathers work. Along the way, she discovered demons and alchemy. She was able to make to make grotesques creatures out of humans, animals, and even some plants. She was even able to turn herself into a demon like creature. However, unlike her creations, she maintained her beauty.

Eventually she sought out Satan, wanting to work with him. He agreed, more out of curiosity and boredom than anything else. For a while things were fine, that is until, Isolde decided she wanted more. She launched an attack to overthrow Satan. Unfortunately, or fortunately, she hadn't calculated for the full strength of the King of Gehenna. Their battle was destructive, but Satan easily defeated her. Instead of killing her, Satan wanted her to suffer, so he sealed her away. Eventually, Isolde's story was lost to time and became just that, a story.

"So she used to be human?" Rin asked surprised. 

"Yes. She turned herself into something like a demon, but at the same time something far worse."

Rin was shocked by the new information, he had never heard of such a thing. She had turned herself, as well as other beings, into something worse than a demon? That just didn't seem to be possible. 

"My concern is why she's after you, my youngest."

"Why would she want me? I won't side with her!"

"Perhaps it is your half blood." Satan spoke. "She cannot change demons, but she can change humans, and force them to work for her. Half of you is human. And if she has the human you under her control then she'll also have the demon you, and that means she'll have your flames at her command." Satan stared into the eyes of his son, trying to make sure he truly understood the gravity of the situation. Rin mimicked his fathers serious expression.

"And I believe the spider that attacked you three hundred and fifty years ago was one of her creatures, for it was not a demon of Gehenna."

This was new information to Rin. Centuries ago, when he asked about the spider, everyone said they didn't know. He was so full of mistrust then that he assumed they were lying or covering for the demon, and eventually he lost interest. So much time had passed, and the spider was the last thing on his mind. He had even come to terms with the fact that Yukio and the others were dead. But when he saw them again, alive, he was thrown back to that time. And now, more than ever, Rin wanted answers.

"Father. May I leave, I would like to ask Beelzebub something."

"You may leave the castle but only if you are with someone at all times, this is a dangerous game. And absolutely under no circumstances are you to leave Gehenna." Rin felt his fathers overbearing aura weighing down on him, showing him that Satan was far from joking. He would not be lenient like he had been in the past, when Rin made his unapproved trips to Assiah. With a nod and a bit of fear in his eyes, Rin agreed. Though, They both knew that rule would soon be broken. 

Rin would have rather gone to find his twin, but another part of him was too afraid to see him, and was glad his father had forbidden him from leaving Gehenna. With a polite bow Rin left the study. He headed straight for Beelzebub's room door, deciding he didn't want to waste time on travel.

Sorry this chapter is a little short and not very interesting, truthfully I'm not that happy with it. But I'm having some intense writers block. I know what I want to happen just not sure how to get there.

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