30: Composed.

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30: Composed.- Sophie's POV

Louis grabbed my hand when we walked to the car. I swung our hands as we walked. "Niall, I have a lot of it figured out. I'll tell you at the flat."

"Make sure you don't forget about it!" He laughed.

We got inside, Adam as always at the driver's seat. "Everyone in?"

I climbed into the backseat, Louis following behind. I sat in between Harry and Louis. "Yep." I reached over Louis to shut the door. Adam nodded and started the car. We immediately head onto the highway. I pulled my phone out and scrolled through my twitter. "Boring. Stupid. Pointless. Funny." I said as I read a few tweets.

"How many followers do you have now?" Louis peered over at my phone.

I handed him my phone so he could look at my twitter. "I don't think people know my twitter."

"Then say that you're opening for us." He smiled.

"No, we should say it from our twitter too." Zayn muttered and took out his phone.

"Do you guys even know my twitter?" I laughed.

"Here, type it in and we'll follow you." Zayn handed me his phone. I searched my twitter up for him. When he got his phone back, he tweeted everyone to follow me and tagged my name, while the others did the same.

Adam soon parked in front of the flat. I climbed over Louis and got out. We all went inside, one by one.

"Well tonight was fun." I said as I put my bag down.

"It was, but the waiter really pissed me off." Adam commented.

"I noticed."

"I wanted to stay quiet, but I couldn't help it."

"It was fine, babe."

"You're just saying that. I should just not talk at all and not be involved." He immediately headed up the stairs.

"Adam..." I sighed. I wondered why he was so upset.

"What's up with him?" Harry whispered quietly to me, pointing at his brother who just shut his bedroom door.

"I don't know.." I mouthed.

"Go talk to him." He encouraged me and patted my back. I watched him leave and walk over to the boys.

I walked up to his room quietly. I let my small hand grip on the doorknob, slowly turning it. I found him sitting on the edge of his bed with his hair now erratic. He spun his head to now stare at me. He turned his head back and said no words as he glanced at the floor. I frowned at his state. I walked over to him and knelt down in front of him. "Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm okay." He let out a deep chuckle, smirking a bit. "Why do you ask?"

"You just came into the room, upset about talking and insulting the waiter..?" I looked up at him.

"I'm upset about that, but it's not a big deal." He folded his hands together. "People don't like it when I get angry. I just didn't want to be a part of where I can get frustrated or pissed off easily."

"I find it quite hot, actually." I slowly smiled. He was wearing a white collared shirt that was almost see-through. I pressed my hand onto his shirt, lightly gripping onto it.

A smile was shown on his lips, him biting his bottom lip. He always did that when he had something in mind for me. "Oh really?"

His playful and teasing side made me giggle and smile big. I nodded at him.

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