Chapter 25: Going Home

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Location: Gehenna, Mephisto's Palace

"So that's it, you just fled to the open arms of Gehenna?" Yukio asked. More shock than hate in his voice. 

"Not quite." Rin said a little irritated. It was clear they still were not excepting of his choice to embrace his demon side. "It wasn't a smooth transition. I pretty much only stayed with Amaimon and Mephisto. It was months before I met any of my other brothers and years before I finally met fa- Satan."  Rin stopped himself from acknowledging the demon as 'father' in front of his human brother. He figured he would never get his twins understanding and approval if he openly admitted that Satan was his father.

"That doesn't make it any better." Yukio said sternly. Rin's eye twitched. He had regained enough of his stamina by this point and was getting a little antsy. He was ready to fight back now, both literally and verbally. It took everything he had to bite his tongue. This would probably be the only chance he'd get to actually talk to his twin. To make him see why he would chose the demons over the exorcists. Rin didn't need to escalate things anymore than they already were.  

He was already failing miserably though. Yukio as well as the other humans, just didn't want to hear it. In some ways he understood why. If the lines between good and evil are muddled then justifying their actions becomes much harder and in some cases impossible. The world that they so blindly followed would suddenly not be as welcoming as it once appeared. And right now that world was all they had. 

Unlike Rin they had not grown and experienced life as it happened. The ninth prince had a chance to learn as things gradually changed. But his old human brother and friends were thrown into a world they knew nothing about. They were overwhelmed and clinging to the only constant they knew. 

That demons were evil.

That Exorcists were good. 

With their world already shaken once, a second uprising was more than they could handle right now. 

"It doesn't matter. That's what happened and I never once regretted my choice." Rin stood up from the couch he had been resting on. 

"You're right it doesn't matter." Shura spoke up. She and the others had remained quiet through the story telling, but she needed to stop this bickering before it turned into chaos. They still needed to get out and a fight was something that needed to be avoided. "We'll be gone soon and your life and our life can return to what little normalcy it had." 

Rin looked at his old teacher. It was odd in a way to have Yukio and Shura both so against him when there was once a time when their goal was to help him. He may not have had the best relationship with the other students, but they were still friends. Even if they hated the blood in his veins and the power he had they still worked and trained together, helped each other, had fun together. Rin quickly pushed those thoughts and the others threatening to resurface back down to the furthest depths of his mind. He couldn't afford to be distracted right now.

"Then we can go after the demon that started all this." Yukio said determined. There was no way that little witch was getting away with trying to awaken him and sending them to Gehenna.

Rin had a sudden realization. In the midst of all his inner turmoil he had forgotten about something important. Isolde and his fathers disappearance. With his mind racing in a different direction then his own personal feelings he had another horrifying thought.

Isolde had gone after Yukio. She had tried to awaken and control him. There was more to her plan then what little bit he could piece together. But he knew one thing for sure and that was that whatever she was scheming involved Yukio. He turned and looked at Amaimon.  

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